Massive List of Killer Perk Changes

Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

These are many changes to killer perks that I believe would make them much more viable than they currently are. Note that this does NOT mean survivor perks do not need changes. There are many, many survivor perks that desperately need changes as well. This will simply be a separate post coming later for those and this one will be for the killer perks. I will also be editing this post as we go. In light of that, if you disagree with certain perks please include you reasoning as to why so that we can discuss. Thanks and let's keep this civil.

@Peanits @not_Queen @Patricia

I am basing these changes on playing both sides at rank 1 on every reset with 3k+ hours of play time.

For starters, let's look at all the TR perks like Coulrophobia for example but there are many others as well.

The issue with these TR perks is that you don't reliably keep survivors in your TR long enough for it to matter. Like only an idiot is gonna sit there and heal through Coulrophobia and it only takes a second to step out.

What those perks need is the exact same treatment that the survivor radius perks received. They need to persist for like 15 seconds after leaving the killers TR. This change would make them much more reliable and improve their consistency which is what they are lacking.

Infectious Fright - needs to show auras, not just a location ping. A ping isn't worth much in almost all scenarios. Essentially a lot of perks need to be made less situational or VERY strong when those situations do arise. Most the situational perks we have are just OKAY when they work which shouldn't be the case if they are indeed that situational.

Dark Devotion - needs to last at least 10 seconds longer and shouldn't even have a cooldown. It only works on obsession hits and you are giving up all you pressure by letting the obsession go to HOPE you happen to find someone else. Even with these changes it still wouldn't be ran that much but at least then it might fit into a few builds.

Hex: Lullaby - The perk will work similar to Hex: Haunted Ground in that it's a trap perk. One totem will be lit at the start of the round for Hex: Lullaby but the perk will not activate unless the totem is cleansed. Upon being cleansed the perk will now be permanently active for the rest of the round and will start gaining tokens on each hook. Note that hooks prior to it being activated do not count. Starts at 1 token upon activation.

Blood Warden - Now that we have the EGC this should block the exit gate switches instead of the gate itself. It should also refresh in its duration by 30 seconds for any additional hooks. Since this is before the gates are powered the EGC timer wouldn't have started yet so the survivors aren't on the clock. This is another one of those HIGHLY situation perks that is currently just OKAY when it even happens to work. This change is to make it actually very strong when it does work while keeping it quite situational.

Hex: The Third Seal - On top of its current affect, also make it hide ALL progress bars and item charges remaining. This would include things like gen progress bars, healing, totem cleanse, mending, snap out of it, how many charges are left on medkits and toolboxes etc etc. So for an example they may be able to tell how close the gen is to finishing based on its sounds and visuals, but just not actually see the bar itself.

Iron Maiden - should show aura, not location ping for 4 seconds and Exposed for 60 seconds. As soon as they get in a locker even 1 time they are never using them again after they see the debuff, much less the rarity that people actually use lockers to even begin with. This makes the perk highly situational and very easily countered which means it should be extremely strong when it does activate.

Mad Grit - should 1 hit down while carrying a survivor. This perk is currently highly situational and extremely minimal payoff. Not to mention as soon as you down even 1 survivor with this they are never doing it again that game which makes it still weaker than a lot of other perks we currently have so this should be fine.

Pop Goes The Weasel - Just remove the timer

Lightborn - along with its current effect should blind the survivor if they hit you with it well enough that it would've blinded a killer not using Lightborn. Makes it kind of a surprise throw back at them.

Spies from the Shadows - effect should be map wide. Its current radius isn't worth using over any other finding perks.

Beast of Prey - Get rid of the whole gimmicky bloodlust effect. After being in a chase for 10 seconds your red stain is invisible until you leave chase. The red stain removal will persist for 5 seconds after ending a chase and restarting a chase during that 5 second window will refresh it. This is to counter the buggy end chase/start chase we can have happen during looping. The time before activation may need to be a little longer but you get the idea.

Shadowborn - is currently just overshadowed by MnA. I''d like to add an effect that makes it slightly quiet your killer sounds. This includes the killer breathing, footsteps and just idle sounds many of them make. Just slightly to make you better at mind games.

Thanataphobia - needs to include dead, sacrificed and dc'd survivors. Larger numbers as well, but not affect healing.

Corrupt Intervention - looks good on paper but doesn't pan out how it looks. Good survivors just wait out the duration without doing anything and essentially just delay the games start by 2 minutes. The new effect would be 10%/15%/20% repair penalty for the first 2 minutes of the trial and while blocking the furthest progressed generator for 60 seconds, upon hooking a survivor.

Fire Up - simply needs its numbers increased.

Stridor - used to be great but has never quite got back to where it used to be after the games sound changes. Increase its effectiveness to how it used to be.

