Noed nerf proposal

Maybe make Noed to be a lethal blow only if you hit the first strike during a chase. If the killer misses the strike, then Noed is no longer active for that survivor during that chase for a few seconds, lets say 10 or 15. That way there could be hope for the survivor and encourage the killer to a) make sure to land the strike, b) look for somebody else to chase or c) Commit and waste more time to get the kill.
Did you just make an account to propose a nerf?
NOED is fine as is. If you want “hope as a survivor” then stay hidden until the killer leaves a gate before opening it. Or cleanse totems.
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No, I made an account to post in another thread and found this place to propose an idea.
Regarding your statement, I often see people having to be chased while the others are finishing the last gen, only to watch them go down to noed before the gates can be open. I just find it annoying that the survivor that was at full health and maybe was being chased for quite a while go down just because the killer had noed. Besides, good killers dont miss attacks so often, so if they miss then it was their screw up. At least then Noed would requiere some level of skill to pull it off.
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It's so easy. We need a counter of cleansed totems.
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and another one...