New Status Effect:No more chance

first,I am not native English speaker,so sorry for my bad English.

New Status Effect:No more chance. what is this?

Deliverrance,MoM,decisive Strike,Ttyptic Agent,or Anti-haemorrhagic Syringe,causes the No more chance Effect for 200 seconds.

you cannot use these parks or addons while No more chance.

how about this idea?


  • ranbuta
    ranbuta Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2019

    sorry, I wrote this wrong categries...

    can I delete this?

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Mmmh,I would like to see something like that implemented in the game.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    First what i think was second hook kill you from place no strugle nothing you are dead.

  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    Take the healing items out the picture and instead of an additional effect just have the perks reset after using one.

    So, you get hooked you use deliverance MoM resets it's hits to 0.

    You get hooked, you use deliverance, DS doesn't activate on 1st hook since you used another "Tank" perk.

    You're able to use the same builds as before, but the super mega mondo combo chaining of perks won't happen.