camping issue (killer nerf)

i got a good idea.. it will be buff for survivals.. its hard to escape because much killers camp.. so its hard to get saved. so my idea is about: when killer gets you on the hook and he will be in the hook radius "10m" the bleeding on the hook will slow down for 50% and repair speed will be 5% faster. second idea is about: if he will facecamp "1-2m" from hook it will slow down for 95% and 5% repair speed. if the survival will be in the radius it will be normal

hook with survival and killer 10m in hook radius: 50% slow down bleeding on the hook and 5%repair speed

hook with survival facecamp: 95% slow down bleeding on the hook and 5% repair speed

when survival will be in radius it will be normal like now

radius numbers may be different is just an example

sry for eng :) i think taht you understand my idea



  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    still kiler can catch friend or someone.. and still he can camp :D so we lost 1 survival and mb we got only 1 gen

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354
    edited April 2019

    The best way to go about combating camping is rewarding the killer for getting away from the hook, people who camp are not gonna care about any penalties because it already loses them the game if the survivors don't throw themselves at the hook.

    Its why camping killers are mostly salty or low ranked players that dont know any better and get rewarded for it because low rank survivors dont know any better either.

    Killers with BBQ camp way less than everyone else without out it, and people with MYC also tunnel less because they get rewarded for it.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    They reward people with their terrible rank system where you are expected to give survivors tons of extra chances. Sadly the further you get in ranked as killer the less fun the game becomes and they don't have any incentives to rank up.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354
    edited April 2019

    If you consider staying at a low rank to be good then yea, camping is rewarding that by degrading the chaser emblem and causing lost games. With no rank rewards there's no reason to want to rank other than playing against better players, achievements, or bragging rights.

    Another way to lower camping without rewarding killers, would be putting in the "free kindred" idea the devs had, so that every survivor would know when to do gens if the killer is camping. Thats a massive buff for solo survivors and pointless for SWF so some balance adjustments would have to be made but that would also work.

    Its just pointless to "nerf" camping because its already the bad play to make and the people who do it don't care that they are losing by doing it. Everyone that's high rank will tell you that camping is bad unless survivors are swarming the hook. It's not something you want to be doing and by nerfing it you only open up survivors to abuse the killer around hooks, like the OP's change did when they tested it.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2019

    yea camping is bad.. but many bad killers have noed and you dont have a time to find hex you cant save your friend.. and i said if the survival will be in hook radius it will be normal like now... so killer cant be solo in the hook radius

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2019

    yea you are right... but its not fun.. when he chase you 10min and after he catch you and facecamp and your team cant do anything.. i think this game is not about camping

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    > facecamp and your team cant do anything

    What do you mean? They can do the objective for free.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2019

    i mean that they cant do anything for you.still they do mb 3gens.. with my idea they can do all gens so camp will be extra unprofit

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    Speaking about the "fun" part.

    Do you think having to chase a single Survivor for minutes at a time is fun for the Killer?

    I'll answer that for you: it isn't. The "fun" argument is not applicable here unless we are holding Killers to a different standard than Survivors, which would be hypocritical.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    when killer chase someone fot 10min its bcs he is bad... so its about skill.. when killer camps you its not about skill bcs you cant do anything...

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Just because they used false prerequisites and dindt changd them to further testing. That not an argument against this idea.

    Camping needs to be harder adressed as well as tunneling. My statisticts throughout the last season says that during legit games (4vs1) almost 75% of the killers were camping and/or tunneling. That one of the biggest issues in the game besides DCs.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    yea if they upgrade my idea it can be good.. it can be very good system but it will be hard to creat it good

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    No, it can't. Fix generators and stop asking for free unhooks.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    its hard to play on lower ranks or play with firend with low rank... we playing with friends and killer with rank 8 camp.. and its very boring when you cant do anything and your team must let you die... i dont know your rank but on rank 20-15 its normal to camp.. so the game will be better bcs very bad killers will camp so they will be low rank and players thats play like rank 5 and they are rank 15 bcs every killer camps them will be higher so it will be good for everyone..

