Matchmaking is not fair. Rank 1s should not be paired against rank 14s. BVHR you can do better.

This just happened to me it was ranks 13-18 going against a rank 2 -_-. Did it happen on pc or what platform?
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Been happening to me since the new patch. Keep getting put against rank 1-2 or 18-19 when im rank 9 along with everyone else in the group.
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PC and its not just me, its everyone.
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Bold of you to assume they can do better, unfortunately.
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They should protect the yellow ranks from having to face red ranks. The rank 11 player was probably the only one that could have given you any trouble at all.
Otherwise I'd be happy to see a wide range of ranks in games if it keeps waiting times low. When they reverted the matchmaking system back to the old system I would have been happy to play against 4 rank 1 survivors instead of just sitting in a lobby for 30 minutes.
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This has been happening for 3 years thanks to SWF, but noone of you complained about that?
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I highly doubt this gets fixed anytime soon.
They compromised everyone's playtime inorder to help "edge" cases find matches in a reasonable about of time. Rather than deal with "edge" cases separately they decided to spread their waiting time over everyone else. So you get longer wait times now so these "edge" cases can get matches.
As a result, since they couldn't make the match making faster itself, they make another compromise, and don't actually match people correctly. So they give up the proper match making for quasi match making to make up for the inefficiency of not beable able to deal with "edge" cases.
The only way this gets fixed, is if everyone decides that BHVR adding on another minute wait time is ok. When we accept waiting for 5 minutes to get matched correctly, we'll get a system that works.
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I would of gone with 'optimistic'.