Lets remove everything that feels bad.

This may not be received well by those afraid of change.

But here it goes.

There are good moments in this game. I love this game.


There are alot of bad things.

Lets talk about the chase and connecting with hits for a moment.(I can hear the eye rolling)

While working on gens can be tedious the aspect of being chased is what is thrilling in this game.

Lets change how we approach this aspect, as it is the most important interaction in the game right now.

The killer is there to chase us down and hook us, but lets not make it a cake walk.

Lets make the game rewarding on both ends.

So when you are being chased there are moments where things go wrong, the killer slaps on a pair of rollerskates and serves you up a nice plate of slashing from two screens away and you KNOW you dodged that, this punishes a survivor for attempting to dodge attacks.

While from the killers POV you just held the button and dashed, the game allows a HUGE amount of leeway when it comes to dash attacks hitting a survivor, hitting anything in a giant cone in front of the killer which you can easily rotate rapidly to the point of hitting survivors who are at sharp angles behind you AFTER you attack.

This mechanic seems a bit lackluster as far as who can dodge who can hit.. it seems to affect basic attacks as well at times as I have seen and experienced first hand from both sides, there are times when I am the killer and a survivor is RIGHT in the middle of my screen and all they do is run back towards me and my attack misses.. while they are right there. It seems that all the right handed killers cant hit anything on their left side.. Lets make it to where the killers can see where the attacks are landing, how we are hitting and make it more about aiming the attacks.. also lets not give as much to them when it comes to moving the camera around AFTER swinging an attack, if we miss, we miss and me move on.. as for survivors and this mechanic I feel they need to be able to see the red stain and stay out of it and stay safe.. if that swing is connecting and you are not in the red stain area it seems odd that you would ever get hit as this is where the killer sees you.

So if a killer sees you right there on screen next to them and they smack at you, you will get hit when it looks like a hit.. I want it to be clear to the killer where attacks are landing when they swing and I dont want the ability to sling my camera around extending the radius of my attacks to 360 degrees around me where I can strike someone behind me.. this is silly.. if it is more clearly defined than it will be more about a mindset of where I am looking with my weapon and I will know an attack hit or not without so much guesswork involved on either end removing the "I KNOW THAT HIT" or from the other end knowing you got away but still received a hit, making it a more pleasurable experience.

Now on to pallets and windows, the only means of really putting distance between a killer and you besides the killer missing attacks and losing sight of you.

When you jump out that window or slide over that pallet or slam it down and get a stun and you feel that success of getting away overcome you after a long chase and then the killer attacks and hits you anyway and crushes that, what good is that?

This needs to be as tight as possible.

If a survivor leaps over a window there is a danger zone on the side the killer is on and in that danger zone they can be grabbed right out of the window HOWEVER if they get in the window and get their feet up and over the other side of that window (Right at the peak of the window) once that frame hits the killer should smack the window and the survivor take no damage, unless the killer has some special perk or addon that allows them to strike through windows.

If a survivor slams a pallet down the animation should cancel out any attacks the killer is doing and the survivor should be immune to damage IF the survivor is on the other side of that pallet from the killer when the killer attacks, again this needs to be tight as possible, once that pallet starts down all bets are off for the killer if they are opposite the survivor.

If a survivor slides across a pallet once they reach that midpoint on the pallet this is a safe zone, the start of the pallet is danger but once they reach that middle point away from the killer the killer should not be able to hit the survivor, however in the danger zone a killer can grab you right off the pallet if they hit it in time.

So to sum up.

Red stain = Danger zone for survivors... don't go in the danger zone (kenny loggins)

If you are in the red stain and the killer attacks you are going to be hit, whether you are a little to the left or not.

Pallets and windows are actually a way for survivors to consistently get away and killers should be wary of them and find ways around them.

Killers get a more rewarding experience skill based aiming to hit survivors knowing they hit and survivors get the full rewarding experience of getting away when they know they got away.

I feel that this is the core of the game right here.

Now.. On to perks and prestige (I can feel the community rolling their eyes)

Killers perks are pretty amazing.. seriously.. they get some cool stuff, sometimes not so cool, but for the most part they get some really helpful perks.

Survivors seem to be lacking here and I feel it needs a serious rework.

I also feel that survivors should feel more unique when you play one or the other like the killers.

No survivor has a special power they can use during a match to help them out, all survivors are basically just a skin to wear while you swap between perks.

I see the same perks every game because of this, not because the perks are "Overpowered" but because the other perks are pretty much useless.

I wont address each perk individually as the time to go over it would be immense and I will touch on it later in other posts.

I will say however that the devs should seriously look at and consider how can perks be rewarding?

I feel that if you can prestige a character you should unlock higher level perks, this takes an incredible amount of time to achieve and I feel it would make the game much more rewarding to play and set a goal for players to achieve.

Even including "Random perk loot" at higher levels to acquire rare sought after perks.

While this may seem unfair, it is something that everyone can attain, I see people running no perks against people with rank 3 purple perks and pink addons all the time, its the same game, but with more incentive to move forward and compete.

The perks as is right now do so little that the game isnt really affected, some perks are absolutely useless and you would wonder "Why use this?"

Lets put thought into that and change this with a whole new perk system.

What does everyone think on this?

You feel me?

You hate me?

Do you love me? ;)