Stupid Perk Nerf Ideas
(Or just some worthless additional stuff to a perk). Come up with some dumb nerf to a perk. It doesn’t even have to make sense.
Distortion: Now works on allies, consuming a token while hiding your aura from everyone.
Save The Best For Last (or in this case, first!): Everytime you hit your obsession, you get the bonus recovery affect from cooldown hits, however, everytime you hit anyone else, you lose 2/3/4 tokens that were gained from hitting the obsession.
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WGLF: If you die you lose all your stacks
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BBQ: if the survivors leave u lose all the stacks
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@Hoodedfengm1n actually that makes sense considering the name
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Deja Vu: you always encounter the same killer.
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A Nurse's Calling: You can heal injured survivors as killer
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Sprint Burst: Walking triggers sprinting, causes exhaustion for 60/55/50 seconds.
Hex: Devour Hope (tier three)- You need 4 tokens to get the speed boost, 8 to get instant down, 12 to get mori.
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Knock out: everytime you hit a survivor you fall to the ground stunned for 60s and can't be seen by survivors.
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No Mither: you start the match in the dying state and you cannot be picked up or recover.
Your grunts of pain are reduced by 100%(even in the dying state).
@No_Mither_No_Problem would approve.
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BBQ & Chili: Survivors must be left on the
grillhook for at least 15 seconds and at most 60 seconds. Survivors that do not meet these conditions will be inedible and reduce your stacks by 1.3 -
Devour Hope: Once you get your 5th Token, anyone running the Perk Hope won't be able to use it.
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Small Game: Unlocks the ability to eat crows. Eating a crow has a 50% chance of granting Infection: Food Poisoning.
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Small game: unlocks a mini game. You can't move until you beat that game.
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Only apply on hitting an obstacle.
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Give killer a distress, causing both action speed and movement speed slow
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Bloodwarden: Only able to proc when both doors are open
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Thats not a nerf.
Tunnel the obsession.
Get stacks
Mettle of Man:
No longer gains staks on hit. Gains stacks on hook. After 3 hooks, negate the next one
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No One Escapes Death:
once someone actually does get out (and escapes death), the entity will summon immediately and eliminate the killer on the spot, which causes them to lose all their points.
each time you kick a generator, you charge it up and add +20 charges to it and the gen will keep progressing with 1 charge / second until being touched by a survivor
this perk is your ruin. disables every other perk you equipped and reduces your movement speed by 5%.
reveals your aura to everyone within 24m. (includes the killer)
toolboxes can no longer be used to repair generators.
Head On:
missing the killer will result in you charging into the next wall, stunning you for the next 25 seconds.
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Dead hard: You die after using it
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Lol anyone want a freddy heals?
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Surveillance, survivors get the aura in white and see when someone else touches it. The killers lose info on the progress, whether it's been touched and the aura of the gen. The killer also cannot see or hear the generator pistons moving/the sounds they make.
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Pharmacy: Every time you use this, you get a mob of stupid anti-vaxxers non-stop telling you how "Big Pharma is killing our children," "Trusting Pharmacy WILL give you Autism." Because you've been attacked many times from them, you also get the broken status, because OWCHIE, THEY HURT!
Mad Grit: You get so mad. while carrying a survivor, you always have a tamper tantrum, allowing the survivor to wiggle out.
Lastly, Head On: You TRY to stun the killer, however, they are just too strong. Activating Head On will stun the killer for 1 second (only from confusion), and you will break you head, causing instant death.
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Head on: apply to the forehead.
Dance with me: You and the killer start busting down everytime you stun them.
Pharmacy: “Your prescription will be liked in within the next year”.
Dead hard: Start the match on a hook. 100% increases your chance of dying on the hook.
Brutal Strength: 100% more splinters.
Spirit Fury: Go on a half an hour long rant about pallets.
Windows of Opportunity: You can strike a conversation with survivors and the killer.
Deliverance:Does not stack with Uber Eats.
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Iron Grasp:
Effects of Survivor struggling is increased by 500%
Time to struggle out of your grasp is increased by 4/8/12% (unchanged)
"Go home killer, you're drunk."
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Brutal Strength:
Destroy dropped pallets and damage generators 50% slower.
"Someone skipped leg day."
