Mettle of Man is the new Decisive Strike.

Coder Member Posts: 747
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Yet ANOTHER "get out of jail free" card. Don't survivor have enough of those? Adrenaline, Dead Hard, even the rest of the exhaustion perks?

This works almost exactly as the old DS. For M1 killers on a "normal" match you chase the survivor, hit him twice, hook him, the next chase you hit him a third time, and when you're about to put him on a dying state... SURPRISE!!! A FREE ESCAPE!!! it's the same as the old DS used before the second hook, instead of a stun+run you get a hit+sprint burst. On any way you have to chase him AGAIN and hit him AGAIN to down him.

And it's not only Ash, I'm already seen it being used by feng mins and neas.

Why do you keep doing this? why is it that SO MANY PERKS are designed under the concept "this is a perk that instead of being hit by the killer, you get a free speed bust/inmunity/stun and even if the killer WON the mind game, you're the one being rewarded". Killers don't have a "if you miss a swing, you'll be rewarded with a free hit on the survivor anyway" perk, so why do survivors have so many "if you make a mistake, don't worry, we have a second chance perk to reward you for that mistake"?

After like 2 years you finally heard the community and reworked the DS... and a few days later you add ANOTHER second chance perk that works almost exactly like the old DS on most games?? where's the counter-play to a "free hit"? it's sole purpose is to be another free escape.

Sorry, I don't want to be mean, but I'm starting to lose faith already on your capability to design good perks. The last good and fun perk was "Head On", the rest are just bad and/or too situational perks, and Mettle of Man is yet another second chance, "free reward for doing nothing", "punish the killer because the survivor f*cked up", free escape perk.

Excuse my rant and my English.



  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Do Blink hits affect MoM? They don’t affect Dark Devotion at least on tier two from what I’ve seen

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    they dont, but it's already stated thats just a bug. it'll be fixed eventually and then they do.

  • HighQualityDonut
    HighQualityDonut Member Posts: 126

    I think MoM is fine, survivors only have perks to change up their playstyle, and the past couple of chapters have made fun meme builds, but nothing crazy viable. MoM is good. It also has requirements to meet, and a pretty nasty after effect once you eat the free hit and heal up.

    Lets change up the meta. A perk that helps in a ton of scenarios and isnt limited by exhaustion? thank you BHVR!

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    The requirements to meet are being hit by the killer. That isn’t much of a requirement 🤔

    at the end of the day MoM is an instant heal. It isn’t quite to the level old ds was, because it doesn’t stifle early momentum, but is it still very strong, and when used in combination with other perks and in multiples is quite ridiculous.

    Think about it. If you Are unhooked with 2 stacks, going to full health means you get 3 health stages.

    if you get hooked with 3 stacks, when you get unhooked you are at full health.

    It is an instant heal as a perk, minus the stealth benefits of being at full health.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    Just give either: exhaust after MoM trigger or remove speed burst when hit

    That's all i ask for dev

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    I think that removing the speed boost after hit would make the perk literally useless.

    exhaustion might be interesting if they remove the “can’t heal without revealing your aura” part

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    I'm totally fine with remove revealing aura part

    tbh the perk is already strong even with or without the aura

    I feel like they put it just for bonus

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2019

    Edit: Double post

    Please ignore

    Post edited by DingDongs on
  • LordHaari
    LordHaari Member Posts: 21

    It's not even "not easy" to counter, it's impossible. Sure, it's weaker than pre-nerf DS, but it's badly designed in all of the same ways: there's no counter-play / no way to play around it as killer (actually even more so than pre-nerf DS; DS at least had dribbling and a skill check to hit), there's no way to know how many survivors in a game have it (you know either nobody has it or at least one has it, but it could be one, two, three, or all four), and it buys guaranteed time for the survivor team (additively for each survivor that has it). Furthermore, only the chainsaw killers, the Plague, and those with insta-down add-ons have any way to attempt to diminish the perk's ubiquity, but those are extremely fringe cases. They would have to kill a survivor in under two hits to avoid the perk.

    I keep comparing it to pre-nerf DS, but for what it's worth, Borrowed Time can be avoided by waiting the timer or just being away from the unhook and post-nerf / current DS can be avoided by not tunneling. I'm not going to assume I know for sure how best to fix the perk, but it's very poorly designed. It's objectively strong, and IMO a BiS-tier perk atm.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I have already seen people who don't heal after MoM so the killer doesn't see their aura. They just wait with Iron Will for the last gen to be finished and have Adrenalin to get healed. And then they tbag at the exit.....

    This Perk frustrated me so much as killer because you can't do anything against it.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Worst part about this.

