Can you buff a little bit low tier perks, so that they're also used by players with ranks under 10?

Both for killers and survivors, otherwise a lot of perks are just useless. Although survivors have more low tier perks than killers do.

And you end up with a situation in which game is dominated by Hex Ruin, BBQ, NOED, Bamboozle, Enduring, Spirit Fury on killer's side


Self-heal, Borrowed time, Mettle of man, Adrenaline, Decisive strike on survivor's side.

There are a lot of low tier perks that can be upgraded to mid tier, to increase their appeal for use in the games.

It's probably not hard for devs to know which perks and how to improve them, since they'd know the game well, and have variety of knowledge, including knowing all kinds of stats.

But as an example, the Boil Over perk even with removing aura of hooks is useless against experienced players, and it rarely affects them, so even increasing Boil Over obscure radius up to 30 meters, as this popular youtuber suggested, would still leave this perk at low tier level. However, if additionally, this perk is buffed slightly to have 10% increase in wiggle struggle, then it'd become a mid tier perk, and newbie/average players will definitely consider using it or some pros if they do a "hook me if you can" perk combo, along with Flip-Flop and Decisive Strike.

Another example is killer perk Coulrophobia, from 30/40/50% to 40/50/60%, it's a slight buff, but will make this perk more useful in swf/under rank 10 games. Though, it's probably still won't be useful much since players more often heal outside of killer's terror radius.