NOED needs a little rework.



  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Wait for testing before calling for nerfs or buffs on anything really. We aren't fully sure how things will play out. But it is laughable how bias some posters are to even try to turn this new mechanic being a buff to Survivors. When the whole thing was basically made to stop toxic Survivors from stalling matches at the end and applied a pressure mechanic to leave.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    You're right, @VexTheHex. Nice name btw. And I'm not a 'biased survivor main' as you'd think, I'm a killer main. The only reason I have such a low problem with NOED is because I just think it's too meta and a bad bandaid for genrushing. I personally would rather see genrushing fixed, and then I'm happy. But this thread is not about genrushing, otherwise I wouldn't target NOED. I think the speed increase and instadowns are bad. But as you said, we'll see it in the PTB.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Poweas I think that end game perks should only work after all gens are done. Yep that’s the problem with this forum. You have a survivor sided opinion and all the killers go at you.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @TreemanXD that's why I became a killer main, so people stop, but obviously it's the same old thing, so I'll just argue for a survivor side again. I know genrushing should be fixed, but stuff like nerfing a survivors perk like the new DS is so dumb, DS is finally balanced and they still complain.

    If killer mains had their way, this game would be chaotic. It's why I respect the devs so much.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    I use to "talk" with many of these people back on the Steam Forums. They are extremely bias Killer mains that will argue the sky blue and insult you on a dime's notice. I'm shocked they aren't banned on here already with the behavior they had on there, and i thought that was what this forum was supposed to clean up. I guess not. (To note, I didn't find anything too bad in this thread itself)

    I have played a ton of both sides and mained Hag back during her Stun Teleport days. The game has only gotten drastically easier for Killers. There are still OP aspects of Survivors no doubt about it. But to pretend that Killers don't have their own OP aspects is delusional.

    And since I know the Legion fiasco is going on right now. I'll say I think he needed reworked for sure, but I feel the rework they gave him looks very unpromising and will make him too weak and boring. He didn't deserve that type of gutting.

    But you best well know me saying the basement stairs needs widened with this new end game time change will have me quickly labeled and hated for being a filthy Survivor player despite wanting Legion to be fixed, not broken down to rubble.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Exactly! I honestly think the game is balanced on the tip on a needle. One side can shove the other off easily.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @VexTheHex I'm talking about on different threads, but in this one its quite clear how biased some people are not even willing to give it a discussion. That basement stairs idea is really good and can stop people being bodyblocked, but I think there'll be a lot of people complaining about your idea. But with this new endgame, that could be really helpful.

    Also Legion, is terrible. While I love that he now has counterplay, they really gutted his power. Just like Freddy.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited April 2019
  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited April 2019

    Nope...why would they fix something they would ban someone for abusing? You folks can quit trying to act like killers block the basement on a common basis come up with a real argument sometime instead of trying too claim a bannable offense will just happen commonly...when the reality is...what are you doing in the basement at endgame anyway? One survivor maybe but too even pretend your all 4 down there?...Unbelievable..

    And plus, the reason for it being bannable is cuz survivors would not die normally...with endgame, they will die at some point so once again the real question is..what are you doing in the basement after endgame starts?

    In reality I am already ready to see videos of KYF groups being used to show killers abusing this...totally not set up or anything : P

    Pathetic how far some folks will go too claim they should nerf basements or NOED cuz we have 3 minutes too leave now , nothing else actually changing, we just have a 3 minute time limit.. and somehow the killer getting a faster movement speed through NOED like it always has is suddenly gonna make it impossible to open one of two gates (( 3 years of the game being out prove this wrong ))'s just honestly pathetic..

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    You can't make a noed thread in this forum because everyone is going to say "cleanse totems".

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @AlexAnarchy you need a better understanding of the bodyblock rule. If someone blocked in the basement can die then it isn’t bannable. The survivors will be blocked in the basement for the rest of the end-game.

    Point is if someone is able to die then it isn’t bannable.

  • AsheruSwiftwind
    AsheruSwiftwind Member Posts: 156

    You know because gen rushing and ignoring the totems is the best idea then survivors get all pissy about the fact they get NOED when they nobrainer the tunnel vision on the gens and ignored said totems. Yep... Survivor logic... OH MY GOD THE KILLER IS STILL ON THE MAP AFTER THE GAME STARTS...NOT FAIR!

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited April 2019

    When did I say it was bannable? blocking the basement all game is bannable without intention of the game ending, they are not going to widen the basement for this..

    Same as bleedout from slugging, it is not bannable cuz the game still ends, but in the end the real question is always going too be for this case, ######### are survivors doing in the basement at endgame anyway?

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    The thing is, as it has been said before, if NOED pops up upon closing the hatch, it is honestly irrelevant.

    The hatch is closed > Killer finds Survivor > Survivor wont get away. If it takes two hits, it wont make a difference. If there is no immediate escape (the hatch is closed and exit gates arent open) then they will die. There is no going around it.

    Even if you manage to escape the Killer, injured, you wont have enough time to open the gates, as the chase and stealth you have to pull off would have taken almost the entire endgame timer. You would die to the collapse then.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    I agree there would be no point

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    @AlexAnarchy Sorry but it's driving me nuts. Doesn't, hasn't, don't, the apostrophe goes after the n and before the t. Does not > Doesn't, has not > hasn't, etc.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited April 2019

    That was a reference too what the normal blocking basement ordeal is but use whatever you can too create bad arguments I guess and make your self look even more silly on the forums I suppose.

    *facepalms, lols, and shakes head in amazement of how silly you made yourself look*

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Noed should become like the old time with a timer cant remember what it was i think was 1 minute or 2 minutes

  • Crash_Override
    Crash_Override Member Posts: 8

    Personally, I think it's a fair trade. Prior to the "end game collapse" idea, if you had a potato team who died before a single gen got done...your game was over. You need to be damn good and damn lucky to pull off two gens before the killer even found you, but now, you have an actual chance at escape.

    The end game isn't about "having a fun chase", that's *WHY* the collapse is there, to give people incentive to actually leave the match, hell the killer themselves now can straight up open the door and say "GTFO" if they feel like it.

    So, as a survivor, being given this chance to escape where all would be hopeless otherwise, why shouldn't the killer get theirs as well? Let NOED proc and then you have a different kind of "chase" present...the killer can search for the hatch to close it, at the detriment of not being able to guard the doors. You can go for the hatch as they guard the door if you know where it is. If you're both going for the hatch at the same time, and the killer surprises you with NOED, then they got that kill rather than you getting a speed boost to the escape.

    It's these tense moments, where you're presented with a leads to freedom, the other to your death, that actually make the game fun. When you have to weigh your choices against those made by your opponent. Be it the hatch, NOED, the doors, whatever...

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    to be fair: when the killer finds you, even without NOED, your done for in that scenario.

    hatch is shut and exits are closed, you got nowhere to run. NOED just fastens the whole procedure.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I've given this some thought because I can see the argument

    Thing is, the gates are powered the moment the gate closes, so you got two possible exits. The only issue I can see is if you get an unlucky exit spawn where they are both in the same corner (assuming that still exists - haven't played since before legion dropped. If it does, it should be given a higher priority now that the endgame collapse is coming)

    At the moment, I lean more in favor of leaving NOED alone.

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