Predator - should also make walking and running footsteps slightly louder.

Overwhelming Presence - along with the TR perk changes I mentioned at the beginning of this post it should also make survivor items within the killers TR just passively and slowly lose charges even when not being used. Note this will be MUCH slower than the high charge loss given whille using the item in the killers TR.

Unnerving Presence - needs its increased skill check chance increased.

Hex: Haunted Ground - just needs the second lit totem to not be deactivated after the first one gets broken. This makes cleansing totems a little more dangerous. Just 1 charge where you can't control when or even if its broken is a little too situational. This will just give it 2 charges to be activated, IF the survivors even choose to do so.

Monstrous Shrine - Remove its current effect as it's even sometimes a negative. Make it so hooking someone in the basement causes 3 random gens to become blocked off for 30 seconds by the entity and begin regressing as if they'd been kicked. The auras of the blocked gens will be shown to the killer for the duration.

Remember Me - needs to have each hit on the obsession increase gate opening time by 8 seconds up to a maximum of 32 increased seconds. This is a highly situational perk that very rarely pays off and should be very strong when it does come into play. You are giving up an entire perk slot already all game AND you have to actually happen to hit your obsession multiple times. Note that this will not take affect during EGC when there is only 1 survivor left alive.

NOED - A highly controversial perk. First things first, I do not think this perk is OP at all as it is very easily countered. My point in changing it is because I think it's unhealthy for the game and rewards killers not for playing good but rewards them just because the survivors got lazy. I want it to reward skilled play. My change is that if the gates are powered and not all totems were cleansed that 3 random gens will reactivate. Basically making the survivors do just 1 more gen. This gives the killer more time to make SKILLED plays but yet not just free downs. Will only trigger if 3 or more survivors are still alive when the gates are powered.

Tinkerer - Make it activate at 75% and last 20 seconds.

Territorial Imperative - Remove the cooldown and make it reduce the killers TR to 0 for 20 seconds.

Hangman's Trick - Instead of a notification ping make it show auras of survivors that are sabo'ing hooks,sabo'ing bear traps, disarming traps and opening chests.

Hex:Thrill of the Hunt - Don't make it a hex perk. Just keep the effect of it weakening for the more totems you cleanse. This will encourage survivors to cleanse other totems first if the killer is guarding his Hex.

Dying Light - I'd like this to debuff the survivors for 60 seconds after the obsession is taken off the hook. Note that if the obsession is put back on the hook before the 60 debuff has finished, it will end the debuff immediately. This makes it a more reliable slow down perk, while promoting "fun" game play.

Brutal Strength - Kicked gens will regress 50% faster

Unrelenting - Along with maintaining the reduced cooldown on missed hits, it would also heavily reduce the move speed penalty during recovery for missed AND landed hits ( The survivor would still be getting the speed boost ). This is to essentially just lesson the distance gained by the survivor after missing or landing a hit.

Post edited by Blueberry on


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Even after the nerf reverted it's still quite weak. It needed a buff even in its previous state. Have you really had the perk effect you seriously as the last survivor a lot? I havn't even seen 1 person use the perk in months and I play a lot.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    "I think the suggested NoED change would be too strong - when would you ever not run that? Like, what other 4 perks would you choose over running that?"

    Lots of things. If you literally just cleanse all the totems is does nothing and is an empty perk slot. How would that be too strong? 1 extra gen is a lot more manageable than 1 hit downs. It's also pretty unanimously agreed by the community that killers don't have enough time and that perk is simply giving them some more time so it shouldn't really be an issue.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    "It's basically "cleanse all totems or you have to do an extra gen"?"

    Correct. There isn't a cleanse after.

    "Could you list those things? 'cause it's mathematically better than Ruin, and any situation where you'd lose Ruin you'd also lose NoED."

    Ruin isn't even that good, it's just the best slow down perk killers happen to have. I don't see it being better than Ruin as an issue. You could have your Ruin cleansed but the survivors still not cleanse all totems and NOED activate.

    I didn't list them specifically because "when would you ever not run that?" is extremely vague. Maybe I'd run things like BBQ, NC, or Discordance for added mid game pressure rather that a gamble of a slow down at end game because after all that's HOPING they don't cleanse it. It's a risk you choose to take.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I disagree with Pop Goes The Weasel.

    Not that it should be Token based, but that you said enough.

    Because what i imagine could very well differ from what you imagine.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    I would add:

    - Thanatophobia: Bigger numbers.

    - Shadowborn: Once a survivor has been standing still for 3 seconds his aura will be shown to the killer until the survivor moves. It doesnt work with actions, it's just like the AFK alert (RIP Claudette)

    - Bloodwarden: Being able to be activated more than once would make the perk broken because of the EGC. Instead, make It so that if you hook someone when all the gens are powered, the perk will block the doors the second they get opened. This way survivors will always find at least 1 door blocked and they have to open them soon and work against the EGC timer to save their hooked teammate.

