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Delete Exhaustion Addons



  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    If you think that Sprint Burst is the strongest exhaustion perk then that explains a lot about your opinions so far.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    The one that you waste every time you want to run for any reason and gains you distance before the killer commits to the chase, so he can choose whether he wastes time on you or not, unlike the others that gain you advantages when he's already commited and force him to waste time? Yeah, that one's a tad weaker than the others

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    edited May 2019

    it literally makes it so that even in an unsafe area, where the killer should have an ever bigger advantage, is irrelevant because you can always get somewhere safer. balanced is only close because of the possibilities of new loops. if you dont see that, it tells me u dont understand about making an area dangerous on the map that survivors have to go towards

    edit: not to mention balanced is map reliant and u may not always have a window for lithe. and like 90% of players dont use dead hard right lol

    now what's your reasoning as to why the others are better than sprint burst? this'll make a good laugh

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    SB is not bad by any means. It just gets less effective as you get better in the game when compared to the other Exhaustion perks, especially Dead Hard and Balanced Landing.

    The skill cap for using it is the lowest, but it has the least amount of potential and the lowest usage ceiling of the exhaustion perks.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    You don't take Balanced landing for its Exhaustion effect....

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    how, in what world, does the perk that requires NOTHING extra from u other than pressing shift, have the least amount of potential?

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Because it reduces your movement options and doesn't give as many choices or loop options as the rest?

    The fact that you can't run until you use it should be reason enough to understand how it has the least amount of potential.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Do you even know what potential is?

    Sprint Burst gains you distance. Period. That's it.

    Balanced Landing opens up a whole new world of looping opportunities.

    Dead Hard can be essentially a free hit if you time it properly.

    Lithe is a bit weaker than those two, but it helps navigating obstacles/losing line of sight more than SB.

    Potential: the amount of things you can do, or ceiling of a perk. The difference between a green ranker and a red ranker using SB isn't that great. The stuff a very good player can do with BL or DH is immensely bigger than what a very good player can do with SB. The only high level play I can imagine with SB is managing your exhaustion meter to come back mid chase and gain a boost out of nowhere, but that's a lot more situational than the other two.

    And SB is self-countered by running at all lol, don't forget that.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    This is funny to me, cause other Survivors would probably say: "I can deal with anti-Exhaustion Add-ons, but Iridescent Hatchets are bull."


  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Clown is literally the only Killer that can reliably use his Exhaustion add-ons. Every other Killer either has it at a very rare or ultra rare add-on, has stronger tools that you should be worrying about more than the Exhaustion, or the add-on is completely useless. Like most other people have been saying here, get good and stop relying on your Exhaustion perks so much.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    edited May 2019

    really? using dead hard as a free hit? also u should specify by potential you mean what loops can be opened up, I interpreted it as potential uses of the perk (as in how often u can activate it). sprint burst is the only exhaustion perk to elminate creating dead zones as an option. I understand the drawback, but it isnt nearly as much of a downside of not having the structure u need near by

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Nah, the add ons are fine. It's all fine the way it is. Just because "you" don't like something doesn't mean that it needs changed...

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Lithe and Balanced Landing eliminates dead zones too, unless you are already in one.

    And if you go down before you can get to something to use Balanced Landing or, especially, Lithe then the issue isn't the Exhaustion Add-ons. You shouldn't need to start a chase with SB to get to a loop.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519
    edited May 2019

    you're right, you should play smarter than that. but that's why sprint burst exists lol, having to hang around those areas to avoid exhaustion addons would be baiting ur team once the gen in that area is finished. also to correct u, it's not going down before u can reach a structure, u have to reach that structure before getting hit with exhaustion.

    edit: also they can elminate dead zones, but that's a lot more situational than sprint burst doing it

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    "if you are so reliant on exhaustion addons you should work on your own skills."

    The one sitting in the glasshouse shouldn't throw stones.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I don't think he's reliant on them. Unlike the OP, he's not asking for exhaustion perks to be deleted.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    He's defending ex addons which means he needs them which means he's reliant on them. Basic logical conclusion.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Oh sure.

    I don't think SWF should be deleted from the game, so I need it to win right?

    I don't think instasaw Billy needs to be deleted. I need it to win (don't even play Billy btw).

    Your idea of logic is interesting.

  • EnviouSLAY
    EnviouSLAY Member Posts: 300

    I just had a double purple doctor (one causes exhaustion) so it was a free kill for him late game since it was a balanced map. with fewer palettes and safe loops.

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    I don’t run into them as much, but against Clown it’s a [BAD WORD], stacked with Flask of Bleach it’s even worse. Unless you have sprint burst ready to go, you might as well not have brought an exhaustion perk.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343
    edited May 2019

    if youre that reliant on avoiding balanced landing maybe you should work on your own skills. killers have no drop penalty lmfao.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    reading all these killer main bias opinions is just sickening. exhaustion addons have been the same since exhaustion was more op and could go down while sprinting. how can u possibly change exhaustion itself and not consider changing the addons at all especially since the addons will reset your exhaustion even if its at 99% recovered. exhaustion perks are tools to counter alot of things especially bloodlust when u need to gain more distance to get to a pallet/vault. being able to render 1-2 perks useless for free is unacceptable.

  • Anevian
    Anevian Member Posts: 47

    What about making the exhaustion state caused by addons decrease regardless if the survivors run. (Except for doctor's and pig's as you are exhausted during madness or trapped respectively.)

    That way, people may be able to use their perks later in the chase and the relative power of the addons doesn't diminish all that much.

    I don't know if someone already suggested something similar in the thread, but based on the first dozen or so posts I didn't feel like scrolling through 3 pages of bickering lol.

  • SinfulHarlot
    SinfulHarlot Member Posts: 154

    @HamdaN You're missing the point. Exhaustion add-ons aren't very viable and are only mid to low tier killers. If it's hurting your gamplay that much, it may be a sign that you're bad.

    P.S. Don't run two exhaustion perks...

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    I'd say it was awful nice of that Doctor to restrict himself to the piss poor base range of the shock.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    ur saying huntress is low to mid tier...? i think youre just stupid as can possibly be. your reply must be bait.

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    No. You shouldn't be relying on perks in the first place.

  • SinfulHarlot
    SinfulHarlot Member Posts: 154

    @HamdaN Huntress is certainly mid-tier. This not to mention that the exhaust add-on for her isn't used much compared to someone like Clown.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Exhaustion add ons are fine. There are SO MANY debuffs that take you lower than baseline survivor abilities, like mangled, hindered, broken etc, ALL exhaustion does it lower how much above baseline you are.

    If you're so heavily reliant on an exhaustion perk that you cannot survive without it, then you aren't a great player to begin with. It's amazing to see how many players absolutely flail like a rank 20 when they can't fall back on Dead Hard every single chase.

    I'd love to see exhaustion add ons become more common on lots of killers, as it would encourage more variety in survivor perk builds than the cookie cutters we face every match.

    And again, it's the ONLY counter in the game to exhaustion perks.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192
    edited May 2019

    They're fine, honestly.

    Perhaps they should inflict some sort of specific type of "exhaustion block" effect that goes down even if the survivor is running though, as with how exhaustion works right now it honestly doesn't matter for the chase if it makes them exhausted for 10 seconds or 20 minutes - they will remain exhausted until the killer loses them or they go on a hook no matter what unless the killer does some truly 200 IQ stuff like trying to bloodlust the shack pallet or something and lets the survivor stand still for over a minute mid-chase.

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