    MoM is the only perk right now that actively rewards failure. Not even in the sense that DS or NOED somewhat negate failure, but rather getting hit while using MoM is an outright good thing as having 2 hits and being healthy is better than having never been hit in the first place.

    Compare that to DS where even when used it just puts you right back where you started. Or with adrenaline which is rewarding you for success instead of failure, or exhaustion perks which require some skill to use properly. Or even instaheals which cause you to lose ground, remove an item and are once per trial.

    Even if the effect was worse than these (it's slightly better than an instaheal) it's still less healthy for the game than them.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    That's true.

    Another scenario I had today:

    A guy is hooked, I see a hurt one going for the save (too late to grab him), I ignore the unhooked guy since there was an obsession and I don't like to tunnel, and go for the unhooker. Oh wonder, he had MoM..... (he was not the obsession)

    You can bully the killer so hard with that. I think it's time to play Billy, Leatherface or Myers. MoM will never work then if you only instadown them.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 628

    I think the best thing would be remove the healing aura, and make it tied to exaustion. It would mean you cant stack MoM and Dead hard. (which is ridiculous in itself) And at least would mean you are giving up another "chase" perk for it. I don't think its insanley OP as some people are claiming, but it does need some counter or a heavier drawback.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    The toxic Survivors who run DH, DS, Adrenaline and Self Care before and now use MoM would bully the killer nonetheless.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    >This Perk frustrated me so much as killer because you can't do anything against it.

    You can. Nurse/Billy and hard camp/tunnel for other killers. After the release of this perk, i began to do it more often. And then see a lot of insults and crying in the chat or disconnect.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I'm bad with Nurse and haven't played Billy much yet, so this is no option for me.

    And I do not camp or tunnel because I hate it if it happens to me.

    The only option I have is Myers and/or STBFL so I can instadown or ignore my obsession.

    The only perk that gains profit from MoM is Remember Me, but I don't have it.

  • SamuraiPipotchi
    SamuraiPipotchi Member Posts: 100

    I feel like revealing your aura to the killer was actually their idea of an inbuilt counter to the perk.

    Only issue is that killers have no idea to look out for the aura without being notified, so it doesn't really do anything.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Another idea to balance MoM:

    After the perk is used, you get 5% Hindred status effect until you are downed the next time.

    This would make it easier for all killers to catch up again, because it limits the loop potential of the survivor, which lessens the pain this perk is now. But I have no idea how to change the "free hit" part of it.

  • FogNoob
    FogNoob Member Posts: 117

    I think maybe it would be better if it just triggered a deep wound status effect, like borrowed time, so the survivor has to stop and mend himself, at the same time adding some urgency to it. Or maybe it could be like an automatic dead hard, where the survivor just gains a little bit of distance to get to a vault or pallet. The way it is right now is completely ridiculous.. It can take up to 4 hit's to get a survivor to the first hook! If you hit a survivor once and he insta heals, you have to hit him another 3 times(!!!!!) to get him hooked. That is complete bull*****.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    >I'm bad with Nurse and haven't played Billy much yet, so this is no option for me.

    I too. Yet.

    >And I do not camp or tunnel because I hate it if it happens to me.

    I was like that too before meet into toxic survs. Do you more like be tbagged at the gate? The choice is yours.

    >The only option I have is Myers and/or STBFL so I can instadown or ignore my obsession.

    Soon you will come across survs, each of which will have this perk, not only obsession.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    @Slayer what...

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I have met the toxics. Many of them. And when I get them they often DC or I face camp them, when I don't, I ignore them. Simple. But I won't camp or tunnel in normal situations. I want to be a good example that you can be good without this.

    If I see them tbagging at the exit, I just watch them for a few seconds and then leave to do something else. They usually go after a while. Sometimes I am lucky and they follow me and I get 1 - 2 kills off of that. If that happens they don't say a thing in chat.

    About STBFL: Yes, especially a swf could all run MoM but STBFL would still be useful because you get more tokens and have the reduction. Therefore you can continue the case faster and catch them earlier. Maybe combine this with other anti loop/chasing perks.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    But you wrote earlier about tbag at the exit. So apparently you not so don't care.

    >But I won't camp or tunnel in normal situations. I want to be a good example that you can be good without this.

    In a normal situation, yes. But if they are toxic, this is no longer normal. Lately, of all the people i have met with MOM, most were toxic. So this perk, like DS earlier, allows me to assume that the situation is already not normal.

    >I want to be a good example that you can be good without this.

    In some situations, this is your only chance not to lose, strong SWF in high ranks, otherwise will not give you any chance.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I said that. Maybe I failed to make myself clear, because English is not my native language. I do not care if they tbag but the perk and the results of it frustrate me. Because it causes situations you are clearly the winner but MoM takes it from you.