    Everything else is great!!!

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I wasn't really being that specific with it, meaning just the general idea of a token system. So even if we each have slightly different versions of what each of us would mean by a token system it would still be generally an agreement. The specific details can be hammered out later.

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210
    edited May 2019

    Ruin isn't that good and it's considered to be a 'must run' perk and you've designed something that is strictly superior to Ruin in every situation, barring playing against survivors who cannot do skill checks for the life of them.

    Even if they do cleanse all 5 totems then you've effectively made them take enough time to do an extra generator anyway (70 seconds to cleanse 5 totems assuming they aren't interrupted at all since cleanse progress doesn't stay vs 80 seconds to do a generator). It's not a risk in the slightest because you always benefit.

    EDIT: Let me recontextualize this - if there was a perk that said 'Once per match, revert a completed generator to 0% progress' what would you say about that perk? Would you ever run something other than that perk?

    Also since we're talking about perks, what would you do with Dying Light? I was thinking it'd be usable if it applied its debuff if the obsession was hooked / in the dying state, but didn't if they were dead.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "- Thanatophobia: Bigger numbers."

    I was about to add this as well. Will update the post.

    "- Shadowborn: Once a survivor has been standing still for 3 seconds his aura will be shown to the killer until the survivor moves. It doesnt work with actions, it's just like the AFK alert (RIP Claudette)"

    I actually love this idea. 3 seconds sounds like a decent time as well.

    "- Bloodwarden: Being able to be activated more than once would make the perk broken because of the EGC. Instead, make It so that if you hook someone when all the gens are powered, the perk will block the doors the second they get opened. This way survivors will always find at least 1 door blocked and they have to open them soon and work against the EGC timer to save their hooked teammate."

    I was a little concerned with my idea since the EGC release as well. My idea made more sense beforehand. I like your idea, however I still think it might be too weak and I don't think people would really use it.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Why does It have to come with a risk tho? I mean... Does Balance Landing come with a risk? Does DS come with a risk? Does Adrenaline come with a risk?

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    My idea of Bloodwarden would counter survivors 99% doors to avoid EGC because if they did 99% the doors and open them after they've unhooked their teammate then Bloodwarden would ######### them up. I think It would be a pretty strong perk that way.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That's a fair point. I feel like that puts the issue more on Ruin and other other weaker "slow down" perks needing to be better than that the "new" NOED is too strong. I say this because most people generally agree that the current slow down perks are quite bad and killers don't have enough time already even with them.

    Your point about there not really being a risk with it is a good one. Would there need to be? I say this hypothetically if the other slow down perks were buffed as well. Maybe just a perk to slow down the game would be fine.

    "EDIT: Let me recontextualize this - if there was a perk that said 'Once per match, revert a completed generator to 0% progress' what would you say about that perk? Would you ever run something other than that perk?"

    I'd probably run it AND Ruin. It would sound pretty good to me. You might say that seems too strong, but is it really when we compare it to some survivor perks? I wouldn't say so. Maybe a downside is you couldn't use it unless a gen was at least 85% and up. This being a downside because you'd HAVE to happen to interrupt a gen that's in that specific range, not before and not after it's completed. You could very likely never even get to use it.

    "Also since we're talking about perks, what would you do with Dying Light? I was thinking it'd be usable if it applied its debuff if the obsession was hooked / in the dying state, but didn't if they were dead."

    Let me add Dying Light to my original post and then we can comment from there.

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    I'm not even saying it should come with a risk there - just that the perk described would always be run by every killer because you're effectively saying "start the trial with 6 generators to do." And that's boring because that means you only have 3 perks to do other interesting things with since you always have to run that perk unless you feel like gimping yourself that match.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That's a good point. However, I'd argue I shouldn't have to waste a perk slot to fix bad game design in the first place. There should be something in the base game to prevent 99%ing the gates. IE maybe they have a constant slow degrade if not finished.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Tbf even though it's the same time almost, cleansing the totems is something different than gens and with no skillchecks. So not QUITE the same lol

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I actually had a similar idea to your NOED idea sometime back. Difference was that it wasn't a Hex perk, and instead of fully regressing 3 gens, it only partially regressed 3 gens depending on how many Survivors were still alive.

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    Yeah it's kinda a wash. With a Gen, all 4 survivors could pile on and do it in less time than it'd take to cleanse 5 totems individually. I just want to see the widest selection of perks available, so having clear winners is a no-go for me.

    Here's an idea for Blood Warden: After hooking someone when exit gates are powered, a dull Hex totem will light up. The entity will block the exit gate switches until the totem is cleansed.

