End game collapse feedback based on the trailer’s info


The end game collapse LOOKS beautiful. The visuals are wonderful and thought is in the right place. I do have some concerns

>Hatch closing

as per the trailer, if you close the hatch the end game starts. The survivor, through this method, cannot leave the game at all then? The exit gates are closed, the hatch is closed, and all the gens are blocked. Is there something I am missing?

>Left Behind

I am sure it is being reworked, yea?

>The timer

currently the timer is designed with the sole purpose of stopping survivors from holding the game hostage. That’s all it does. It was supposed to feel like a dynamic change to the end game but it feels stale and just like a glamoured up anti-troll feature.

I would recommend, instead, if the timer started when All gens are done and completely stop whenever someone is on the ground or hook.

this would make a rush to get to the exit gates while also allowing survivors the chance to help their friends.

right now, end game perks that aren’t NOED do not work with this model, since remember me focuses on before the exit gates are open and bloodwarden pauses the progress of the end game.


  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    Pretty sure closing the hatch powers the gates, so they will get another chance to get out, but this should also activate NoED in the process.

    Bottom line the person that finds the hatch first is likely to win as it always should have been.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    I think that this is a first step of making new gamemodes and i like that. Its a thing that many of us want in the game.

    As for what this "end game collapse" look, i don't think it will be apreciated well, because why would i as a killer open the exit gates? to activate noed?

    I dont use noed in any of my builds but if i would they could just hide then run and escape, it doesn't look like an intelligent choice neither fun. It really doesn't make too much sense.

    It will work better in a separate gamemode. But of couse that will split the playerbase and we already have matchmaking issues. So i think that the idea is good but it needs a lot of work and adjustements to be fully implemented in the standard game mode and have fun with it.

    The only thing that looks good for now is the ability to close the hatch, in exchange of powering the exit gates in my opinion.

  • wildcats25
    wildcats25 Member Posts: 42

    just a small visual change/comment.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Which if neither knows where the hatch is - it will likely be the killer since they move faster and don't have to worry about avoiding a killer that is trying to end them.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Except the location of each player is essentially random and therefore the probability that either of them will find the hatch is roughly 50/50. Furthermore, survivors can use maps. Killers can't.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Also the Survivor finding the hatch is an instant win. The Killer finding the hatch is not.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    If you had read the Q&A post that accompanies the Endgame Collapse post, you would see that most of your questions have already been answered.

  • SamuraiPipotchi
    SamuraiPipotchi Member Posts: 100

    The devs posted the Q&A section of the endgame thread a little over 2 hours after this discussion thread was created. Even if the OP read the whole post, they still wouldn't have seen that information.