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As a killer main who recently started to main survivor...



  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    And bc of how decisive was a "bad play high reward" perk. NOED is in the same vein. Can it be shut down? Yes. But how often is it actually shut down considering how common it is? Unless it's a SWF and they know to be on the lookout for it, nobody is gonna have a clue until someone gets insta downed. If it's a team of randoms, good effing luck.

    I just had a game where we got all 5 gens against a Wraith and only 1 person got downed. I went to save the Jane but it turned out he had insidious, lunged at me from around a doorway, and instadowned me. I did 3 of those 5 gens and I was tunnelled and killed bc of NOED. Ur Seriously gonna tell me someone who didn't even have the skill to stop someone from doing 3 gens and knew to save sprint burst for when he was uncloaking deserves to insta down him?

    Yeah pass on that horseshit. Make NOED a normal hex perk and remove the god-damned haste and it'll be balanced.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited March 2019

    The fact that you believe it's 'annoying' as survivor is probably because your skill level isn't on par with your skill as a killer.

    As someone who has always played both sides at high ranks, noed is by far one of the worst perks in the game. I say this because at my level of play, most games are over before end game.

    People say 'just do totems' because survivors won't get off gens. If you have ever played survivor at a high level, you don't even bother looking for ruin or any lit totem. Hell, people will let you die on hook sometimes just to finish gens instead.

    This is the reason that noed exists. It's to stop you from just sitting on gens or 'gen rushing'.

    The reason DS got reworked is because the perk was broken as there is no counterability.

    You have an entire game to counter noed. You have perks and items to help find totems. Don't complain about something when you choose not to do something about it.

  • Ttwylerr
    Ttwylerr Member Posts: 106

    I've been thinking of using lightweight but am still sketchy about it. Have you gone agaisnt anyone with it and would you say it works well?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I went from survivor main to killer main, now I'm slowly getting back into survivor so I'm kinda halfway.

    I would like to know your rank if it's ok with you, just to get an idea. (And please type @LCGaster so that I receive a notification of your reply)

    At first I hated NOED but after a while I just stopped caring, if there was NOED I would avoid the killer as much as possible, I am pretty decent at stealth and very good at the chase, but then it depends on the day and how tired I am. I got some salt from fellow survivors "WhY dIdN't YoU sAvE mE?!?!?!" because there's NOED and the killer is camping.

    I used NOED when I first started playing killer, sometimes it gave me a lucky kill 'cause I sucked, one time I got a message when using it on Doctor "Don't use NOED", the problem is that I just started to level up Doc and I had nothing better to use, the other perks were literally useless. Nowadays I never use it, except for meme builds like the Gate Nurse.

    DS got nerfed because it had no counter play and stopped all of the killer's momentum, NOED does have counter play, I know you read it a billion times already but if you see a dull totem during the match cleanse it, it doesn't take that long and the more you cleanse the less you will need to look for NOED, if there is. Totems spawn in specific locations, so try to memorize them.

    To be fair, I started to cleanse all dull totems I see fairly recently, when I was a survivor main I was the troll/toxic chase guy, I am not proud of it.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    The term "gen rushing" is just a stupid phrase. Its the primary goal of the Surviviors to do the generators, would you be ok with Surviviors having a perk that forces killers to do something that isn't kill the Surviviors and then call them "kill rushers" when they skip that tactic and go straight for Surviviors? No. Rushing to finish your primary win condition isn't cheesey, it's smart.

    And as for NOED. Let me just say this. Surviviors aren't sitting around the map with their thumb up their ass waiting for generators to auto repair themselves. They have to avoid the killer, position themselves properly if they get caught so they don't die, do the gens, and cleanse all lit totems. Everyone here defending NOED is srsly gonna effing tell me that if 1 dull totem slips Through the cracks, then the killer who wasn't even good enough to apply proper gen pressure deserves a haste and insta down?

    Fuuuuuuuuck that. That's as crutch as DS.

  • harry14141414
    harry14141414 Member Posts: 356

    they just need to remove the 4 % buff to speed

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Your primary win condition is to interact with the killer and the environment to please the entity, not to hold m1 for 160seconds and then run out the exit gate. Cleansing totems isn't even hard, if you're not doing gens in the first place the killer won't find you.

  • PreGum
    PreGum Member Posts: 64

    The fact that you’re even comparing bamboozle to noed is a joke.

    Sprint burst is literally on a cooldown and adrenaline, unlike noed, rewards survivors for completing objectives.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    But if you kill all the survivors before they finish gens, you're camping, tunneling POS. 🤨

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692
    edited March 2019

    Gen rushing is indeed pretty "smart" if you enjoy de-pipping/safety pipping regardless of escape, activating NOED, and coming to the forums to complain about it.

    It's pretty crazy how playing "stupid" and interacting with the killer/pallets/chests/TOTEMS is actively awarded in game via various means (Emblems/BP/Items/DISABLING KILLER PERKS) by the very people that designed the game.

    Gen Rush away, good sir.

    Gen Rush away.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    No. Just make it a normal hex totem like ruin, devour hope, and haunted ground. Enough of this "if it's dull you should be scared" BS. Dull totems are meant to be padding for score, not a catalyst for bad players to get free reward

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Someone who is sick of crutch perks. I'm guessing ur a killer main so what was ur frustration with decisive? Was it bc it stopped you from tunnelling your obsession? Or maybe you couldn't carry a Survivior to the basement from a long distance? Well whatever it was, you got ur wish and the perk is now worthless.