    The change here would be rather than blocking the exit itself, it would prevent survivors from opening the exit until they cleansed the totem. It might need to be disabled if EGC is activated.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    Hmm, I like the idea but I wonder if its really strong enough that anyone would realistically run it for how situational it is. I wouldn't run it.

    If we have it blocking the switches now instead of the gates then EGC timer isn't really as much of an issue now since it wouldn't have activated yet. So what if getting more hooks before it ended would refresh it?

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Maybe if the game wasnt so broken in terms of balance people wouldnt pick that perk...

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    I wasn't sure if that'd be too strong or not. I think that, as long as you have another dull Hex totem, it should be able to re-activate. I guess I should clarify that it's no longer time-based but rather the exit gate switches are blocked until the totem is cleansed. It's less situational than it was previously at least?

    And yeah EGC probably isn't an issue. You might have a hilarious situation where someone makes a key escape and gets their team killed, but that'd be rare.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    I like the idea. However, if it's gonna have a totem to cleanse it then it shouldn't need a hook to activate it. Just block the switches on power up. The fact that you have to get a down and hook them ONLY in the time frame between gates powered and they havn't been opened yet is already a pretty strong restriction and gamble for an entire perk slot down that may not even activate.

    Another issue. What's to stop the killer from just standing in front of his totem and taking the game hostage if there's no timer on it?

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    That's a fair counterpoint - would you say it should do both (e.g. when powered AND after hook) or just activate like NoED then? I think you're right that the secondary condition won't happen enough.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    If it did both it could work. It can't refresh, so you'd essentially get 1 guaranteed activation and a possible 2nd if you played it right.

    How long would it last though? Old BW was 60 seconds one time and that was way too weak imo.

    I'm thinking each would be 60 seconds. So a guaranteed 60 and a MAYBE 60 more.

    Should we make the second activation be on the actual gate itself though? Would add a little more scary pressure on the EGC without being too oppressive since it may not even activate and even if it does after EGC it only gets that 60 seconds.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    No to auras for IF and IM. I run Calm Spirit and that would nerf this already niche perk. Plus these perks would be way to strong with auras. IF is fine the way it is, IM could use a longer Exposed timer. That's about it.

    I'll post back when I read all the other stuff.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    IF is garbage and ran by no one in its current state. It giving less use to Calm Spirit is an issue with Calm Spirit which also needs buffs.

    For IM we can cut the aura if we increase the timer more.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I agree with this. Infectious fright could instead cause survivors within a 32/45/56 meter range to scream. For IW make the survivor exposed for 15/30/45 seconds.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Infectious fright could instead cause survivors within a 32/45/56 meter range to scream"

    This is pointless. The range of the scream has nothing to do with why it's weak at all. It's weak because a location ping is barely above worthless.

    "For IW make the survivor exposed for 15/30/45 seconds."

    Hypothetically if that was the change it would still be ran by no one. Too situational and not that great in that situation. It needs to be either less situational or extremely powerful when the situation arises. If the perk isn't gonna be ran after a change it wasn't worth changing.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @tt_ivi_99 I added a few more perk changes at the bottom if you'd like to look

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    You: Very good perk ideas

    Devs: Buff perks to actually not be garbage? No way bro.

    Killers: *facepalm*

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    What would Corrupt Intervention's Tier 1 and 2 be?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Also your unrelenting perk idea is both niche and wouldn't work as stated since hitting injured players does not injure them a second time.

    More importantly it makes the perk useful in literally only 2 situations. Even if both of those situations are to counter a perk it still isn't very helpful.

    I propose that unrelenting has the following effect:

    "Your successful attacks on injured survivor have a 40/50/60% reduced cooldown"

    You can't have the machine gun build since it doesn't work on healthy survivors. Instead it would be more for things like slug builds and anti-heal builds where you would be hitting other survivors immediately after downing the first one. This would make you more effective in situations where a lot of Survivors are in the same place such as with basement rescues.

    However note that if you hit a Survivor who has MoM or BT active on them this perk would activate. After all they were in fact injured when you hit them, the perk says nothing about downing them.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    From a Survivor Main perspective:

    Basically all of them seem good to me except-

    Spies from the Shadow just needs range increased, not whole map, goodness that would basically mean you would have entire map control. At least maybe 64 meters?

    Thanatopia including Dead and Sacrificed might be a little strong, maybe 2% per fully dead survivors? Because a full 16% would really hurt the final survivor. (Unless there is hatch)

    Mad Grit with exposed status on body blockers would just be too powerful, would prevent survivors from fully even trying to save by taking hits. Should be buffed somehow, I do agree.

    NOED: Not sure if additional generator would match its name No One Escapes Death. Sounds like it could be for another perk.

    Hangman's Trick NOT CHESTS. Everything else is good though.

