If a Killer pips, he keeps is add-ons

Survivors can keep their item and add-ons if they escape. Killers always loose them. So how about if a Killer pips, he will keep is used add-ons. Would only be fair :)


  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101

    What you are forgetting is that survivor items have charges and can be consumed, killer add-ons can't. So if they "make it fair" by letting the killer keep add-ons at the end, they'd also have to "make it fair" by giving all items infinite charges/uses (brand new part can be installed on all gens as long as you escape, syringe can insta heal 3 people and still be carried home.) Or rework all the killer add-ons to also deplete with use somehow..

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Killers also get a butt load more bp than survivors on average, easier to buy more.. Also if a survivor dies they lose their item and add ons and offering.

  • daztora
    daztora Member Posts: 10

    Yeah if they changed so killer kept stuff without Black Ward, they would have to reduce BP to comensate, and theyre already not enough people playing killer right now.