Balance tweaks for PTB Legion

rNine_ Member Posts: 42
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

The new Legion changes are overall a step in the right direction. However I feel there are a few adjustments to the current iteration that would greatly improve the new Legion mechanics.

My suggestions are the following:

  • 24m terror radius outside FF.

I think this is pretty self explanatory. This should buff deep wounds making it slightly more of a threat, and help get the jump on survivors to actually get some chain hits. It gives less time to scatter before Legion reaches them. At current PTB radius it can be tough to get the drop on people.

  • Revert the pallet jumping speed nerf.

Currently this just feels strange and rather unneeded since in order to actually down a survivor now you need to cancel FF, and eat the stun which should be enough time for the survivor to make a move in reaction to this play.

  • Decrease/Remove the power drain from M1'ing a survivor.

Why does this need to exist with the current long cool down of FF? Seems like an extra nerf just for nerf sake. This either needs to be lowered to a smaller percentage or removed completely due to my next point.

  • Decrease/Remove the complete power drain from pallet stuns.

Pallet stuns are punishment enough on top of the FF cancel. This shouldn't be a double whammy that exists, but if you're going to keep it this way then my above suggestion needs to be looked at, and actually considered.

  • Decrease/Remove the black out from FF stun.

Literally why? Most average skilled players are going to have a rough enough time with the regular stun and disorient that this seems to be a little heavy handed and unnecessary. It doesn't affect veterans that much, but it's still something that needs to be looked in to before live implementation.

I'm overall okay with how things turned, and I think with just a few simple tweaks we can finally have a great killer, and concept within The Legion.

Post edited by rNine_ on


  • rNine_
    rNine_ Member Posts: 42

    I meant to post this in the PTB Feedback. I'd greatly appreciate it being moved there by a CM if possible.

    Thank you.