2 Hook Based Perks Concepts (Poised for hooks)
I have two perk concepts with no names. One serious, one gimmicky.
1. The serious perk:
"After being unhooked, you leave no scratch marks for 4/5.5/7 seconds."
It's basically a version of poised that triggers when you get unhooked. When I get unhooked, I either have to run, which would reveal my location, or walk, which means I'm often too close to the hook when the killer returns. Figured a perk like this would be great for myself and like-minded others but wouldn't provide so much value that it becomes meta or overused/overpowered.
2. The gimmicky perk:
"When you are unhooked you return to full health. Whenever you are injured, you become broken for 150/120/90 seconds."
This concept is entirely gimmicky and would probably become the next No Mither, but it seems like a fun idea and could actually provide value to a handful of players. Though I'm not sure how long the player should remain broken for, admittedly. Maybe they should even stay broken until they're downed.
Honest opinion? I would not use any of those perks as survivor. No scratchmarks after unhook... you stiil leave blood pools, making perk basically useless unless paired with adrenaline or your second proposition. The thing is, you can use 2 perk slots much better. Also perk doesnt do its job really. If that was legitemate, safe rescue its not needed. If killer was there, he can just see where you went.
Heal on unhook and broken on hit, this could actually be interesting and have some uses... But its very situational. Keep in mind that m1 killers are less likely to camp, while instadown killers and Plague counter it completely. Also broken is basically death sentence against competent killer unless its Legion or paired with iron will. It is also very hard to explain why perk works like this 'lorewise'.
It has its uses and idea is interesting! But i preffer to not use hook based perks (when i can just not beeing found), kindred beeing exception, because of how good it is.
Edit: I also don't like the consequences this perk would have. Just like with distortion, which is amazing concept and design but... When killer sees noone with bbq and chilli (lockers, distortion) he assumes that survivors are near hook, making poor dude got camped for one sacrifice stage.
Survivors assumimg that hooked guy has this perk will swarm the last hook resulting in killer who failed having more hooks, even 4k instead of 1k with no points. I see this way to often.
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That's pretty much what I was thinking with the second perk idea. My whole premise for the perk was basically that it could be amusing or maybe used for challenges. It would probably only actually be useful as a tunneling/camping counter-measure. I did forget to consider the lore though.
As for the serious idea, I don't think the blood pools would be a huge issue. A lot of brown - purple ranked killers tend to overlook blood far too often and the blood would be quite spread out while sprinting. Having said that, Bloodhound and Sloppy Butcher would be obvious counters.
The perk idea does clearly have a lower value at the higher ranks and against certain playstyles, but I don't think it's ok for some perks to be a bit niche or situational. Alternatively though, it could be made so that blood pools are significantly less visible (or invisible) while the perk is active as well as maybe extending the time that the perk is active for. I also considered suggesting a sprint burst effect, but I figured that you could just use the sprint burst perk to achieve that.