Legion Changes Feedback

So i have to say that legion is going to become even weaker now with how you've changed the power, but you turned legion from weak, to useless, just like leatherface, he should have an attack cooldown yes, but COMPLETELY STOPPING the ability after a missed attack is too far.
Not being able to see the mend timer is meh, the mending being stopped while mending is not ok, it should be impending doom, not secondary actions, the mending stopping in the terror radius is amazing and i'm glad that's back.
Not being able to see the blood pools is completely taking out the "skill" from the game, the blood pools are not that easy to see without bloodhound (at least in my opinion) so removing them in feral frenzy does not only not make sense, but it also is unnecessary and completely kills legion's only tracking.
Feral frenzy lasts longer but is slower.. What's the point? it still means the same thing doesn't it? there was nothing wrong with the legion's speed, he still couldn't kill you with FF without wasting his time
Feral frenzy can only be activated at a full power gauge: Why though? this balances nothing, it just makes him weaker when he's already freddy weak.
You guys seem to have Nerfed Legion with this upcoming patch, i hope you know what you people are doing right about now, since you're nerfing one of the weaker characters if not the WEAKEST character in all of dead by daylight.
Why devs doing like this? Why they are nerfing the weak killer to useless. WHY?
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Lets be honest, Legion is the most hated Killer for a reason and that needs to change.
BHVR seems to think the only way to balance Legion is to completely force out our favorite strategies with Legion, making the fun we used to have now require addons.
I dont like the idea of being a M1 Killer after I hit someone, Thats not the reason I fell for Legion, and I rather they make my favorite strategy weak and unpractical with Legion than removing it. The way that NEW Deep Wounds make survivors immortal to more hits is beyond logic even for a Horror movie.
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I absolutely agree that legion HAD to be changed, but i preferred a REWORK, not a nerf, the devs are going the absolute wrong way! i have a rework idea that's perfect for legion, he can hide as a survivor and when he goes out of hiding he goes into the frenzy for a moment acting like a leatherface chainsaw that can't down you and can only hit 2 people, come on, it isn't that hard, and it fits with his whole style and the trailer.