    Not sure if 20 seconds is too long for Tinkerer and Territorial Imperative, these are neutral for me. Would really like to see most of these in effect though :D

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    I think Brutal Strenght should make the gen regress 50% faster or something like that. Your idea is basically Overcharge.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited May 2019

    Hex: Lullaby : hahahah no its powerful

    Fire Up:no or else we are seen alot of myers become sonic

    Thanataphobia:its fine right now ppl use it alot

    Infectious Fright: no youre version its way powerful this with nurse she will become a god or doctor

    Hex: Haunted Ground :its fine right now if you cant catch a survivor with this equipped then youre fault

    Pop Goes The Weasel:no huge buff on killers making them gods

    Territorial Imperative:why why no cooldown with LF he will be a monster with it

    Monstrous Shrine: 20s its ok 30s its way to much

    NOED: devs already said that they wont touch it its fine

    Tinkerer:hell no

    Mad Grit: nice make ds infinite use then xd and SC must be insta heal by clicking space

    Spies from the Shadows: its fine

    Remember Me: it needs to be the old 1 and buff wake up

    Hex:Thrill of the Hunt: why you want more buff on killer you do realise what a hex mean right? and the answer its no

    Unnerving Presence: no reason doc with hes perk that kicks combine with the perk that increase hes TR its way to difficult if you want this its fine right now

    Corrupt Intervention its fine look around and you must hear the breath of the survivor thats it

    Brutal Strength: no they increase a bit in all killer base kit and you want this more buff on kicking? no

    Iron Maiden: 60s wow oof sooo powerful no

    Hex: The Third Seal: i like this 1

    Blood Warden:no reason you see the aura of the survivor that are near the gate but also you can see how much time its to finish the perk but no i dont like the idea it makes way to powerful

    Unrelenting:machine gun incoming (arnold saying hasta la vista baby xd) no

    Overwhelming Presence: no

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Also your unrelenting perk idea is both niche"

    Niche is better than not being used whatsoever which is what we currently have.

    "and wouldn't work as stated since hitting injured players does not injure them a second time."

    You're arguing semantics with the specific words I used. The whole point is to make it ignore hit blocking effects which you understood, so saying it wouldn't work just because of the exact words I used doesn't really make sense. Words can be changed, the point is what it does.

    "More importantly it makes the perk useful in literally only 2 situations. Even if both of those situations are to counter a perk it still isn't very helpful."

    It could still probably use more, but even this change would get it used more than it currently is and that's an improvement. Also, even though it requires someone using those two perk, they are both EXTREMELY popular right now, especially BT. The likelyhood of at least a couple of them not being ran is quite low.

    ""Your successful attacks on injured survivor have a 40/50/60% reduced cooldown""

    If you want to add that onto the effect I already listed then sure. However, this effect in itself is EXTREMELY niche. Like you think it countering those 2 perks is niche and this is way more niche than that. No one would almost ever care about a reduced swing cooldown on hitting an injured survivor, much less take a perk for it.

    "After all they were in fact injured when you hit them, the perk says nothing about downing them."

    This is again nit picking the wording I used. You know exactly what I meant for the perks effect so let's focus on the idea of what the perk does and not trivialities. I'm giving idea for the perk changes, not the LITERAL wording that will be copy pasted onto the final product.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That's a tough one. Maybe one less gen blocked per tier. Not the most ideal, however I don't think ever balancing around the lower tier versions should be that heavily of a weighted consideration.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    TR Perks

    I like the idea of them persisting after you're not in the killer's terror radius. However, it should match the survivors persistent time, which is 15 seconds, not 10 seconds.

    Infectious Fright

    Yes, I agree, it should show the survivor's aura for 3/4/5 seconds.

    Dark Devotion

    I wouldn't mind an extra 10 seconds imo, but what if Dark Devotion also hides your red stain while it's activated on the Obsession? Thoughts?

    Hex: Lullaby

    Hmm, I like your idea since it promotes fun gameplay, but what if it was like Haunted Grounds where it's deactivated until cleansed? If you don't like my idea, that's okay because your is great imo.

    Blood Warden

    Sorry, but this wouldn't be a good idea because once a survivor sees an exit switch being blocked, they won't stick around when the gates are opened. Therefore, my solution is to keep it like is but if you hook someone while it's blocking the gates, the timer will gain an additional 15 seconds. Thoughts?

    Hex: The Third Seal

    I don't like this either because it furthers the SWF and solo survivors gap. Therefore, my solution is to make blindness hide notifications. This means survivors won't know if they are exposed, mangled, cursed, hemorrhaged, blinded, and etc. While we're at it, blindness should also hide progress bars, but not their associated skill checks. Survivors won't know if they are about to finish healing, sabotaging, searching, cleansing, mending, removing a trap, opening a gate, and etc.

