Get rid of Rancor

Is there any counter to Rancor, all I see it is if you are unlucky the killer gets to kill you and you have no way of stopping it. It looks to be one of those perks for noobs where if they played very poorly and had an awful game then they are guaranteed a free kill and mori even though they did nothing to deserve it


  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360

    When the poster calls people noob for using it yet instead of learning counters you go to forums to complain about it like a noob.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Rancor is a weak perk... If you're the obsession, just stay away from gens when there's only one left, and go stealthy when it's done, until one of your teammates opens an exit. Then leave. And don't forget, it's NOT an aura reading perk, it just shows the killer your location at the moment a gen is done (similar to screaming with Madness), but it doesn't give them any indication of where you're going (unlike BBW, Bitter Murmur and so on).

    Really not a big deal.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,218

    You know you are Rancor before the end of the game an can plan ahead. Be stealthy. It just gives away your location not your aura (Distortion and Lockers don't work). Rancor is more a tool to find your obsession for i.e. Dying Light or Remember Me.

    The only Killer where Rancor can be nice is Freddy, because you do not know he has it before it's too late.

    But Rancor is far from being OP.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,188

    Rancor is actually a good designed End Game Perk (instead of NOED...). Yes, you are dead when you get caught, 100%. So dont get caught. You get the information if the Killer has Rancor or not, so you need to think ahead.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    You literally have to play stealthily until a gate is opened.

    It's counter is pretty easy the amount of times I've just hidden by the exit door and waited for somebody to open it before I ran out is ridiculous also for the love of God if the killer has the Perk leave immediately.

    Don't hang around and then get surprised when you get down

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,243

    Yeah delete the perk and make the effects baseline for all killers. Except that "survivor sees killer"-part. Being an obsession should be more dangerous.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @ReikoMori It doesn't even have aura reading! It's just location reading!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm certain now that you can be the obsession even if you have no obsession perk and your team all have obsession perks.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    All the same things work. In fact they work better if you're the obsession because you get a one-sided OoB aura reading when gens are completed. Just don't get caught and make your way out the door. If you're personally spec'd to make saves then that sucks because that means you're not gonna be making any last minute plays, but you will be alive at least.