Collapse Opinion (so far)

Love the idea of the additional pressure at the end, but the execution is... questionable.
Don't love that the collapse starts only after a door is opened. I understand why it doesn't trigger when gens are completed, but I would like to see alternate ways of triggering the collapse. Frankly, having multiple triggers may be beneficial.
The timer seems too long to provide any real pressure on survivors unless you're against a camper.
I'm also not fond of the fact that the hatch will now open with 0 gens complete. Effectively it's removing a lot of the tension that makes the game fun in exchange for rewarding survivors that sacrifice their team or fail to complete the objective.
Overall opinion: This change will likely make a minimal impact on the end game while empowering end-game campers and non-altrustic teammates. This will eventually encourage these playstyles to become more prevalent resulting in more toxicity and poor sportsmanship within the community.