Legion Update

I am not sure where to begin with this, but I guess a good place would be that the changes being implemented has given the Survivors too many advantages against them. The movement speed decrease will allow Survivors with exhaustion perks a heightened ability to break line of sight. This combined with the absurd detail of being unable to see blood trails and scratch marks will make it even easier to lose them.

Next; the Deep Wound timer's nerf means that a survivor can simply hide in a locker or within the Terror Radius indefinitely without repercussions ON TOP of it being halted whilst mending. This completely nullifies the Legion's ability to place pressure on survivors, their main objective with Feral Frenzy.

On top of all of that; missing an attack drains the Feral Frenzy gauge immediately. The point of Feral Frenzy was that they could take a swing or two and not worry about the cooldown, I see no reason to remove this feature, especially if you are attempting to hit multiple survivors and in the heat of the moment one could easily swing at nothing.

Lastly; removing the Legion's ability to reduce the Deep Wound Timer manually. Survivors are capable of pausing the timer by Mending or staying in the Terror Radius according to the changes proposed. You might as well just use your power to cross the map quickly and simply M1 survivors because despite the Legion's ability to stall the game, these changes are pushing the Killer to play as a much more viable option, such as the Hillbilly.

Hopefully, these changes will be reworked after the PTB, because just from reading it this feels like a death sentence for those stabby Canadians.

TL;DR: Survivors have too many counters to the proposed changes for the Legion.


  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221
    edited April 2019

    Nope I think they did a good job removing the moonwalk and chase cheeze. 10/10 update for me. Now they just need to make Coldwind farm loops solid so killers can mindgame them and make nurse blinks slower and the game will approach balance.

    fUNERALfLOWER Member Posts: 23

    There is plenty that can be done to counter Moonwalking if some thought is put into it. If the DEVs can come up with a solution that makes a difference I'm all for it, but totally neutering the Killer's arsenal is not the way to go.

  • rowlent
    rowlent Member Posts: 12

    The only problem with Legion is the moonwalk, just changing Deep Wound could resolve that. Legion is fine as it is!

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Nope. The changes are pretty good. If you just stay inside their terror radius you're probably not doing anything useful with your time, so the Deep Wounds are still doing their job at slowing the game down. The changes will allow Legion's power to do their job of slowing the pace of the match without ridiculous no counterplay chases (hitting a survivor four times with your ability activated is NOT skilfull and has no counterplay, and encourages killers to play poorly), and the MS buff will make them much better at finishing survivors off. I think the changes are everything Legion needs to have a healthy spot in the game.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    I will need to test to have an opinion. Legion's cooldown addons had better not be nerfed to uselessness.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    There is plenty to counter Moonwalking Legion? And you're the only one on the forums talking about it? Something is not adding up...

    fUNERALfLOWER Member Posts: 23

    As in a mechanic change can be done for sure, but a total nerf straight into the earth's core is not the way to go. "Moonwalking" as it stands has no real counter, I wasn't implying one exists at the moment my friend.