The Chaser Emblem is broken, and I have an idea

According to the emblem values, you get 5 points for finding a survivor, 55 for hitting a survivor, and you can get 90 points for hitting a survivor within 15 seconds. I've been told that the latter point gain is segmented into 2 chases, so you can get 180 points for ending a chase in 30 seconds. The total is 295 points. You need 3,300 points to get Iridescent. That's 11.18644068 perfect chases (hit them twice in 30 seconds) required for Iridescent. That's almost 12, and that would be 3 perfect chases per survivor, and at high ranks, that's almost impossible to achieve. Especially with killers like Wraith, Hag or Freddy. That's way too much in my opinion. However, I think I've come up with a good solution.

-The chase is no longer separated into two.

-You get 20 points for finding a survivor.

-You get 60 points for putting a survivor into the injured state. If you put the survivor into the dying state, you get 120 points instead (Insta-downs like the Chainsaw wouldn’t put you at a disadvantage).

-Chase points depending on duration of chase follow a piece-wise function.

X= Seconds, Y = Points

For X≤30: Y=180

For 30<X<60: Y=floor(-20(X-30)½+180). This is a downward square root graph, which is a decaying curve similar to the existing one. The "floor" simply gives you integers only.

For X≥60: Y = 70

Added up, you can get a total of 320 points for a perfect chase, up from 295.

-Emblem scoring points:

--Bronze: 470 (1.46875 perfect chases)

--Silver: 940 (2.9375 perfect chases)

--Gold: 1870 (5.84375 perfect chases)

--Iridescent: 2800 (8.75 perfect chases)

If you have read this far, then thank you. Devs, if you see this, then please take a look at this emblem in the game files (you've already mentioned an adjustment on the Evader one). Honestly, as long as Iridescent doesn’t require near 12 perfect chases, then it's relatively ok.


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I thought it was 22 chases for Iridescent Chaser. Anyways, I like your idea a lot. Hopefully a dev sees it and implements it into the game.