honest discussion about hillbilly and spirit fury.
first off, at a high level billy has next to no counter play. his ability to bloodlust with the chainsaw around loops and curve you while at the same time still being fast enough to hit the pallet before ur able to slide all the way causing u to go down and losing the pallet at the same time is ridiculous. having that much mobility and still being 115% ms is also a flaming joke as his m1 lunge can feel EXTREMELY long even when you have amazing distance on a loop. his ability to chainsaw through the corner of objects WHILE AT THE SAME TIME being able to exploit vision through objects during the ending of the chainsaw animation should be changed ASAP. spirit fury is a whole new level of aids and needs to also be looked at asap. on a ton of maps there arent that many good safe pallets (dude to RNG) and wasting them to avoid spirit fury is a joke of gameplay and will 100% make you lose end game. with a killer who can 1 shot pallets extremely quick and has a lunge from the moon spirit fury makes billy next to unloopable. ESPECIALLY WITH ENDURING billy is fast enough to face plant into pallets before people can even throw it down early which just ends in their demise. in my opinion he shouldnt be allowed to just fly down the map for free without some sort of charge or something. his chainsaw should stop after a certain distance especially when things like bbq are so busted on him that its just a joke. even nurse has that sleep cooldown for how ever many seconds as broken as she. dont even get me started on end game collapse. you will NEVER win that 1v1 vs billy because again, having an infinite chainsaw with that speed will never let u get a door in time to even bother. his hitbox on his chainsaw is ridiculous and is pretty much a cone... dodging it at medium to close range comes at the mercy of how bad the player is with the chainsaw or if youre lucky enough to 360 it regardless of its obnoxious hitbox. just some thoughts i had that i feel are fully justified.
If you want changes to billy you're gonna need to be able to consistently show that billy is overperforming beyond what is expected of him or that he's acting outside of what should be possible for him. Billy's strong, but he also takes some skill. Not nurse levels of skill, but more skill than most killers in the game. For every godlike billy player there are going to be 20 other less than amazing billy players. Also he's not without downsides. While he can skirt edges of terrain, he also just as likely to find himself bumping into invisible edges of the exact same terrain. Curving the saw consistently is difficult and steering without practice or addons is less than fun.
Enduring and Spirit Fury combo well on any killer and give the same benefits. The only outlier is that Billy can saw palettes. His chainsaw stopping after a certain distance could be an ok change, but then you're cutting into his ability of being highly mobile. Which is the best thing about billy as he can maintain pressure with such a strong mobility. We may find that billy is actually in a bad position if they just change it without being able to preserve what he's got. We saw what happened to the other high mobility killer.
There have been lots of complaints about 1v1 in the EGC and my thoughts on that is if you've reached a 1v1 situation and the hatch has been closed you aren't supposed to get out. It doesn't feel good to be told you've become extremely limited in your options, but if we are going to be honest at that point you should be extremely limited and pressured about what you can do. The saw hitbox is probably vertical rectangle with a bit of width on it. Leatherface should have the more conical hitbox. That aside, hitboxes continue to be issues for everyone as killers currently have zero latency due to being host and carrying all other connections. The game functions and feels differently to killers. It is an issue that for someone like Billy will need extra attention when dedicated servers start to slowly roll out.
Billy get looped a fair bit more than I feel you're giving credit to. Being forced to throw down palettes is a mindgame you have to take into account on a player level. You're able to just not throw the palettes and work on movement alone. Again I think it is a situation where feeling pressured to act is uncomfortable, but ultimately unnecessary and proper game design. A lot of killer in general is forcing mistakes and Billy's kit is one of the few that people actually fear enough to be forced into making mistakes.
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what u said at the end is very true, 99% of people generally know that a mistake vs billy is alot worse than most killers and being afraid of it makes them do rather random things that put them in worse spots