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How do YOU think the developers are going to address the MOM outrage?



  • Member Posts: 1,649

    Oh, the survivors you verse have already unlocked MoM on different survivors? Good luck mate, today I versed my first survivors using MoM on different survivors. So it seems like need to play only Nurse and billys or ebony moris.

  • Member Posts: 539

    I could already see it:

    BHVR: JuSt SlUg SuRvIvOrS oR pLaY SoMeThInG eLsE

  • Member Posts: 343

    😂😂😂😂 Awwww you're so cute.....They don't care......They still haven't given us the stuff they promise....They keep adding bugs instead of fixing them. Survivors and killers aren't the problem. They are. They are what's killing this game.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    What outrage?

    A minority that play killers complaining about it?

    I play killer against it and did just fine.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    My theory is they will just kick back relax and ignore it.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    Oh I understand just others might not see the difference with what you were trying to say, I posted some possible tweaks for it on page 1.

  • Member Posts: 507

    But then some people will complain again about how survs should not be able to body block, only killers.

  • Member Posts: 148

    People will always complain in this game pretty much how its been since release.

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    They're going to take 2 more years to do anything about it like DS. (Hopefully not)

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    I hope they say something soon :O

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    I'm honestly surprised at their lack of a statement regarding this, no matter what side they fall on.

  • Member Posts: 100

    They'll probably involve the exhaustion status effect.

    It's not likely, but maybe switch out the aura reading for the broken status effect.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    I think it'll be a long time before they touch it.

  • Member Posts: 478

    Hopefully they ignore it. They should stop letting the community dictate the game cause the two sides will always bump heads. The devs are supposed to be the middle man

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    The community is the only reason they're getting money from the game. I'm not saying they should heed every demand but if a huge portion of the community is upset about something they should listen to the complaints at least

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I've played a lot of games since MoM has come out. Mostly as killer, but a number of games as survivor running the perk. In all of those games, MoM has had minimal impact on the outcome of the game. All this outrage is ridiculous. Be honest here folks, what percentage of games played has MoM been the deciding factor in whether you win or lose?

  • Member Posts: 170

    You can have MoM and everything that gives survivors an extra hit but survivors want everything that one-shots removed. Oh, wait, what? All thats fair and balanced. Its just the survivor stuff that needs nerfed? Ok, got it.

  • Member Posts: 946
    edited April 2019

    The real issue with MoM is not the one time hit, even if that one time hit can make or break the game, and no, it's not the theoretically 6 hit chase that a survivor could pull off.

    The real terrible power of MoM is a 4 man group running it.

    4 guaranteed additional hits equals 2 successfully chases. Is almost like having to chase down a 5th phantom survivor. For killers time is truly of essence and losing 40-80 seconds over the time of the match kills the game.

    Edit: it's like a perk would add an additional generator to repair.

  • Member Posts: 1,532

    Buff legion lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,532
  • Member Posts: 304
    edited April 2019

    Aren't you a candy bowl of sunshine.

    The issue is, not everyone wants to play Billy or Nurse. People like playing weaker killers for their own reasons, and when everyone is having Mom hold their hand in a trial it essentially means killers like Freddy or Doc need to hit and down a whole additional survivor at no cost to the survivors skill or gameplay except equipping a perk slot each.

    A lot of the time deadhard has to be burned in a deadzone and goes nowhere.

    Due to the weapon wipe animation and speed boost for getting hit a Mom proc will always extend a chase by 22 seconds, minimum, as long as the survivor runs in a straight line away from a killer and doesn't get to any other loops. Always. You can't fake out or force Mom in a bad spot like you can deadhard.

    If four survivors use Mom that's 88 seconds the killer loses for essentially nothing.

    This isn't even counting things like self-care to 99%, divebomb a hook with borrowed time, get hit while unhooking and soak it with Mom, heal the last 1%, get hit again and damage sprint away.

  • Member Posts: 2

    isnt there only a couple of killer who cant do anything about MOM? most killers have something that ignore MOM

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  • Member Posts: 453

    I don't think BHVR will address this by nerfing it, instead they will give killers a similar perk such as downing 2 or 3 survivors gives 1 free insta down perk.

    But so far MoM is literally like old ds, and the fact 4 people can run it will no repercussions makes it unfun for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,073
    edited April 2019

    Honestly I don't really see the issue WITH MoM... About half of the killers have means of dealing with it without triggering it (not including Nurse in this because that's a bug).

    Leatherface and Billy have their saws, Plague breaks people faster then the survivor can make use of it, Huntress has hatchets, Trapper has... well... traps, Myers has E3 AND insta-mori, Legion for all their ups and downs is in the same boat as Plague being able to down them faster then they can get MoM stacks. Even NURSE PLAYERS, once the bug fix is valid won't have much difficulty, the good ones at least, as Nurse ignores literally every rule in the game anyways lol.

    The only ones potentially screwed are Wraith, Pig (if the dash counts as a M1 attack), Doctor but he's got other issues anyways that need a WHOLE other topic to discuss, Freddy (he's getting a rework though so who knows if it'll be an issue once that drops), and Hag. That said a decent counter to MoM is Save the Best for Last allowing you to recover from a successful attack that much faster.

    In all reality I see MoM usage dwindling off once Killers start making more use out of their killers that can ignore MoM and not use the ones who can't. When that happens, Survivors are either going to call for MoM buffs, call the perk worthless and not use it, or both.

    Just another storm we need to weather the tides of ^_^

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