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Ace in the Hole: This ability activates after you have been hooked once. You reach down your pants and pull out a pistol/shotgun/assault rifle. The gun has no bullets though.
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@Dreamnomad Um, sorry, wrong thread. This is about NERFS, that's an insane BUFF.
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Relax. It's a joke thread. I already changed it anyway.
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ok, then.
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Make Your Choice: Now only works on the UNHOOKED survivor.
Hex:Ruin The skull now says "Look-At-Me!" when you pass it.
Coulrophobia: The symbol for coulrophobia will now be the clown, nude.
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New killer perk:
10/10 Gameplay: Everytime you down a survivor there is a 50% chance they will automatically be disconnected from the game.
"Are you having fun yet?"
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AfterCare: After healing a survivor you tell the survivor to "Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning" / "Stay off your feet for a few days." / "Change the bandages every 4 hours and take an antibiotic every 6 hours for the next 5 days."
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Dance With Me: After vaulting a window, you'll get pumped up and start dancing with the killer! Sick dance moves are exhausting, get exhausted for 40/50/60 seconds.
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I’d run it every now and then.
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Hex: the third seal
Grants the ability to summon 3 cute seals.
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Agitation: Annoyed by survivors wiggling, you periodically drop them from your grip.
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that colourophobia change is a buff not a nerf
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Bond: Activate to attach yourself to a nearby survivor with a 5 foot tether. The bond can't be broken for 90/120/150 seconds.
"We either live together or die together."
Post edited by Dreamnomad on2 -
No One Left Behind: You cannot leave the trial until at least 3/2/1 other Survivors have escaped.
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Urban evasion makes your running speed to crawling speed and 10 times faster teebags and killer gets to see your aura every time
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[Hex: Ruin]: Increases generator repair speed.
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Shadowborn: You lived a dark cave so you're eyes not used to light, coming close to a light source stuns you for 5/4/3 seconds. Getting blinded by a flashlight or firecracker makes you lose your eyesight for 1 round/3 rounds/ forever.
Play with your food: You start the trial with 1/3/5 snacks. Activate a button to play with the snack for 60/90/120 second. One snack gets consumed after that action. While performing that action a survivor can steal the snack this will give the survivor a health back and you get stunned for the remaining seconds of your play time.
Bamboozle: Your name is mind game Marvin and you love to mind game. Performing a mindgame let you bamboozle yourself what opens the exit gates instantly. All survivors have to teabag you 1/3/5 times before leaving.
Enduring: You endure everything, when ever you would get stunned instead just lay down on the ground and relax for 6/8/10 minutes.
Pop goes the Weasel: You spawn inside a chest when a survivor opens the box you jump out and perform a striptease for him/her for 2/3/4 minutes. If used on shirtless Myers all survivors will come to the chest and perform a mori on themselves to praise your hotness.
Surveillance: Instead of spawning on the map you spawn in a room with a lot of monitors which are connected to cameras around the map. You watch the monitors till the survivors escape.
Hex Huntress Lullaby: You love to sing, as long as you totem is active you can press a button to sing a Baby from Justin Bieber and get a token when ever a survivor is with in 6/8/10 meters. All female survivors have to follow you around and all male survivors call you gay the whole trial. when the last gen is done and your totem is active with at least 5 stacks nudes of you get leaked on the internet.
Rancor: You're a teenager who hates everything. By pressing a button you put out your smartphone and complain about your live on social media, doing this too often during the trial will give you crippling depression.
Adrenaline: After the last generator is repaired you get so excited about escaping against a tryhard baby killer that your heart explodes, this action get you killed and grants the killer 20000 bloodpoints after the trial.
Calm Spirit: You smoked too much, just chill and eat some snacks while your team gets tunneled to death.
Distortion: You love pebbles. This perk grants the ability to collect as may pebbles as you like and keep them in your pockets.m Every pebble slows you down by 2%.
Selfcare: You're a selfish sole survivor who doesn't care for his team. The perk grants the ability to heal your self and when ever you finish the self healing action all other remaining survivors lose one health state.
Will maybe at some more later lol
Post edited by Orti on2 -
Hex Totem Perks now reveal their aura to survivors when they are within 20 meters of them.
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Borrowed Time: Now only works 6 times.
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Remember me: Only activates when both exits are open
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Urban evasion scoot distance reduced by 15%
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Iron will: Your will is made of iron