    Iron Maiden

    I agree with a aura instead of a location ping. Also, I like the extended exposed duration and how the locker becomes blocked after use. Great thinking.

    Mad Grit

    I feel like this perk already does its job by preventing survivors from blocking you. Furthermore, 1-shots will alert the entire survivor team while the current Mad Grip only alerts the carried survivor because only they can see its effects. Sadly, I have to disagree with this change, sorry.

    Pop Goes The Weasel

    Honestly, what if there was no time limit to the perk? This would technically allow you to wisely use the perk instead hastily using it on the closest generator. I feel like tokens would be too overwhelming because generators could go from 99% to 0% extremely fast (+80 more seconds of generator simulator is so fun, UGH). However, it wouldn't hurt to test this on the PTB before jumping straight to conclusions.


    Hmm, instead of blinding survivors which would completely useless imo, I think it would be cool if Lightborn made survivors more discernible like Bloodhound. This would allow you to find survivors easier if they are slightly out of position. Also, the reason why I don't think blinding the survivor would work is because they won't bother doing it again after the first time.

    Spies from the Shadows 

    Honestly, if crows need to be evenly distributed across the map then this perk would be good. I seen maps where all of the crows are on the edge of the map, which means survivors hiding in the center of the map are rendering your perk useless. Also, remove the description of it causing a 5 second cool-down because it's unnecessary information imo. Who cares about a 5 second cool-down? It's just there to prevent spam when a survivor runs into 5 crows simultaneously.

    Beast of Prey

    I don't like how unstable the chase mechanics are so how about this: After breaking a pallet, the perk will hide your red stain and increase your lunge speed after 10 seconds. This effect will persist for 10/15/20 seconds. Also, increased lunge speed does not mean increased lunge distance. You'll still travel the same lunge distance but at a faster rate.


    Honestly, this perk is hard to buff, but I can certainly say that your idea won't be enough imo. Hmm, I don't have any ideas right now.

    Thanataphobia - 

    I agree, it should consider DC'd, killed, or sacrificed survivors. Not bad imo.

    Corrupt Intervention

    What if it blocked the most progressed generator for 60 seconds whenever you hook a survivor? You can regress the generator but survivors cannot work on them. Thoughts?

    Fire Up 

    I agree, maybe 5% would help.


    I agree, BHVR needs to fix the sounds. It's not the perk, it's the game itself imo.


    Not a bad idea to test on the PTB, great thinking!

    Overwhelming Presence 

    This would be too much imo because every killer is getting a free doctor's powers with it. However, what if it slowly drained the survivor's item's charges over time while not causing the survivor's item to go below 1 charge?

    Unnerving Presence 

    Not a bad idea, I agree with this!

    Hex: Haunted Ground - just needs the second lit totem to not be deactivated after the first one gets broken. This makes cleansing totems a little more dangerous. Just 1 charge where you can't control when or even if its broken is a little too situational. This will just give it 2 charges to be activated, IF the survivors even choose to do so.

    Monstrous Shrine -

    I know the perk name won't make sense with what it does, but it should effect every hook whenever you further than 32 meters. I think the generator blocking would be to complicated for developers tbh, no offense to them.

    Remember Me

    I like your idea, but it should be reverted back to its original state imo. Also, it should subtract the stacks from the EGC timer for the last survivor. For example, if you build up 30 seconds with 6 stacks, the EGC timer will be 1 minute and 30 seconds instead of 2 minutes. This will prevent the last survivor from suiciding themselves when they try to open the exit gates. Thoughts?


    It's basically the same as the previous NOED. Survivors will just get lazy and do 6 generators instead 5, I can see this being even worse than the previous NOED. It should help the killer as the generators are being completed such as this.

    No One Escapes Death:

    Progression infuriates you, which causes you to release your true potential. Whenever a generator is completed, receive a token up to a maximum of 1/2/3 tokens. Whenever you have at least one token, gain a 15% haste effect and a 40% successful attack cool-downs. Upon a successful offensive action, consume a token. Thoughts?


    This is not bad, I'll like to see how this plays out on the PTB.

    Territorial Imperative 

    That's really neat, would it also show the aura because it would be cool to sneak up on the basement survivor.

    Hangman's Trick 

    This is like the survivors equivalent of Alert. This would be cool to have as the killer imo.

    Hex: Thrill of the Hunt 

    I agree, it shouldn't be a Hex.

    Dying Light 

    It should apply the debuff after the Obsession is unhooked for 60 seconds and if the Obsession is hooked while the penalty is in effect, the penalty will be removed. Basically your idea but more "fun" gameplay.

    Brutal Strength

    This is neat, I like this and would like to see how this plays out on the PTB.


