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An increase in toxicity?



  • Member Posts: 2,161

    @LightsOut88 I haven't noticed an increase in survivor toxicity. It seems about the same as before (which really isn't saying much since it was already quite toxic). I'm generally around rank 10~14 and not a killer main, though, so I believe you. It's probably as the others have said and due to the emblem system changes.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Your probably right, Its just in the last 2 days Ive noticed it more and more. Maybe I just went on tilt once because of it amd now i am super semsitive and notice every one lol 😆

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    @Nikkiwhat Well, my theory is that people are taking out their frustrations with the new Emblem system on the other team, maybe? And while some people would ignore a system that would benefit them if they played a certain way, perhaps we could keep a punishment for those individuals? Like still punish hook camping, but also give in an in-game benefit to initiating chases and not tunneling.

    It does suck when you're camped, though, and tunneled straight off hook. I'll go out of my way to block and distract for someone getting tunneled and camped. A lot of times those types of killers do the same to anyone they're able to catch, though, and you can't slither past certain killers, too, like LF.

    You're really sweet. <3 ^^ You guys are gonna make me melt lol

    Yeah, same. I also typically switch targets for kicks and giggles. I generally run BBQ and sometimes I'll not see anyone or won't pay attention to it and go to the gens to pressure people on gens, anyway.

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    @LightsOut88 They've made pipping harder for both, too. I could understand being a bit sensitive after feeling you pipped multiple times in a row and just getting a safety pip especially if you're trying to rise through the rank.

    When I play killer, it's usually to gain a lot of BP (it's yummy) and for fun. Not to pip. It's usually for a change of pace after being camped/tunneled or having bad teammates (newer players, farmers, bodyblockers, etc.). When I'm killer, I can control what I do. I can change targets and toy with my prey and I think it's fun. I'm still learning and getting better and there's some teams I can't dent at all 'cause I'm not familiar enough with the maps, etc., but I'm getting there. ^^

  • Member Posts: 125

    I think it's been the opposite for me. Poor killers struggle to pip even with 4k now. It seems like more of them are running Ruin and immediately leaving hooks just trying to keep the game going long enough for some decent BP.

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