Simple idea for the legion, thoughts appreciated


remove the legions ability to swing infinitely without cooldown during Feral Frenzy- make the base chances 1 swing before the frenzy ends

Remove the power depletion from the legions power for hitting a survivor with a basic attack.

change the button add ons to increase the number of swings the legion gets during frenzy

reasoning: Legion is a weak killer, yes, but is also unfun both to play as and against. It is often stated that the skill of the survivor is completely irrelevant when it comes to gameplay. There is no “counterplay”

and a large part of that, I feel, is the infinite swings at high speed thag ignores pallets and windows as defenses. You can be bad at the game, terrible at hitting, but you get free swings over and over until you hit.

on a similar note, the draining of the power after a basic attack feels like it is designed to nerf legion because of this realization. The penalty completely kills your momentum when you down a survivor, stoping the legion from going after other survivors after they down someone because they lose their power.

This suggested change would open up counterplay options without actually “nerfing” the legion (rather making it slightly harder to use the power) and also buffing their ability to actually play the way the devs intended- going after other people and prinarily using their power.

What do y’all think? Would it improve the image of legion while retaining the spirit of the killer?