Halloween DLC rework

Okay the devs have a great solution for DS, but they really didn't change anything for Sole Survivor.
I think what DS should do though is
"Once per match, if you are the obsession you stab the killer with whatever you have, and instantly free your self from the killers grasp. While stunning the killer for 2/3/4 seconds.
If you are not the obsession. (or the killer is running Enduring) Then once per match, if you have been picked up by the killer, after filling your wiggle to 35% and landing the skill check will stop the killer in place for 2/3/4 seconds. In that time you can continue to wiggle free, and give your friends a chance to save you.
(increases your chances of being the obsession)
I honestly think thats what it should do, the obsession should get the joy of freeing themselves right away, not everyone else as well. because then at that point the killer may not get to hook anyone
But of course I'll be happy with it in the end.
BUT the devs really didn't do anything for Sole survivor. So my thought is,
Keeping to your self has created a cloaking veil, that keeps you hidden from the killer's aura reading abilities. For every survivor that isn't within 50 meters of you, your aura is hidden by 16/18/20 meters per survivor.
However if you are not the obession, then it will not work unless other survivors die.
Sole Survivor doesn't have to mean your the only one who lives, but If it does. Then maybe it the perk should be called:..........
This would help the obsession hide from perks like BBQ and Chili, A nurses Calling, Bitter murmer (with its new buff)
And the idea of this, would be to give this perk use outside of being paired with Object of Obsession, play style would let you be helpful, by being hidden and away from everyone else. that way you could still help someone even with the perk, you just need to get away from them after helping them.
Dying Light, okay I hate that your obsession needs to die for it activate, and that sucks. My idea would be to make it work like a killer version of DS/Hope.
Once per match, after the killer hooks their obsession for the first time, all the other survivors will suffer a penalty 19/22/25% on repair, healing, and sabotage. For 200 seconds. How ever, during that time your Obsession's altruistic atcions will be increased by 38/44/50%.
NOTES:Your obsession will not be affected by the penalty of dying light, and dying light will be active even after the obsession is unhooked.
This would let you choose when to use like if you have been chasing someone for to long, then you can go after your obsession to slow them down in mid game.
I know the stuff down here won't happen but, just trying right?
Laurrie cosmetics: Okay with the new Halloween movie coming out, it would be cool to see Laurrie's new look from new movie as a cosmetic.
In the old Halloween movie, Laurrie actually wore a BLUE sweater over that light blue shirt, so at the very least you could give her that as a new shirt.
At the beginning of "said" movie, Laurrie wore a skirt and a different shirt, so they could add those too.
(Also could you devs work on Laurrie's model? Her hair was a little bit longer and her face is a little creepy.)
Micheal.....Uuuuuuuuuuuuh I'm actually not sure. Maybe give him hair thats a brighter dirty blonde color?
I don't know something.
@Nickenzie said:
@BLUE_APE Great job on your suggestions, somethings are off a little but that doesn't matter. KEEP IT UPThanks
I will
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it always puzzled me how 2 of myers's teachables are meant to have you keep the obsession alive and the 3rd wants you to kill the obsession asap.
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@chickenman12365 said:
it always puzzled me how 2 of myers's teachables are meant to have you keep the obsession alive and the 3rd wants you to kill the obsession asap.If you are refering to how they are now yes.
if you are talking about my idea here, My suggestion doesn't mean you have to kill your obsession, just hook them once, let them get saved. then go after the others and kill your obsession later
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How they are now, yes. When i first got myers i was so confused. "So one perk wants you to tunnel the obsession. The other 2 want you to keep them alive as long as possible... what...?"
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I hope devs will see this and put it in the game.
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@Beingnoob said:
I hope devs will see this and put it in the game.Maybe you can help by spreading the idea? Just a thought but yeah.