Deranking because you got sacrificed as survivor


Can you not? This BS, you don't make it appealing to stay on if your teammates are noobs and you want to dc, what's the point if you're going to get deranked either way?

I also been telling for a long time that the game is unbalanced for games within ranks 10-20, wherein strangers play with each other. You've got stats, so you'd know that most of the games are won by killers.

This is too difficult for an average player. There would have been a good compromise if you nerfed killers in ranked games, but had a different mode for pro/sfw players with buffed killers (so the current settings).


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Man, i had many games with total potatoes... and you don't often derank because of bad teammates, you often just won't reach the better rank. Yes, its painful to rank up as survivor when you often get potatoes as the teammates... but believe me, its possible.

    Also, what do you mean by the killer's victory? Is it 4k? Is it that the gates were not opened or what?