Avoid players option

Request to implement an option to avoid a limited number of specific players. There are some players that would be good to avoid, both as Survivor and Killer.

Since Survivors can't see Killer usernames in the lobbies, there's no option to avoid abusive Killer players via lobby dodge. An 'avoid player' option would be nice, a la Overwatch, encompassing both Killer and Survivor roles.

I don't know if this is something PC players can already do in some capacity, but maybe three - five slots worth of players to avoid for a week or two would be a welcome addition.


  • Aceonfire
    Aceonfire Member Posts: 304

    Could-Not-Happen. If you made the list only allow only x number of people on it, it would be useless and if you made the threshold high enough to be useful, the matchmaking would break. It's a catch22.

    They'd be better off adding logic that:

    1. Avoided frequently played killers and survivors if possible
    2. Avoided maps played within the last 2 matches
    3. Avoided SWF when possible
    4. Avoided players who've DC'd X number of times frequently etc.
  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    > If you made the list only allow only x number of people on it, it would be useless

    It's useful to avoid an immediate requeue with that player. Overwatch does it, with three player limit.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    I've been thinking a bit about how killers can dodge survivors but survivors have no option but to dc a match they don't want to play.

    What if you could rate a killer or survivor with a personal score at the end of the match out of 5. If they play toxic you could give them a 1 if they played fun like a champ you could give a 5.

    The score would be shown in the lobby nothing else. The score would be personal and only you could see it.. Everyone would have their own score.

    It could help the community with curbing the toxicity and dc'ing overall imo.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    There's already a community mod that does just that, except it's mis-used and most people use it to avoid good killers/survs to have EZ games.

  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101
    edited April 2019

    I want that rating system so bad. It would also probably help with another hot topic here, those farm rescuers. In a perfect world they'd get consistently bad ratings, and wind up playing a team of 4 farmers against a face camping killer.