Idea for a emblem rework.

Hi everybody. I just want to share an idea i got for the ranking sytem.

I think they should change the emblem system in order that the irirdescent is no longer the best emblem you can get. Let me explain. Right now the iridescent emblem gives you 4 points and is the maximum you can get. Let's say you get a iridescent after completing 2 gens, then in the new system 2 gens is still 4 points in emblems but completing 3 gens can give more, allowing people to gain more points. The problem with the current system is that you need to be good on all categories in order to pip but it's not always possible, if you are in chase during a good portion of the game, there will not be enough gens to get a good emblem. If they change the system, even killers are going to have a better time. Let's take the pig as an example, if we take the old gatekeeper emblem (the more gens is left the more points you gain per seconds), by slowing the game a lot she still can get more points even if she doesn't sacrifice a lot of survivors. I think even Freddy will have a better time (in ranking, no killing). Tell me what do you think and if this is a good idea. Have a nice day.