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So you're new to the game and get hooked a lot. That's going to happen until you learn to play better. You can't pick up a game and expect to be rank 1 after 10 seconds.

    Camping is already punishable, and campers already derank, as long as survivors don't feed.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    there is a problem that you have only 1 life on hook.. bcs they camp you until you die

    and its not fun anymore when i play 10 games and 8 games i play vs camper

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's not fun for killers when they're stunned by pallets.

    "Fun" is not an argument for butchering a tactic, especially when that tactic already has counters and is inherently bad for the person who engages in it.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    its bad argument that killers getting stunned by pallets.. bcs pallets are not infinty and you cant repair it... hook will repair.. and if you are good killer you wont have a problem with killing survival

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's the same argument you're making - it's "not fun" to be stunned.

    Hooks don't repair after a sacrifice unless the killer is running a very specific perk.

    If you think killers are overpowered, then please, play killer until you reach rank 1, and then keep playing. Survivors who do this realize they were wrong about how powerful killers really are.

    Keep in mind you're new at the game. Like I said, you're going to have a hard time playing at first. Most people who still play this game have hundreds, sometimes thousands of hours of play time and access to just about every perk there is. You can't expect to compete with that right away.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    first im not new.. and the second if youre playing normal this nerf will not works on you bcs it will works on campers... so if you are not camper you will be ok so what is your problem about it?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So how many hours do you have? I've been assuming you're new because your complaints are typical of new players, but if that's not the case, I apologize.

    Occasionally, camping is the best tactical decision a killer can make. When the gates are powered and open, when survivors are buzzing around the hook, Dying Light, and a bunch of other situations. For those reasons alone, I am against any punishment for camping, regardless of my own playstyle.

    Then there's the fact that the killer, as the power role, should be free to do as they please with the weak role, survivors. Survivors don't get on the hook by themselves, the killer had to do his job to put them there. Why should the killer then be punished for trying to make sure that survivor dies? Camping is already the worst thing the killer can do, since it means he lacks map pressure.

    This would be like introducing a mechanic that forces survivors to get hit by the killer every time they complete a generator, and if they don't get hit, they can't complete a generator.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    "camping is the best tactical decision a killer can make. When the gates are powered and open, when survivors are buzzing around the hook" ok in late will be change but if you camp in early game its bad... in late camp is not ok too but its better then in early.. still if killer have noed its worst... i think that you are killer player i think that youre not playing survival.. bcs lot of peoples that play survival are getting tilted bcs of campers

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I play both sides, which is how I know camping is a non-issue. It's a strategy that ends with one kill, tops, as long as the survivors don't feed. Sometimes not even one kill, depending on how quickly gens are rushed.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    i getting tilted bcs of camping and its boring for me to play vs it.. bcs if he get my friend its about him or me.. +camping with letherface is the worst thing that you can play vs... bcs you cant save your frien you must let him die

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    Stop trying to make rules at your liking.

    Camping and tunneling are part of game and sometimes are only viable tactics in certain situations. If Killer camps its his decision and tactic - other 3 ppl can finish 3 gens in that time and start working on last 2. Killer will lose game with 1k and low points.

    When Killer getting looped for 5 gens cause its hundred of pallets and jungle gyms one by one at the map which he need to get rid of - not a single Surv says its unfair or not fun.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    i dont think that camping and tunneling is part of the game..

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited April 2019

    At some point you've got to understand that these are legit strategies of play. You aren't going to like them, but you will see them no matter what happens. Stop trying to make killers play by some made up honor rules when you have every opportunity to win and fail to do so. For as much as killers complain about the game they have to deal with they never say they want a free win. They always say. "Adjust the game so that we have a chance to feel like we're actually in control."

