Missing some of the tension from needing 2 generators

I like the EGC, mostly, and even, mostly, like that the hatch opens when there's one survivor no matter what.
But I do miss the tension of "oh man we need to get at least 2 generators done to secure the hatch." Not just for more intense gameplay, but there's also an incentive to keep people in the game... not everybody cares about things like this, but I know for me personally at least, and probably plenty of others, "I have to stay in at least long enough to secure the hatch escape for somebody on the team" has kept me from letting myself die on the hook on more than one occasion on a game that just wasn't fun for one reason or another (coughlegioncough).
So I guess I wish that there was some mechanic to preserve some of that tension, maybe not to eliminate the hatch potential unless you get two gens, but just make it harder. I think the ACTUAL EGC itself is reasonably killer sided already (not in a bad way, but just adding too much to it could make it unbearable and impossible to win except with extraordinary luck) but you could add effects to the stage where there's only one survivor left and the hatch is open, depending on how many generators are done (which could also be extended to make it easier for survivors who completed more generators)
Like, for example...
If you don't have at least one generator done, the killer can one-shot-down the last survivor until the hatch is closed. Maybe a free Mori as well. (This can make killers weigh whether they want to close the hatch and start the endgame, or preserve their one-shot ability to go on the hunt... killers who just camp the open hatch with their one-shot ability will find a generator getting done and they'll lose it).
If only one generator is done, the survivor gets a condition called "Panicked" ... all slow-actions like vaults and locker moves are considered rushed and give killer sound notifications (unless the survivor has Q&Q), crows appear twice as fast for not moving, and maybe killer receives map-wide notifications if a crow is disturbed by a panicked survivor every 60 seconds (the survivor screams at the crow cawing, and it puts the panicked condition into a brief cooldown). The Panicked state ends when the hatch is closed and EGC begins. (The Panicked State can also be a base for future perks and powers)
If two or three generators are done, things play as they do now.
If four generators are done, maybe the survivor gets a single clue as to where the hatch is... like if they happen to be looking in a 45 degree cone of the location when the hatch opens they hear a ping.
If five generators are done, the survivor gets no additional benefit because they can either go for a gate or the hatch.
These are of course just rough ideas, maybe for example Panicked AND the killer's one-shot ability apply when no gens are completed, maybe skip the one-shot ability and just have it so the Panicked state applies for the last survivors if less than two generators are done, but I'm just throwing out ideas here.
I agree that game is missing some tension... for killers as well... now when im playing as killer i feel no difference between 3 and 5 gens left...