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Toxicness of End-game Collapse.



  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited May 2019

    There is no difference. If someone wantd to slug you till you die they can do it and end game collapse has nothing to do with it. Do you really think this didnt happen before?

    If you ######### up you are on killers mercy, exactly as it should be.

  • FrauZockinsky
    FrauZockinsky Member Posts: 59

    of course there is a difference. at the very least there is a huge difference in frequency. killers would sometimes slug survs to death before (and I've always hated that aswell, but I could live with it bc at least it was relatively rare). now its happening all the time. and there is no "as it should be" about it. when i lose fine, but let me out of the game.

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    How does it feel being afraid of the killer near exit gates now?

    No more t-bagging survivors at the hatch, get used to it.

    Killers have had to deal with these standsoffs for ages now. Survivors got too comfortable with the safety of the Hatch.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @SlinkyJinky ok so what does ANY of that have to do with the EGC?

    Using NOED, downing a survivor and then facecamping them is something that could be done long before EGC was a thing. The only difference now is that Survivors are less likely to kill themselves going for a save leaving that Killer with a 1k.

    Any strategy that leads to a 75% escape rate can't be that bad for the Survivors right?

  • FrauZockinsky
    FrauZockinsky Member Posts: 59

    The thing is, I haven't seen a big difference so far if the survs win. No one is afraid and 12 year old survs are still tea bagging at the exit gates. Because tea bagging doesn't take 2 minutes. ecg is anti hatch standoff only. and those have always been both players fault. Surv won't jump until killer hits and killer won't hit until surv jumps.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @FrauZockinsky I actually have seen a difference, although it's a small one.

    When a Survivor opens the gate, sometimes I'll (as the Killer) be able to keep the other Survivors away from it in order to run out the timer.

    It doesn't come up very often, but sometimes it matters.

  • FrauZockinsky
    FrauZockinsky Member Posts: 59

    @NuclearBurrito I haven't played a lot of killer in the past week but I have seen a few interesting situations in streams, thats true. I have nothing against the ecg as such, it can add an interesting element for both killer and survivor.

    But they need to address the situations were the killer basically holds the survivor hostage during the whole ecg when they could just easily hook them and end the game. At least if it keeps happening anywhere near as frequently as it does now. If the other player was doing a hatch standoff at least I could concede the game by jumping into the hatch or hitting the surv.

    I also think, that the killer deserves to win if the survs don't manage to finish the objective. Still, I feel like the scale is tipped a little too far in favor of the killers right now. In my experience it's next to impossible to get out as the last surv. But maybe other players fair better and the statistics prove me wrong. Who knows. It just feels like it would be better right now if they just skipped the endgame timer and killed me instantly when the killer closes the hatch because its pointless anyway.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @NuclearBurrito I have seen a bit of a difference. For the most part, survivors have been leaving a bit quicker than before.

    I also seen a bit of creativity on the killer side. Played a game as survivor, EGC was started. I had the daily where I needed to leave with new item, so being an idiot, I went to basement. Killer slugged me, waited until about 20 or so seconds left on timer, then hooked me for my last hook. Keep in mind the other three survivors were teabagging at the gate. Bam, Blood Warden. 4K.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Why do you think the scale is tipped too far in the killers' favor? The killer did their job, killed 3 survivors and got to the hatch before the fourth one, while the survivors failed every step of the way, ending in a 1v1. Is the scale not simply the natural result of the trial?

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @FrauZockinsky In the games I have played survivor since EGC and I ended up as sole survivor, I have escaped probably about 30% of the time. I have gotten gates opened or found a key earlier in the trial and reopened the hatch. Honestly, that escape rate is right about what the 1v1 escape rate should be, if not just a bit lower. In this situation, the killer has the advantage and rightfully so. He should have the scales tipped in his favor. It is not impossible but it sure as hell is hard, and that is how it should be.

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    I think the problem is less "too tipped in the killer's favor" and more "1v1 is a waste of time for everyone involved, except in rare cases."

    A concede button would solve this by allowing the survivor to give up if they know they can't win or don't want to bother against overwhelming odds.

  • FrauZockinsky
    FrauZockinsky Member Posts: 59

    I mean that IF they give the last surv a chance to escape it should be feasible. If I have lost and am dead anyway (which is basically the case right now once the killer has closed the hatch unless the killer ######### up), kill me and end the game. Not give toxic killers the opportunity to keep me hostage for 2-4 minutes.

  • DenimChicken
    DenimChicken Member Posts: 114

    Give the killer a EGC entity mori after the hatch is closed survivor is downed, and gates are still closed. No one has to wait for the timer.

    Or better yet let the survivor have the option to bleed out faster the same as they can kill themselves on the hook.

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