    What if it made you move faster while recovering from a missed or successful attack? This would prevent the survivor from getting a lot of distance after hitting them. Thoughts?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Spies from the Shadow just needs range increased, not whole map, goodness that would basically mean you would have entire map control. At least maybe 64 meters?"

    That's a fair point, it might be a little much. 64 sounds more reasonable. I'll update.

    "Thanatopia including Dead and Sacrificed might be a little strong, maybe 2% per fully dead survivors? Because a full 16% would really hurt the final survivor. (Unless there is hatch)"

    It could be a reduced amount for dead survivors. However, how would the full 16% ever really be hurting the last survivor? He would have hatch and gates, so he wouldn't be doing any gens. Even down to the last 2 survivors and assuming they're both injured as well, 16% is good, but not that extreme. Remember I also removed it from affecting healing as well, so now it would be easier for them to heal.

    "Mad Grit with exposed status on body blockers would just be too powerful, would prevent survivors from fully even trying to save by taking hits. Should be buffed somehow, I do agree."

    Well look at it this way. At the BEST case scenario the killer gets 1 surprise down from this. After that 1 down no one is ever bodyblocking again, so that killer is getting zero use out of the perk the rest the match. Is 1 down in a very niche scenario that might not even happen for taking an entire perk slot that good? I wouldn't say so.

    You could argue that it also protects the killer from body blocking, but the amount of times a killer actually loses a survivor off his back from bodyblocking is EXTREMELY low. Most of the time the survivors are making a bad play, wasting their time and taking a free injured state for nothing. Even with this change survivors would still try and body block because very few killers would run this perk after this change because of how niche it is, so it wouldn't be expected. Some niche builds would be better than zero people running it which is what we currently have.

    "NOED: Not sure if additional generator would match its name No One Escapes Death. Sounds like it could be for another perk."

    I can see what you're saying. However, I see No One Escapes Death as when you think you are getting to leave, you aren't. In that context it makes sense to me because you aren't getting to leave when you thought you would ie another gen.

    "Hangman's Trick NOT CHESTS. Everything else is good though."

    Let's be honest here, even with it including chests almost NO ONE would still run this, so why would we cut the chests out? That's like the only not insanely niche thing giving it a tiny bit of use to the general killer roster. I actually wanted to give the perk even more on top of what I did but couldn't really think of anything that fit. What's broken about a chest vision perk? In probably 90% of the cases the killer uses this perk the most he ever would get out of it is seeing 2 people opening chests for the entire game..that's it. That's also hoping he happens to be close enough to capitalize and hoping that they even open chests at all in the first place.

    "Not sure if 20 seconds is too long for Tinkerer and Territorial Imperative, these are neutral for me. Would really like to see most of these in effect though :D"

    I was thinking about that as well. TI might need to be like 12 seconds. Tinkerer is already at 12 currently and just the activation bump from 85 to 75 would still have zero people running it so I figured it probably needed more.

    Thanks for the feedback

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I disagree completely with almost all of these. I'd go into detail but you literally didn't post much reasoning behind any of your opinions except "no".

    You also seem to think a lot of these perks are already decently strong in their current form which is just absolutely incorrect. If they were strong we'd see people running them..we don't. Most those perks you think are decent are actually quite garbage.

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    For the reimagined BW, I was thinking legitimately until the totem is cleansed - just like every other hex perk.

    Frankly, I'm not sure what would work there. If it's a timer, survivors just hide or do nothing until it runs out. If it's not a timer, then your best bet is to camp your totem which wouldn't be fun to play against.

    Also I really like the suggestion for third seal above. Hiding progress bars on top of blindness would be strong, but survivors could still see a generators progress by the amount of pistons moving.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    TR Perks

    Agreed, will update my post.

    Dark Devotion

    I thought about this change but we already have another perk that removes the red stain so I was trying to not make it redundant and rather improve the red stain removing component on that other perk.

    Hex: Lullaby

    Hmm, another trap perk basically? Would once activated it start fresh or begin based on how many tokens you had acquired so far? Would it keep acquiring tokens after being activated?

    Blood Warden

    Theoretically you'd be activating it before either switch had been powered so they wouldn't even have the option to just leave if they wanted. Maybe make it auto activate once the last gen is completed?

    If we did your time refreshing on additional hooks it would need to add at least 30 seconds. 15 seconds would barely even cover the time to walk to the gate and would seem quite insignificant.

    Hex: The Third Seal

    I like your idea. That said, most of these things show you have their effect in game so not having the icon is a little irrelevant. Also, most the progress bars also have giveaways like seeing how close the gen is to completion based on its sound and turbines pumping. Overall it's a buff so I like it, but I just think even with this change no one would run it still. It doesn't look good enough yet.

    The SWF issue on my idea is a very good point. Not sure how I'd get around that. SWF is a heavily limiting factor on a lot of perks design though. SWF already counters the effects of many other perks we currently have.

