An increase in toxicity?

Has anyone else noticed an increase in toxicity from killers since the DS rework? I just had a game while playing solo where the killer went "ggez" after tunneling and camping. He was rank 3, too.
Usually, when Killers act this way, they are taking out their frustration after they got a spanking from a SWF group. Happens all the time.
There've been times where I almost brought a nasty loadout for my Hag after getting my butt whooped by SWF but I decided against it. I'm glad I did cuz every round after a spanking didn't play out like the last one, it was more "even" if you know what I'm saying.
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@DudeDelicious What I meant was it's been like this since the update. It wasn't nearly this bad before.
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I haven't noticed much of it. i've seen less tunneling and camping tbh since the change. It will depend on region to region but i've noticed more sweaty builds and addons since the change.
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Yeah, I know what you mean @NeaJovovich I've felt similar, though I try not to take it out on people who don't have it coming. I find that just breeds more toxicity.
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@DudeDelicious I figured killers were having issues with the new emblem system, too. I'm glad survivor was made harder, though it's been made too hard and it's entirely possible to get stuck in ranks since your emblems seem to be heavily influenced by your team and the killer. The new match making system seems to screw over solo players more than anything else since the people you play with are likely not to be solid due to the random ranks pulled in or being stuck in a rank that you don't belong.
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@DudeDelicious I think killers being rude and salty is annoying me more than the ranking itself, though. It's like someone took their candy. xD;
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Seems the same level of toxicity to me. I'm actually shocked when one shows any hint of honor.
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@darktrix Maybe I was just lucky before and ran into nice people.
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Then why do you think they're being toxic and awful after what is essentially a massive declaw to survivors? @NathanExplosion I'm not even someone who used DS, but I've gotten camped and tunneled multiple games in a row. Everyone's returning to down the injured again and to add salt to the wound, they're being rude and toxic in end game chat. I didn't see anything like this before the update and two major things happened recently. It's either one thing or the other.
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it's the change to the pipping system. you can lose whilst killing all 4 ppl now. so the game basically tells you, you suck after killing 4 ppl which leads to frustration, more tunnelling and camping which survivors dislike (understandably) but yet fail to understand the pipping system has forced killers to play this way.
On survivor it is also really bad as you will de-pip if you outplay the killer and escape without being chased or saving(as no one was hooked). so now swf will really go into full troll mode (because swf is a free win on survivor) as they need to gather enough points to pip which also leads to killer players getting annoyed and going into tunnell/camp mode every game.
it's a vicious cycle
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I noticed only the growth of disconnects exponentially. In each game, 1-2 survivors use dc.
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Massive declawing of survivors? Where? The windowbug buffed survivors more than ever before, infinites are back in full force now.
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@fluffybunny "Then why do you think they're being toxic and awful after what is essentially a massive declaw to survivors?"
Wut ?
What happened ?
For what i know, DS got finally balanced.
Did i missed something else ?
Tell me more about this "declaw".
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There is an awful rise in toxity from the killer when I the killer :-P
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Funny, I always thought toxic pricks existed just as much before as much before as they do now.
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Increase in toxicity? Mhm among all the deaththreats I have received, I really cant tell honestly
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@Spicybarbecue Do you mean you can lose a pip or do you mean you black pip while killing everyone? I agree that they need to adjust the pipping requirements for both. They're basically killing solo survivor, too, with this change since coordination is important to pip. If your team is weak, you'll likely depip. If you get bad killers, you'll likely not pip, too, and with how the match making is, sometimes you get people way outside your range. I usually stay up in the red ranks and I don't like feeling like I'm bullying newer players. Same for when I get a random rank 14 killer.
@NathanExplosion Because DS was unfair before. That's what I mean when I say "declawing." I'm thinking it may be because of the emblem changes that are making killers more mean or maybe even match making. I'm not sure. They need to adjust both imo. Feels like I'm facing a bunch of children who are salty whether they win or lose, though.
@RoKrueger Neas can be that way. :c
@Master Sorry you're getting death threats.
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Yeah killers have been playing like scumbags more recently, but theyve always over camped and tunneled and BVHR has mechanics that reward this (dyling light, no BP penatly for tunneling). Honestly just MLGA block them and move on.
Furthermore these forums are HEAVILY killer stacked as evidenced by all the killer portraits as well as forum trolls such as Master (see 9,000+ posts I doubt he has as many hours as he does posts).
@DudeDelicious Also DS is trash now, most M1 killers use enduring (if they are any good) which makes it a .5 second stun even with enduring 1
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@No1TheLarch I was told that MLGA could get me banned if they detect it. I don't really want to block someone if they have a bad day, too. They may usually be nice.
EDIT: I saw your edit. Some of the killer portraits are survivor mains and some are 50/50 killer and survivor. I was just wondering if people were experiencing what I was experiencing.
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You have been told incorrectly, here is a thread about it
I use it for people who lagswitch, are awful in post game chat (stuff like ######### or the R word), or like facecamp. Also Franks Mix Tape. I play the game for fun and if they banned people for using MLGA they would have no Fog Whisperers, and they would ban over half the veteran players. Plus it let you see their ping reliably.
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@No1TheLarch It was a mod that mentioned I could get in trouble if the game detects it I think, though I think they said it was currently undetected or something like that. I'll look at the thread, though. Thank you for the advice.
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I've noticed a tremendous increase in tunneling and camping after the new emblem system went live. Despite killers getting punished for these tactics it still seems to be a high favored tactic by many. Wonder if they still pip from it, wouldn't be too surprised.
