-75% Less Auric Cells for rage quitters?


Can we do something like rainbow 6 does to rage quitters? Users that rage quit too often get a cut on the new currency that is coming?

Probably a system where it counts the percentage the user leaves a match before it ending, for example 50 games-leaves 38 matches he gets a cut on the upcoming currency.

What do you think?


  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    I disagree with this. While I agree it's annoying when people ragequit, everyone has bad games and even bad days which will mean they probably just don't even want to put up with certain circumstances on the game.

    Auric cells by from what I heard in the dev stream are a type of currency you obtain by paying in money, people who ragequit too often are already penalized by being banned anyways, why would you want to take away the currency they paid for as well? In my opinion, this would either have no impact whatsoever or worsen the problem when people get excluded from buying the cosmetics they want (or characters) all because they got annoyed. That's just my opinion towards this suggestion, perhaps instead if you were looking to make an idea to further penalize ragequiters you should look at either shards or bloodpoints instead.

  • Valkari
    Valkari Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2018

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't Auric Cells only be obtained by spending money? While people who don't spend money can use shards in it's place.

  • TheWorldconsumer
    TheWorldconsumer Member Posts: 82

    @Twitchin said:
    I'd prefer if we just did a cooldown / rage quitters lobby instead, so the people who keep quitting get put with others quitters.

    Not sure how well it'd work, so I'd probably say just use a cooldown system.

    That would actually be a neat idea- but since we got peer-to-peer and no dedicated servers, this may be difficult to pull off.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    Wait. You mean to punish people for what the game begs them to do when playing a certain role? (killer) Nah. Because if they do this before fixing the bs balance, then a lot of killers will be even more frustrated at the game and might even uninstall and say goodbye.

  • ekto
    ekto Member Posts: 103

    @Twitchin said:
    I'd prefer if we just did a cooldown / rage quitters lobby instead, so the people who keep quitting get put with others quitters.

    Not sure how well it'd work, so I'd probably say just use a cooldown system.

    Yes. Let's let banned users get in there too so we can have an absolute no man's land version of the game.

  • Luxmea
    Luxmea Member Posts: 3

    Unfortunately I don't believe harsher punishments are feasible because it appears easy to hold the game hostage.

    I have seen a killer who intentionally bodyblocked the top stairs of the basement but did nothing else because he could not win, his name was evidence of the intentional action, 4 people had to dc voluntarily when they originally would have won otherwise.

    I have also seen the last survivor hide and not move to hold the game hostage, these kind of things seen all too easy to do and I would not like for someone unlucky enough to encounter a few of such situations be even more penalized than they already were by the bad intention of others.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    League of Legends perma bans only the top 0.1% of the worst accounts and they lose everything from ranked to skins even the super rare ones. That should be implemented here as well since it'd be no different than if it was Steam ban, you lose what you paid for because you broke the rules to often.

    It's generally worked quite well since most people won't screw around when they've not only got money for goodies but also what they've paid for their account involved. Money spent plus time spent in game are great deterrents for not being naughty so to speak.

    While everyone has their bad days it seems prior to f2p weekend there's been a huge increase in quitters both killers and survivors. If the devs start punishing people with harsher incomes including losing money spent they'll stop doing it.

    As long as there's no real penalty that harsh they won't really care since they'll just hop on a smurf account or wait for the penalty timer to decay. The penalty should be like League does which is if you're on a 15 minute timer you have to be in lobby for that entire time.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @powerbats said:
    League of Legends perma bans only the top 0.1% of the worst accounts and they lose everything from ranked to skins even the super rare ones. That should be implemented here as well since it'd be no different than if it was Steam ban, you lose what you paid for because you broke the rules to often.

    It's generally worked quite well since most people won't screw around when they've not only got money for goodies but also what they've paid for their account involved. Money spent plus time spent in game are great deterrents for not being naughty so to speak.

    While everyone has their bad days it seems prior to f2p weekend there's been a huge increase in quitters both killers and survivors. If the devs start punishing people with harsher incomes including losing money spent they'll stop doing it.

    As long as there's no real penalty that harsh they won't really care since they'll just hop on a smurf account or wait for the penalty timer to decay. The penalty should be like League does which is if you're on a 15 minute timer you have to be in lobby for that entire time.

    Sure, while I do agree some harsher punishment should be handed out I still do not believe this is the right way to go. Just because something works on one game doesn't mean it will work on other games as well. Keep in mind that a lot of the skins people have nowadays (especially when you dive into legacy skins and other special events and/or giveaways) you really just end up causing the game to lose part of its history that people worked for and in other cases even paid for in hard cash. Keep in mind that LoL has a much larger playerbase than DbD (If I remember correctly), DbD is essentially a medium sized game in terms of population and such a punishment like this would do more harm than good.

    I will still stand by the fact that people will have their bad days, ragequitting should be no reason to lose hundreds or even thousands of hours of work along with any money spent. Keep in mind, some people try not to D/C but are sometimes simply forced to due to the game being kept hostage in rare but still possible circumstances. People would ultimately be way too afraid to even D/C when one side is preventing the other from doing anything at all, people would find ways to abuse such a system to penalize people who don't deserve to have their progress removed.

    If anything, if it becomes difficult to come up with ideas to further punish consistent ragequitters then instead I think it would be a better idea to reward players for good behavior whether that would be in maybe a special skin, bonus points/shards, etc... Think of it this way, if you can't force them to stick around with fair punishments, why not encourage good behavior with rewards instead? (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm also pretty sure the bans associated with disconnecting too often is a percent of your total games and not a timer?)

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I'm not suggesting this for the occasional dc/rage quit but for the extreme abusers as a deterrent. If they know that the ultimate penalty is losing everything they'll stop doing it. League does it the same way and only as a last resort and only for the worst of the worst.

    The biggest difference is League is f2p with cosmetic goodies that aren't required whereas here you paid for the base game and any dlc/other things. Because if your behavior causes others to leave and not put money into the game or people not to buy it because a toxic bunch of jerks don't get punished. Then you end up losing more money and less people playing the game.

    Again this is a last resort type of punishment for the worst offenders for both rage quitting/dcing but also the racists/violence etc users. They won't change their behavior unless they're faced with the consequences of their actions.