    You see it at every rank, skill level, and every killer that isn't nurse. Killers simply want to feel like they have more control over the game because buffing and nerfing killers doesn't provide anything that sorts any real issues. Survivors on the other hand want to constantly throw out ways to limit the killers ability to do anything and if you don't follow these "rules", you're attacked. Killers shouldn't be stuck in 10min chases at any point regardless of skill. That's a game design flaw that should be addressed. Survivors should have more answers to people standing on the hook, but they shouldn't be just punitive punishments towards the killer they should be things you can do to help yourself,

    After well over two years I can personally say I see nothing wrong with tunneling. A killer shouldn't have to be attacked for doing the most efficient thing to secure their win. If you can win playing by someone's made up rules then fine, but I don't find it fun to do so anymore when there is no need to do so. At some point we're all going to lose. We're gonna die on hook first and that is ok. At some point you have to sit there and put the time in to understand what you could do to have avoided being hooked. Also you should expect to get hooked and camped if you've managed to run the killer for a long time. People keep saying that it teams vs teams, but Killers have no backup. They do everything alone and eventually everyone gets frustrated over invests in a chase just to get one kill. If your team pops three or four gens in that time be prepared for that desperation and frustration to be that much higher.

    Post edited by ReikoMori on
  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    You should quit this game then, you clearly dont understand its nature at Killer's behalf.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    Tunneling is bad too but it still better.. but facecamping is 100# not part of the game... Camping is not part of the game too but its still better then facecamp.. i think youre not playing survival so you wont any killer nerf.. but 95# od survival hates camping.. and for many people is boring to getting camped.. same as camping with killer it is boring too but many bad killere doing this.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2019

    I do play surv with my friends sometimes, and if any Killer goes for camping strategy, beeing it me on hook or someone else, we just work around it. Not a single camping Killer will stay till death on hook, when gens are popping around. He will eventually go and your team will have time for save attempts, also if you play as SWF you can have some of ppl have Borrowed Time to help with saves.

    Once again - Killer is not there to provide you fun, he is there to kill you and have fun himself. And he is not obliged to play by some made-up rules that allow survivors free unhooks and easy life. Just work around it and deal with it in-game. The sooner you get it, the sooner you'll be better with game and different tactics and sooner you'll start to have fun at any situations.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    I didnt play for long time so i lost my rank im at rank 17 i started to play Yesterday.. i played 10 games mb and 8 times killer camp.. i playing solo so its hard to work around it bcs theyre not too good so its hard.. and if i play with friends we usually playing vs 13-5 rank killers.. theyre camping too and when they pop the gen.. he dont care ane he still waitin for my death.. so with my idea i think that 80# killers that camp right know will stop camping and game will be more fun for survival and it will be more about skill for Killer and i think it will be more Fun for the killer..

    Its a game and we playing games to not getting bored with many facecampers that game Will be boring.. games should be fun

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Let's remove pallet stuns, since they're not fun for killers.

    I thought I told you already that "not fun" is not an argument.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @MegsAreEvil So whats your suggestion then?

    Open a thread with a detailed description of your suggestion and then we can discuss whether it can be abused or not.

    Btw what do you suggest to counter tunneling of gens?

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    if you're having trouble at rank 17 regardless of team or not you should be able to pip it is super easy at that rank and whenever I take a break and get put there I end up double piping most of my games at that rank. Camping is punishable get on them gens and get out don't reward campers. If camping is such a problem run kindred for your team so they know there are many ways to counter as for NOED. take adrenaline or don't get found at end game just escape.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21

    Survival on hook cant do anything only wait or pressing space... And when Killer got stunned by pallet its about sill he can dodge that palet

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    In a game where stealth isn't an option and more often than not the killer will almost always spawn incredibly closely to a random survivor (or multiple) that's not really a sensible response; it's not always an option.

    And sometimes being the last person found is what nets you the camp. By design the survivors are supposed to be tagging out, so let's not be ridiculous and pretend that getting caught once means you deserve to be camped or tunneled - it is game ruining and frankly messes up the ranking system.

