Survivor ranking is broken, killer is fine
Here is a top killer streamer explaining it.
Yeah she's really good when she wants to be and sadly it's still way easier to pip as killer.
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Let me explain it "No, its not". Coming from a rank 1 killer here on ps4. Both are broken. People that say otherwise dont play enough to truely understand.
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Let me know when you reach rank 1 survivor then you can say this.
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IMO killer and survivor are not the same thing so they shouldnt be treated as such. As a killer you can run into things and across the map with no problem, you dont really risk anything. Smash a couple gens and hook a couple survivors and thats 1 pip - easy.
Whole different thing as a survivor. Gotta be careful, and even when you are , the killer may run bbq and chill and then you're still pretty much dead unless hes really bad or letting you win. Only way to counter that is to be close, but then youre not fixing gens, the game drags, more chances for you to die.
Basically, unless it's a 4 premade and no one disconnects, you cant really rank past 5 for example.
112 hours past 2 weeks. Can't get rank 10 survivor. Got rank 1 killer in just a few days though.
There should be a different score per pip for survivors, or at least grant more points per objective
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> Smash a couple gens and hook a couple survivors and thats 1 pip - easy.
I'd like to see your math here.
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The killer ranking is harder, than it was before, but not by much for people who normally took the time and effort to apply pressure to win the game. There is the issue of survivors DCing costing you progress but eh.
the survivor ranking is a nightmare, however. It isn’t *harder* in the sense that it is more difficult and therefore requires more skill, but rather it is a competition of working for limited resources. I am personally so sick of losing a pip or black pipping because I get iridescent in chaser but don’t get lightbringer. Possibly don’t get benevolence.
Being required to do every aspect of the game an an above average level when not every aspect of the game is always presented to you is getting real old real fast. It feels way to much like luck, where the killer just happens to find someone else first so you get your gens done... preferably 2 full gens by yourself so that you don’t have to get multiple iridescent in other categories.
Right now I’m gen rushing killers, and then going back to farm chaser and hope I don’t die nor the killer DCs. That’s the only way I can guarantee my pips hovering between purple and red... and that is very hard.
the Survivor emblem system isn’t hard in the sense that people don’t know what to do or have difficulty accomplishing specific tasks... it’s they have difficulty understanding why they should have to go back to farm for points when the game is over.
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^^^^^^^^^ THIS! your name fits.