Red Ranks are Impossible

I'm sitting in Germany (central Europe) but as soon as i reach rank 4 any lobby has a 600+ ping.
I'm not a DbD god and might stuck at those ranks due to skill anyway, but thats not the issue. Right now i can't play the game unless i derank on purpose running in those stop motion lobbys. It has been a real issue that ranks didn't matter in the past, but currently the playerbase in high ranks seems to be incredibly thin.
Regardless, I have found it is almost imposible to get enjoyment out of red ranks anyway. The games are just so toxic, instaheals with meta perks on the survivor side and nurse/billy or best addons with meta perks on the killer side, games are so short and players are just hostile and DC. Purple ranks seem to be the most enjoyable atm, expecially with problems like yours so it may just be a blessing in desguise after all!
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Purple is where the majority of survivors end up even with the pip change recently. Still reasonable to pip without being a jerk. Red is just cut throat, you have to grab everything you can get and that means other survivors will always lose out every trial.
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I thought u said rank 1 is impossible, red rank it's just not that hard for survivors, even though it might be harder for killer for the reason you hardly find a killer lobby in your region.
Tbh SWF is the way to get ez rank out of it compared to solo. With that said you will have to wait more if you want a good ping lobby.
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"I'm sitting in Germany (central Europe)"
Slightly off topic, but are there people who dont know where Germany is?
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The rank system is designed to separate the ultra competitve from the modestly competitive. Dont fight to rank up its not worth the hassle it brings. Top ranks are for player who want to play with a small limited number of killers.
For survivour its running the best equipment and builds facing the same killer players and killers all the time. Paraphrasing words of hatch king monto "billy and nurses nothing but billy and nurse give me something else."