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Totem Rework (yes, a new one)

Kuris Member Posts: 228
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions


So, for my first post on the forums I thought why not offer in my own few ideas for the issue with totems, I have quite a few iterations so I hope you take them all into consideration or possibly mix and match a few, depending on how well you think I have done. ;)

You have probably seen some, maybe all, of these before, so I apologize in advance if you have.

General Changes

Totems can no longer spawn on hills. Pretty much all maps in the game contain some form of hill or easily visible unlevel ground. I think the prevention of both dull and hex totems spawning on hills would be a nice little quality of life tweak.
At the start of the game, the Hex totems for the killer light up similar to how a finished gen would, or a survivor being hooked. Sometimes it can be hard to spot the totem, especially if it spawns behind a generator that you cannot see. It only does this for a couple of seconds, allowing you to look around and identify its location.
Maybe this already happens, I am not too sure, but if a killer has NOED, and the survivors destroy all totems, the survivors who destroyed totems should gain some form of bonus points for this.
The Huntress Lullaby should not pop up for survivors completing skill checks until the perk kicks in after the hooks. Lower levelled Hex Ruin should also not show up for survivors who are not affected. Other hex perks should work the same way as this but I just used these two examples.

Iteration 1

Hex totems should stick closer to what I understand to be the concept of the totem. A sacrifice of some kind to create this newfound power.

The destruction of a totem by a survivor now requires a sacrifice of their own to dull out the power of the totem. When destroying a lit totem, the survivor enters an injured state.
The killer has the ability to relight the totem by hooking the survivor who destroyed it. If the hook occurs within 60 seconds

When hooking the survivor, a different totem is prioritised to be lit. If there are no other totems, this does not occur and the same totem is reset and relit. Using a Mori on the survivor also relights the totem.
Hex perks which require stacks, lose 2 stacks upon relighting.

Iteration 2

Another good and possible way to benefit totems is to rework the Thrill of The Hunt Perk.

Thrill of the Hunt is no longer a Hex Perk.
Thrill of the Hunt now has a flat out reduction on totem cleansing. Survivors cleansing speed is reduced by 5/7/10 seconds.
Each time a totem is destroyed, the killer gains a Token. Each token offers an increase in movement speed by 1/1/1.35%.
Each time a survivor begins to cleanse a Hex totem, the killer gains a visual cue.
Killers gain 6/8/10% more bloodpoints in the Hunter category.
At level 3, the survivor’s aura is revealed for 4 seconds around the totem when it is destroyed.

Iteration 3

Do we even need this perk?

Thrill of The Hunt is removed and added to be a default killer addon, like Bloodlust, but with different effects.
The destruction of a totem by a survivor now requires a sacrifice of their own to dull out the power of the totem. When destroying a lit totem, the survivor enters an injured state.
The Killer is alerted to a survivor beginning to cleanse a Hex Totem.
When a Hex totem is cleansed, gain a 2% movement speed increase. This stacks for each Hex totem.

Iteration 4

Probably the worst iteration IMO, but worth mentioning nonetheless.

Killers load into the game seconds earlier than survivors, and are presented with an overall map view of every totem available. The Killer chooses where to locate their Hex totem.
Totem placements are pre-planned as usual, they are simply deciding which totem they use.

Iteration 5

It does require some form of sacrifice after all.

Totem’s can no longer be Cleansed until a survivor is hooked.
The first hook allows the totem to be destroyed

Please let me know what you think, and if there are any changes I can make to the stackings, statistics etc. I hope to see a Totem Rework because they are an extremely good concept, with a slightly flawed execution in their weaknesses.

Post edited by Kuris on


  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    Sorry to repost, it keeps deleting and reappearing in my drafts

  • Skrill0x
    Skrill0x Member Posts: 50

    I´m very sure the devs will not increase the movement speed of the killer for the rest of the game bc the totem got destroyed. Also thats just a lazy solution. None of your iterations hold up to the games standard thus far. The devs are very adamant about the killers speed and wont mess with it. The most viable would be iteration 1 but the chances of the killer actually finding the survivor are pretty slim. It's a good idea though

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2018

    @Skrill0x said:
    I´m very sure the devs will not increase the movement speed of the killer for the rest of the game bc the totem got destroyed. Also thats just a lazy solution. None of your iterations hold up to the games standard thus far. The devs are very adamant about the killers speed and wont mess with it. The most viable would be iteration 1 but the chances of the killer actually finding the survivor are pretty slim. It's a good idea though

    You mean like NOED? Or Addons for some killers that help to increase movement speed. But it could work like Fire Up and instead offer faster action speed instead?

  • Skrill0x
    Skrill0x Member Posts: 50

    WHAT ADDONS INCREASE A KILLERS MOVEMENT SPEED????? Please give them to me!! Also you are talking about addons but in your Post you want PERMANENT speed boosts. I said I like you first idea! There should be some creative way to get your totem back. With increased action speed it could get very stupid very fast.

    Imagine you get a very minor buff of 5% action speed per destroyed lit totem. You got the bamboozle perk which already gives you 15% faster window vault, then fired up which at most gives you around 10% maybe more and then 2 totem perks which if both of them get destroyed you get another 10% action speed totalling at a ridicolous amount of 35% window vault and 20% to every other action. Thats too fast i think.

    Stick with the first idea and improve upon it

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228
    edited June 2018

    @Skrill0x said:
    WHAT ADDONS INCREASE A KILLERS MOVEMENT SPEED????? Please give them to me!! Also you are talking about addons but in your Post you want PERMANENT speed boosts. I said I like you first idea! There should be some creative way to get your totem back. With increased action speed it could get very stupid very fast.

    Imagine you get a very minor buff of 5% action speed per destroyed lit totem. You got the bamboozle perk which already gives you 15% faster window vault, then fired up which at most gives you around 10% maybe more and then 2 totem perks which if both of them get destroyed you get another 10% action speed totalling at a ridicolous amount of 35% window vault and 20% to every other action. Thats too fast i think.

    Stick with the first idea and improve upon it

    The hag is getting an addon that increases her movement speed (although I think she has to sacrifice her ability to teleport). Maybe theyll continue this pattern and continue to add more. But the Thrill of The Hunt Rework I suggested just makes it like a longer lasting NOED, which similarly may never come into effect, depending on if Survivors destroy totems
    Its also only a movement speed boost if they destroy the totems. And again you can just pair bamboozle and Fire Up for the same thing. And I wasn't going to suggest 5%, that's really high.

  • deathdoer1
    deathdoer1 Member Posts: 87

    If they can help balance the game, the totems will be fine. Right now the game is almost completely dependent on ruin and how long it stays up. Whenever they balance the game a bit more. The totems will be fine, although I personally think they shouldn't be lit. Or shouldn't light at the start of the match. Perhaps only when they are active. Like you see a totem and go to work on a gen, you get a skill check showing you have Ruin debuff. Bam totem lights up. (i'm sure it would be hard to code but perhaps only players effected by said totem can see the totem as lit).

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Skrill0x said:
    I´m very sure the devs will not increase the movement speed of the killer for the rest of the game bc the totem got destroyed. Also thats just a lazy solution. None of your iterations hold up to the games standard thus far. The devs are very adamant about the killers speed and wont mess with it. The most viable would be iteration 1 but the chances of the killer actually finding the survivor are pretty slim. It's a good idea though

    Its not like every killer runs at the same speed.... in fact they are messing a lot with speeds, hell it is even possible to equip an addon that makes you slower than a survivor