Exclude Certain Killers in the Lobby?

I really need to be able to choose to NOT match with the Plague. The puking makes me nauseous all day and it's coming to a point where I will probably have to stop playing (I'm a sympathy puker). It would be great if you could choose which killers you would like to be matched with (for me, anyone but her). I have no problem waiting longer for a match if needed. It's not a problem where I think she's OP. It's JUST about the puke. But maybe it could tone down the whining of people complaining about certain Killers being OP/Cheap/whatever.
Alternatively, if any one knows of a way for me to do this, please tell me. Already bought the DLC and I like Jane as a character, don't care about the map either way. No, DCing from a match if I see her is not an option.
Don't worry, when the Hype has died. People will play the other killers again.
Sorry about your condition.