Endgame perk tweak

It seems like most attempts to fix balance are usually done by using perks, and pretty much everyone agrees that hatch standoffs need a fix. So what if blood warden blocks the hatch too? Makes a marginally useful perk slightly more useful, and adds a tiny, perk-specific deterrent to hatch camping, since it may not pop if they're running an unusual build.


  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited March 2019

    Blood Warden marginally useful? Oof. I'm not going to argue, those are just opinions but with addition of timer i like this perk.

    Hatch standoffs need fix and I agree with this. Blood warden blocking hatch is interesting idea... but it fixes nothing when it comes to stand offs really. Situations when you and killer find hatch 30 seconds after hooking other survivor and he is already dead are ultra rare. Most hatch games are hide and seek or epic last dramatic chase.

    Hatch enter animation extended to 3 seconds or ability to close hatch can only fix it. Hatch would be then openable without a key but it would take couple of seconds. Boom hatch standoffs fixed and hatch is still viable escape option. Killer camps it survivor goes gen. Killer patrols gens, survivor opens it and escapes.

  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101

    I don't disagree that those are better fixes, but if you look at the track record, throwing perks at the problem is usually the attempted fix we get, so I figure why not at least take a palatable step in the right direction?

  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101

    (my favorite non perk idea is to make hatch escape grabs have a failure rate roughly on par with hook escape attempts--not 4%,since you only get one shot, but the equivalent of all tries--and remove the attack cool down from grabs to make that game of "chicken" unnecessary /useless. This would hopefully make survivors more inclined to just go ahead and jump. )