Hex: NOED Rework Idea

I have heard a lot of people show their distaste for NOED and saying that it rewards killers for playing badly, which makes absolute sense

So here is my proposal:

Each time a survivor is hooked, the killer gains a token; NOED will become active when the exit gates are powered

*1 token= 10% increased movement speed until totem is destroyed

*2 tokens= 5% increased movement speed until totem is destroyed AND all survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 1 minute

*3 tokens= 5% increased movement speed until totem is destroyed AND all survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 2 minute

*4 tokens= 5% increased movement speed until totem is destroyed AND all survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 3 minute

*5 tokens= 5% increased movement speed AND all survivors suffer from the exposed status effect until the totem is broken

I understand this is A LOT, but this is just an idea. I wouldn't mind taking out 1 and 2 token criteria

I would appreciate constructive feedback or cordial opinions as well


  • LiquidLink1988
    LiquidLink1988 Member Posts: 137

    One thing I want to add: I'm actually okay with NOED as it currently stands. The fear of NOED possible coming up endgame should make everyone cleanse totems. (see a totem, break a totem)

    I just think this idea will make NOED a bit more earned and punish those that rely solely on NOED