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Wish they had some distance in my matches too, atleast I would be able to unhook the people with BT, but nope. Hardcore face camping :')
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I’ve noticed a lot more toxic killers lately, toxic survivors died out for the most part for me.
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@JoannaVO make sure to @ people. Quoting them doesn't notify them anymore. Hoping the fix it soon.
I had a killer face camp me and another person he caught 'cause someone took out his ruin at the start of the game. He was also being salty about a perk I was using, which was hilarious.
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"GG EZ" toxic?
Sounds more like someone who brags about having an easy win.
I'd define that more as petty than toxic.
You do you, though.
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I was under the impression that saying "ggez" was toxic. Is it not toxic for survivors to say "ggez" after a match now? @Boss
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I never viewed it as toxic.
I told you how i see it, i don't speak for the general community.
Speaking for myself again: If that's considered toxic, i'm worried about the general community.
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@Boss Oh, I was under the impression it was. That's why I've never said ggez before 'cause I don't wanna be toxic.
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you need to play actual competitive games more. ggez is toxic by definition.
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I've played LoL for like 2 months.
After that, GG EZ is NOTHING.
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I really wouldn't be surprised if just that triggers people.
"GG EZ" "ye cuz u camp n tunel bish!"
"GG EZ" "ye cuz u genrus bish!"
I don't see a peaceful way out. 🤣
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@Boss Yeah, that's true. xD
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I haven't seen an increase in toxicity myself. I've just been seeing more and more disconnects every time I play survivor. I wanted to play that side more but unfortunately bad teammates and salty players ruin the solo experience for me and I just don't want to play by myself anymore. Guess I'll just stick to killer and maybe see if I can get some friends to do swf with me.
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Hello friend. :D
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Yeah, it's crazy what a new eblem system can do to people xD
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Just so y'al know if I spin when I down it's because I have infectious Fright ok, thanks
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I play on PS4 and notice more "toxic" survivors than killers. (They play way more toxic. There are a lot of teabaggers and flashlight clickers. They don't really message much because it's not easy to type on the PS4.) The toxic camping killers are few and far between.
Just two days ago I played as the Hag for a daily. One DC, one sacrifice. The other two did all the gens. I hooked one and headed toward the farther exit gate assuming that's where the other survivor would be. They get unhooked and they went to the other exit gate; They're both there tea bagging and I hit one through the exit. I get a message that says: "What happened idiot?"
During the match I hooked all 4 of them at least once, didn't camp or tunnel.
Another time as a killer, I hooked one survivor in the basement, then eventually all 4 survivors in the basement after refusing to take the bait of a flashlight clicker. Got a message after calling me a Noob. They just shouldn't of tried to be altruistic.
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Noticed an increase to Killers face camping on whomever they hook first....and won't chase after or look for others.
I've also seen a handful of douchebag Survivors sandbagging, body blocming, teabagging and farming the other Survivors....
Needless to say, this crappy community is starting to get worse. There's plenty of good and solid Survivor and Killer players...had a Legion give me the Hatch after I used Borrowed Time to rescue a Survivor when the Exit Gates were up & open. Dunno why they let me go, but I sacrificed myself rather than dip out of the match or farmed the Hooked Survivor (seriously people run BT if you're gonna bumrush hooked people FFS)....but generally I find more players that are rude/toxic than good sports.
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FluffybunnyYou are by far the nicest person on this forum <3
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@RoKrueger You're really sweet. <3 Thank you. >//<
@Nikkiwhat I was thinking it may have been better if they use positive reinforcement (getting something in return for leaving the hook) rather than negative reinforcement (taking something away) to encourage longer games and more fun for survivors and killers alike. I've had multiple games where it was a three man or less and the killer would still go hard or just try to get it over with. Felt like there was less of that before the emblem changes and I honestly think the difficulty could be reduced for the emblems.
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With the new pip system killers cant be nice if they want to pip. Same with survivors. Both sides are being ######### to each other tbh.
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@Nea_Death_Experience That stinks. I hope they adjust the emblems to have some room to be nice, then. The game becomes a taxing experience when people are being toxic and rude.
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I made a post about this in balance feedback that before in a game with alot of DC's killers would let you go or be nice. I had a game with a DC then anther dude DC'd and the third dude got found and DC's. So here is my little Dwight and the dude just run up to me and rips me off a gen and on the hook I go. I have had a lot of games like this. Now I think I will just DC too. Duck it
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@Nea_Death_Experience Yeah, the new update seems to affect solo players the worse. If the team is bad, you won't pip and solo players don't control how good their team will be. Before killers would go easy if there were multiple DCs, but I've seen none of that as of recently.
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This is the DBD blood point recession.
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I'd also like something to dissuade those tactics, but sadly I feel even if positive reinforcement would be given to leave, some would just want to still try to ruin some players enjoyment/involvement.
I have good and bad days when it comes to what kind of matches I get, it just sucks that when it's bad it's one of the worst experiences because I just want to gens, get a decent/fun chase and rescue people as much as I can...but getting camped all game is an abysmal experience.
But at least players like yourself add to the positives of the game's community.
As a Killer I'll always give some leniency to a Disconnect situation unless the game has already progressed a fair bit...but early and multiple ones def sets me to be nicer as a Killer
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Because the killers who won less often are now winning more often and venting their frustration on the high of winning.
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Ive noticed it! But on the survivor side. Ive seen more teabags in dbd this week than I have at Tim Hortons. Like seriously. Survivor drops one pallet 40 seconds in = Rapid Teabag. Survivor vaults a window before my lunge = 10 Teabags, Survivor sees me from a distance = Teabag Time, Survivor at the gates = Inf Teabags.....
Need I go On! Screw off with that ish, or start giving killers emotes lol