ruin needs a literal nerf
There was no point to using tier 1 and 2 before cause it's impact was minimal. Afaik the regression effect gets a bit stronger now with higher tiers, but with every new dlc bringing effectively 9 perks into a bloodweb (3 tiers of 3 perks) it makes it harder and harder to get those decent perks on a killer. Ruin being like this gives players the ability to benefit from it without having to invest a hundred levels of bloodpoints to get the perk in a useful state.
If you're finding ruin that bad, try Small Game or Stake Out.
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I actually uploaded a purple rank game a few weeks ago (without ruin) and killed all survivors after a couple minutes and they only finished 1 generator. Does that mean ruin isn't necessary? Hell no - all it means is the survivors were bad - really bad.
Good survivors can get chased for minutes no matter how "smart" the killer plays. And good survivors can also fix several (or even all) gens in a few minutes.
The following video is from Zubat - a veteran player - who played as Hillbilly (strong killer). Despite his experience and skills he ONLY JUST managed to kill one single survivor in front of the open exit gate.
They finished 4 generators in 3 minutes(!)
NOW imagine it was a less experienced player who played a weaker killer (Freddy for instance).
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OOHHHHH!! Oh!! Shots fired!!!
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Hahahah are you serious??? Come on go play fortnite
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Wanna know what’s unbalanced? SWF so if you complain about a perk that can be broken in seconds and remove a perk from the killer then idk what to tell u. Lol reaction I miss u!
must be a rank 21.
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Why do you want to nerf a perk instead of trying to get better at the game?
Practice skill checks and you'll be able to hit them more often. Or just gen tap like so many people do.
Or even better go find the totem and cleanse it.
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Another post of baby noob saying: "devs! Pls fix, nerf killers, killers perks, killers dah dah dah! Im too bad for play this game, pay me attention!"
But dont worry; im pretty sure the devs ruin "ruin" and another (bad word) you say. This game go to the trash thanks for babys like you. N i c e
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Get better at skill checks and you'll never be affected by Ruin again. Complaining like this just shows how little skill you have
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It does. But I doubt it will happen any time soon, or ever really. So many killers don't know how to put out map pressure. And a hard nerf would just cause people to quit playing killer because they don't know how to without it.
I would rather see a gradual nerf of it, slowly over time make it weaker as survivor objectives get balanced/changed(?) until it is no longer part of the meta.
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I agree most of the people I see just don’t know how to applying pressure on their own. Although I think ruin is fine as is.
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Map pressure with a slow m1 kiler versus 4 survivors.
Seems legit.
You must be the DbD god the world has waited for.
How about you show us some gameplay vs. some gen rushing survivors so we can use your wisdom to get better ourselves?
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Do they play Legion at rank 1 without Ruin? Unlikely.
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Hex's are some of the weakest perks in my opinion... They don't need nerfs they don't need buffs I would rather use other perks than use a Hex as they are all easily destroyed and trash perks in my opinion NOED included there are way better options.
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Legion has a movement speed ability and can cross the map fast. Also playing at rank 1 isn't synonymous with facing genrushers. A god tier Legion isn't at any great advantage against a well coordinated SWF team. Legion especially has a hard time cause currently he has an extremely low skill cap.
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Did you watch the game someone linked where a BILLY had four gens get finished in three minutes? Guess not.
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Instead of whining and fighting your opinion, here is my suggestion on how to help you, I don't run it so I don't find it of use, as a Killer main, gen rush is meta so I understand why it's used.
This will help you out:
This is not happening, for bigger skill checks if that is the issue.
Technician, in the case you try to hit a good skill check and miss the shot.
Search around generators or the killer shack as those are common spawn locations.
Search the small walls where totems usually spawn, often there too.
Use a map with the add on that tracks Killer belongings.
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Billy is not immune to genrush my dude.
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@ClogWench his ability isn’t that good for crossing the map though. I do agree rank one means nothing. I’ve seen “that” group in all sort of ranks.
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You're right. It's not as if generators only take 80 seconds (faster with perks and tool boxes.) I don't see how any survivor could finish generators in three minutes. That's insane. He should have been chasing all four of them at once, you're totally right. I forgot about that aspect of killer. Being able to be in four places at once to keep all the survivors off generators.
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@ClogWench yes he isn’t but, if he doesn’t chase too long and patrols then he can apply pressure. Don’t chase for too long and patrol gens.
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My point though is that very few killers have the map pressure to stop effective genrush and even those that do can't always stop it. You can go patrol gens but 1v4 you can only ever stop one person at a time. The second you break chase to check a gen, that survivor can work on a gen, and there's still 2 more gens being worked on that the killer can't stop at that moment.
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OH! So i shouldnt chase survivors!? I was under the impression that i had to chase them to put them on hooks. Let me find out i never had to chase at all. This is news to me. Thank you @TreemanXD This put a whole new outlook on killer for me. I'll just chase them off gens without ever actually chasing after anyone. Brilliant strategy. That'll net me a 4k every single time!
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@ClogWench you can still hit them and if they stay wounded then that’s a free one hit down.
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But this isn’t going nowhere o I’m just gonna leave it at this.
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It's not a free one hit down cause you still need to be able to catch them. You're still susceptible to being looped. And if you're facing coordinated genrushers, they won't heal and just end up getting Adrenaline.
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@ClogWench if you’re being looped then sidestep it makes looping less of a pain.
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That's not a solid counter and also ignores most of my point. You can only apply pressure to 1 person at a time, leaving 3 to fix gens.
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I mean. Isnt that just corrupt intervention but longer? Wanna try coming up with something original at least?
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So your recommendation is to simply not chase and hook people and just exclusively kick gens? Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
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Probably uses DS and MoM
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Considering you're the one complaining about the weaker versions of Ruin, I feel like you're not in much of a position to tell anyone to git gud. Learn to hit skill checks and maybe I'll trust your opinion more.
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