    I gladly play both roles and I refuse to run NOED bc it's a perk for noobs. Call a spade a spade, the perk is no fun, rewards bad gameplay, and gives killers free, undeserved kills.

    If Surviviors Don't get their free escape killers shouldn't get their free kills.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692

    You're talking about free escapes and kills, but you've never addressed my counter to your "the hatch rewards a survivor for..." point from a while ago, or perhaps you just chose to ignore that, much like you ignore most points brought up to you with the same linear reasoning.

    You have also just stated that you think the previous iteration of DS was an anti-tunneling tool for the Obsession (it wasn't, as it could be activated at first down through "fair" play) and that the whole dull totem system is "just for padding" despite NOED literally being reworked to provide a reason to actively seek out said "padding."

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    NOED is fine as it is... Stop crying please.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    @PreGum @Raccoon

    It's always a pleasure !

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Survivors get their free escapes by:

    Being able to kobe

    having ######### map design on their side

    having the hatch

    having ridiculously low gentimes now just made worse with the new prove thyself.

    having voicecom to coordinate everything

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @PickCollins So yes, you want it to be a shiny totem from the start of the trial? It would not survive to the endgame. Or do you mean it should be active from the start, as the other hex totems?

    Off-topic: Please use the @ tag. Quotes don't give notifications anymore.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Tbh all hextotems should be nerfed but they should also not be lit

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692

    Hex totems and their placement are both pretty weak, in my opinion.

  • PreGum
    PreGum Member Posts: 64

    Some can be, but playing killer, I’ve had some really good ones on maps like the game and corn maps. Others like auto haven are garbage.

  • Hag_Main_Big_Brain
    Hag_Main_Big_Brain Member Posts: 81

    I've have not seen that happen once in my entire time of play DBD before the DS nerf. And I played PS4 and PC.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    There are plenty of perks to help you find them and if you don't don't to waste a perk slot bring a map. Seriously just learn the spawns and if at least 2 survivors focuse on totems then noed never gets activated. Not too long ago I made a kyf group and told them im gunna try my best to end the game as fast as possible and ill use noed. It never activated and out of the 8 games I won 3.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2019

    Simple, there is no perk as op as DS once was. Noed has counter play while ds did not, you can only blame yourself if your not cleansing totems you see throughout the game.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If dull totems counted towards Lightbringer and destroying one had a map-wide sound effect similar to, but not the same as, a Hex totem, that would solve a LOT of problems.

    Survivors are incentivized to destroy totems beyond avoiding NOED. Might not exactly decrease the chance of it being proc'd but will at the very least bring more awareness to the fact it can exist.

    Killers get more time whether or not they use NOED, since survivors will be trying to get more emblem points.

    Survivors are given more opportunities to get LB emblem which right now is a zero sum game. If every survivor does 1 gen which is a reasonable expectation, no one gets higher than silver. Maybe 1 person will get gold if they do some of the last gen and an exit gate. It's dumb.

    Everybody wins.

  • PreGum
    PreGum Member Posts: 64

    Except I do cleanse totems as I see them and I can still get punished for it. Like I said in multiple comments on this thread, I didn’t write this to discuss what’s been said on millions of other posts.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Just goes to show how bad the devs are at shaking up the meta and keeping things fresh

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    @NoShinyPony no, just tie it to a normal totem. I never really understood why NOED needed to be unique in this aspect. Devour Hope is tied to a lit totem. Huntresses lullaby is tied to a lit totem. I'm sure there are other Hex perks that take time to activate and are tied to lit totems but I'm sick and away from my computer so I can't really look, but do you see what I mean?

    NOED is currently the safest hex perk in the game while simultaneously being one of the strongest, if not the strongest. It isn't just the counterplay aspect to it. It's the nature of the perk itself that irks me.

    If a Survivior group completes their primary objective but fails their secondary, the killer gets a massive benefit. But this would only happen if simultaneously the killer failed both their primary and secondary objective. That's my issue with the perk. The nature of NOED is very "crutch". It holds up bad killers. One example is a game I played against a Wraith that I mentioned a while ago. But bc if I were in your shoes I wouldn't want to dig through this post looking for it, I'll just give a recap.

    There was a wraith doing rly bad against my soloq group. We were all doing good. Our other Meg and Jane were looping him really well, I got 3/5 gens done and Nea got the other two. But our Jane went down right before the final Gen popped. I run over to save Jane from the hook bc I thought Wraith was gone, but he came around the corner and insta downed me, he proceeded to get Meg and Nea before the door even opened. The Wraith had NOED, obviously.

    My point is, why should that wraith deserve a 4k? He failed to kill the Surviviors before the gens were done. Did he deserve the 4k bc we left one totem? That dichotomy seems very bent in favor of the killer, yet so many people would assure you that killers are underpowered and how borderline everything in the game is focused on making killers weak. Strongest example: Thyde Thyme.

    My point is I'm not exactly sure why such a powerful hex perk gets to be so SAFE. Know what I mean? The whole nature of hex Totems is that they're supposed to be high risk. So why NOED gets some odd exemption from that rule irks me.