Hatch grab window

Once the survivor is below the height of a killer's hand when escaping through the hatch, they should no longer be able to be grabbed. I just had a game against the Spirit where I was the last survivor and she led me to hatch just to grab me from it (see video) and you can clearly see I was through the hatch when I was grabbed. This has been in the game since I can remember and I think it's ridiculous. Even with the new feature where you cannot be grabbed once end game collapse has started, that obviously only happens in 2 situations: when an exit gate is already open therefore meaning it is pretty likely at least one survivor has already escape, or if the killer has closed hatch and the survivor has a key which I'm sure we're all aware of, is pretty unlikely. All I would like to see is that the window of time that a killer can grab a survivor from hatch is reduced.