    Mad Grit

    It does its intended job already but yet no one runs it because its way, way too situational with very, very little payoff. If we don't want to buff it, it will still be ran by literally no one. This means it needs something. I'd also argue the SWF issue since you brought that about for another perk. Once one survivor feels the Mad Grit effect he will tell everyone just like the 1 shot did so idk if just 1 survivor knowing is really much of a plus.

    How about a cleave effect? Your hits while carrying will also hit any other survivors within 10m of the hit target. I still think even with the cleave effect no one would run this perk as it's too situational, but at least then we might see it in some niche builds.

    Pop Goes The Weasel

    No time limit could work. I like the idea.


    I don't see how this would be useless. If the survivor is blinded and the killer isn't, then he's probably getting a free hit on the survivor that tried to blind him. That sounds great. Yeah he wouldn't do it again, but there are still other survivors and now he doesn't have to be concerned with flashlights at all for the rest the match which is its intended effect anyway.

    Your idea does sound interesting though. I think they wanted to get away from that however when they had something similar on old Shadowborn.

    Beast of Prey

    Love the idea.

    Corrupt Intervention

    I like this. However it does get away from the original intended purpose of the perk which is slowing down that early rush.

    Overwhelming Presence 

    I like this idea, will update original post.

    Monstrous Shrine -

    That could very well be the case lol

    Remember Me

    Making it less punishing for the last survivor during EGC is a fine compromise. That said, just reverting it to its previous state isn't enough imo. The time it added in its previous state was not enough to get people to use it. Not to mention you might not even get that many hits on the obsession which is its risk factor.


    This could very well be the case in how it ends up working. However, is having 1 extra gen thrown in at the end that much of an issue? I don't think so. The games are already too fast for killers.

    No One Escapes Death:

    I like this idea but it's a little repetitive with STBFL. This could be quite good though as long as they didn't stack. I'd like it thrown on the PTB to try out.

    Dying Light 

    I love the change. It would be much more "fun". I'll update my original post.


    Hmm so faster missed recovery and move much faster during that recovery? I like it. Will update original post.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I liked it as well, but would it really be strong enough that people would run it? I wouldn't. That's my only concern.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    More edits have been made to the original post. Will update more when changes are made.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    IF is quite good as it is just not useful for every killer. If you would make it like you recommend it would be way to strong on killers like Nurse, Myers and Spirit. N

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I disagree. On spirit she can't see auras during phasing so that wouldn't even make sense. Myers it's barely even okay, there are much better perks for him. Nurse is the only real strong use of the perk and that's an issue with Nurse, not the perk. We shouldn't be limiting perk design because of one killer.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Dark Devotion

    That's understandable, whatever you're cool with, I'm cool with here.

    Hex: Lullaby

    Basically, once the hex is destroyed, you can start building tokens on it. Therefore, if it gets destroyed towards the end of the trial, the perk is basically wasted.

    Blood Warden

    30 seconds would be risky, I say test it on the PTB first because we're entering dangerous territory!

    Hex: The Third Seal

    I understand that generators tell its progress visually, but that's the only thing that does that.

    Alright, blindness will hide all progress bars, it will also hide your item's HUD, and it will disable your perks. This means you won't know when you're about to complete something and when you're about to consume all of your item's charges. Furthermore, if you're blinded, you're basically not running any perks because they are all disabled until you remove the blindness effect.


    Mad Grit

    Actually, I seen someone suggest this before. Whenever you're 12 meters away from a hook, the carried survivor will suffer a 40%/45%/50% wiggle speed penalty. This means you can reach more hooks AND survivors won't body block you.


    I think my idea would be great since it will be useful in more situations, rather when the survivors use flashlights/firecrackers. However, now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind it being situational since you can see when to use the perk by checking the survivors in the lobby. Perhaps, your idea might satisfy, I'll go with your idea on this.

    Corrupt Intervention

    What if this perk caused a 10%/15%/20% repair penalty for the first 2 minutes of the trial and while blocking the furthest progressed generator for 60 seconds, upon hooking a survivor. This should keep the perk from losing its intended purpose.

    Remember Me

    We can add even more time to my version since it doesn't affect the last survivor anymore. What numbers do you have in mind?


    It depends on the survivors tbh, some survivors barely get the generators done and punishing them by adding an additional generator because they didn't have time to cleanse totems is a bit much imo.


    Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they didn't stack but then again, I kinda wished they did because both perks have a condition to get their benefits. However, I agree with what you said, we should test it on the PTB.


    Yes, faster missed recovery and faster movement speed while you recover. However, the faster movement speed during recovery will apply for BOTH successful and unsuccessful attacks. This will be cool to try out on the PTB.