Perk Idea - Fake Path/Scratches

A perk that when activated it lets out a fake path of scratch marks for 3/5/10 meters; cool down of 60/50/40 seconds.
When the perk is activated, whichever way the survivor is facing, a path of scratch marks that normally appear while running will appear in a line directly from the survivor. This would give a way for survivors to confuse and possibly escape the killer.
The perk would not be overpowered because the survivor would need to at least break line of sight with the killer to have it be of any use. If the survivor used this without paying mind to the killer and the killer was watching them it would do nothing since the killer could visually track them. This makes it so that there is some skill to using the perk and it would be wasted if not used correctly. The perk would not make the scratches they are leaving go away, so the killer would not be completely helpless following a trail. On the survivor side it could buy some time say in The Game going up/down the stairs, the survivor could lead a fake trail going right, and then go left.
For the sake of balance, there would still be the sound of footsteps so it does not completely nullify the killers ability to track a survivor, not to mention blood if the survivor is hit. This also leads to bloodhound being a good perk to counter this with.
The developers claimed they are looking for synergy; this perk would go wonderfully with other existing perks. Combo this with dance with me and iron will, and then the survivor can escape or an attempt to hide. A combination of quick and quiet, dance with me, lithe, and this perk; the survivor can have a fake trail away from a window and quietly jump through the window and zoom off.