  • Kotentopf
    Kotentopf Member Posts: 276

    In 120 Seconds (Time where your friend is on hook) you can do 3 complete gens (one per person) and at least one more with 2 or 3 guys at the same gen. SWF is overpowered as hell and you want to nerf killer while your swfriend is on hook.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You could avoid getting hooked by winning at stealth and winning chases. Regardless, that isn't your argument. Your argument is that it's "not fun". Well, neither is getting stunned, looped, blinded, or genrushed, just to name a few. So let's removed anything that can stun (pallets and perks), remove all walls and windows, and remove all generators. Because it's "not fun".

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    Camping or tunnelling by who's merit?

    I've been called camper simply for some moron standing in a trap right in front of a hook.

    That's not camping, that's another entitled survivor thinking "He can't put a trap here im entitled to get my friend off the hook or he's a CaMpEr"

    All these "Rules" made up by survivors are just that MADE UP.

    I don't camp or tunnel and i run DS to try and lower the amount it's done on me, but he's entitled to do it. Is it a dick move? sure it is.

    Is it against any rules? no.

    Are there any of these made up rules to protect a killer? No.

    Here's some of your greatest hits.

    1. Using SWF to set up double flashlights
    2. Mass blocking hooks
    3. Mass sabotaging hooks
    4. Abusing broken loops with balanced landing.

    Remember these "Nerfs" survivors moan about like removal of pallets? that equated to just 1 pallet per map on average, infinite loops are still in the game, they nerf second chance perks only to put another one in on a paid DLC 1 patch later.

    Playing killer that isn't Nurse or Billy is like pissing into the wind at the moment i can't blame a Freddy for camping or tunnelling.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    Stop getting found first, tbagging, being a toxic surv, learn to juke/stealth and you will be fine.

    How come I was camped maybe 10 times in my life, but some individuals like you are "camped 8 of 10 times"?

    PS. Stop being entitled, thank you. You are new, you don't know ######### about this game, play both sides, and you will see.

    PS2. "when killer chase someone fot 10min its bcs he is bad... so its about skill.. when killer camps you its not about skill bcs you cant do anything..."; "ts bad argument that killers getting stunned by pallets.. bcs pallets are not infinty and you cant repair it... hook will repair.. and if you are good killer you wont have a problem with killing survival"; "first im not new.. and the second if youre playing normal this nerf will not works on you bcs it will works on campers... so if you are not camper you will be ok so what is your problem about it?" - your own words are the best weapon to break your "arguments". You are new, you are biased, you don't know how to play this game, nor you can't realize how your "fix" will ######### up every killer in this game.

    Think, buddy, think. And play both sides.

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2019

    Camping at rank 18 is normal so if you are afk they will camp you..

  • _Dead_InSide_
    _Dead_InSide_ Member Posts: 21
    edited April 2019

    "Well, neither is getting stunned, looped, blinded, or genrushed, just to name a few." Stunned by palet.. you can moonwalk so dodge the stun, to counter loop you can flick your mouse,blinded-lightborn,genrush-hexruin,getting blocked by stw when someone wiggle- mad grid.. there are lot of counters. And i think there isnt any counter vs camp

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    Wait at what rank do you play if you're getting caught and facecamped "8/10 games" by Rank 18s?

    No offence but i don't believe that figure, i have been playing for little over a year and have been facecamped MAYBE half a dozen times at the most.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    There are many counters against getting camped.

    Not getting caught for one, 15 pallets per game, infinite loops, flashlight saves, hook blocking.

    Teammates with BT.


    DS after the first one.

    Lightborn and Mad Grit are memes no self respecting killers run these and it's a big disadvantage to do so since most flashlights come on pickup so your face is locked at a point your only option is to drop the survivor.

    Hex ruin does not counter Genrush lol it lasts maybe 30 seconds into a game and decent survivors can still hit skillchecks on it.

    I played a killer game and lost Ruin before i could even get to it because a survivor spawned right next to it, every Hex perk in this game is a joke lol.

    Ruin does not bother me as survivor i just work through it.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Survivors on the whole agree that some maps can be pallet city and usually agree with nerfs like that though (although even then it's still RNG if they are)