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DBD forums a Killer based community?

Member Posts: 74

I think its clear and safe to say that the majority of the community is a killer community. Or at least they have the say in what gets changed whenever the devs decide to listen to the gamers. It's interesting how rarely killers or killer perks/add ons take hits, but the survivor stuff always gets the nerf. Even had a glitch where you could have 2 killers in 1 game. I know that's a glitch, but lets not act like that don't mean #########. Either way it's pretty much constant nonsense coming out of killers mouths. This whole MoM perk nerf is dumb. It's literally extremely situational and then if you do get its 1 time a game use, it reveals your aura until you get hit... So killers get a free bee there. Also there are no counters cause distortion will just disappears, and using loris perk if it works you have to be the last survivor. All in all just screw after screw and y'all cool with it which is hilarious. Y'all try and drop some alternative and biased facts on why killers are underpowered or the game is balance cause 50% kill and survival right, but thats nonsense. anyone with common sense can see that.

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  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Legion: fully reworked, heavily "nerfed", Plague nerfed upon release, Pig nerfed, Remember Me nerfed, killers get nerfs when necessary too. But like someone already said, nerfs don't come on both sides equally when trying to maintain balance.

    I'm not gonna say I agree with MoM getting nerfed, but considering the new idea behind it makes it take more intentional setup while having a stronger effect in the long run, I think it's a good change to a currently unintuitive perk. And I wouldn't say that seeing the survivor once they're healed is necessarily a freebie. It's nice but doesn't really amount to that much in the end.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Multiple people have already pointed this out. The point has been made already.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Oh don't get me wrong, I don't think Legion is bad now. My point is more that the devs do work to alter killers when something about them I'd unbalanced or not working correctly.

    (Also for all the complaining people make about Pig, I think it was a good call)

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I like how you try to make it look like a glitch favoring Killers is a piece of evidence that they favor Killers.

    If it was, they wouldn't call it a glitch, cause glitches get fixed.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    @Boss gonna be honest, that you were gonna say glitches get stitches

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Like the term Snitches get Stitches?

  • Member Posts: 371


  • Member Posts: 1,423

    There might be more killers than survivors sure, that's a possibility but honestly all I see is the Devs making Balance changes.

    Just because one side gets a nerf doesn't mean the other has to too, That's not how balance works. To say that only survivors receive nerfs is just wrong, Just look at legion he was considered unfun for survivors so they changed/nerfed him.

    The MoM potential nerf is completely needed, It's not situational because to get it to trigger you just have to play the game. There's no set up required, you don't have to work for it and it gives one of the best pay offs in the game. An instaheal when you should be going down, a speed burst to get away and the killer is slowed down to wipe their weapon. This kind of high reward should take a bigger set up, and that's what the potential nerf could do.

    The reason you don't see as much killer sided nerfs is because believe it or not, the game is survivor sided. Killer's tend to not get as great perks as survivors do so you don't see the need for them to be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 393

    Numbers from rank 1 are screwed a bit idd.


    Even someone with quarter of brain should understand that those from rank 1 who get killed and deranked screwing rank 2 survival rates, since that death counts as rank 2 death. Same goes to rank 2->3 derank death, etc.

    It means that rank 2 survival rates are higher than 60% while rank 1 should be lower, and they are about same. Which leads us to numbers around 65-70% survival rates at high ranks.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    You haven't been around for long, do you?

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2019

    Keep in mind, you could also counter argue that by mentioning how skewed that percentage is from NOED. If you took NOED kills out of the calculation their survival rate is probably MUCH higher. I mention taking NOED out because we are using this data to determine how balanced killers are. NOED isn't determining balance because it has very little skill involved.

    It's also skewed by counting DC's as kills. So in reality the survival rate is probably MUCH higher than even their data showed in reality.

  • Member Posts: 490

    OP has concerns:

    Glitches/bugs: they'll get patched, sure there is an odd trend but the devs don't purposely add bugs.

    Yes, strong survivor perks take a hit, strong killer perks don't... mainly due to ruin being mandatory and BBQ gives add-ons.

    MoM nerf isn't dumb but hope they keep the conditions achievable for solos and swfs (not just latter). I just wish an unfun perk/rewarding poor play was nerfed too (spirit fury)... not allow it to stack with enduring when active.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    So only killer mains can downvote?

    I take the downvotes as a simple no.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    BBQ benefits survivors the same way it benefits killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    I play both sides mayority survivor and MoM needed a nerf 1 of my ideas its making MoM activate only injured if you have it activated and youre fully heal will be gone or something like that

  • Member Posts: 536
  • Member Posts: 615

    What's with this 'the forums are killer sided' fad I keep seeing? Because from from what I've seen, there's both killer and survivor players on here and we get along just fine.

  • Member Posts: 74

    lol all you said was not accurate and only tried to give 2 explanations for why it wasnt accurate, which werent even that good to prove your point. Try again bro. If you scroll up there are a few people that commented and proved the alternative facts point i made. like how someone tried to say it was an 80% survival rate at rank 1. then got shat on shortly after. etc etc etc. gg though

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Clearly by my upvotes people agree with me. You made stupid claims that were completely unsubstantiated. There's nothing to "explain" when you say things that you have no basis for believing. Most all of these are common sense and I shouldn't need to explain common sense things to you. If you actually played both sides to any meaningful rank you wouldn't believe the nonsense you do.

    "If you scroll up there are a few people that commented and proved the alternative facts point i made"

    No one proved a single thing you have said. If you disagree link the proof. It doesn't exist.

    "like how someone tried to say it was an 80% survival rate at rank 1. then got shat on shortly after."

    Because 1 person disagreeing with that guy is "getting shat on". Oh please.

    For being a new player it's fine to have no idea what's going on, but it's another to come on here insulting people and asking for changes to the game that you know nothing about. You need to play the game more and then you'll realize how absolutely ridiculous these things you are saying truly are.

  • Member Posts: 74

    No survivor main legitimately and can accurately complain and say anything over the last 5 months for survivors has been so op it was not possible to be countered. Im sure you can go back longer than 5 months but i'll just use that as an example. No survivor main could win in a court of law accusing survivors of needing nerfs etc etc. The fact some of you are trying to say as a survivor player this is op is pure garbage trolling. That's like saying the rich out there complaining they have too much money, spread the wealth to the poor type of stuff, that's what y'all sound like. But anyone, I can literally talk about multiple things the killers have that the only counter to them is hide, dont do #########, dont get seen, and hope you find the hatch right away type activity. and even the dont get seen thing is impossible if they rocking the infinite aura reading things. Also during that mystery box event on the killer side it was constant purple and red add ons from every color of the mystery box. so much you could stack over 20 of each if you played heavily during that time. Anyway, keep trying me, I will continue to win with facts. It's dumb that this even has to be a thing. We could just work together to make things more balanced but y'all busy on the nonsense

  • Member Posts: 74

    You can scroll through and search. Its on page 1 near the middle. Multiple people commented and talked about how the whole 80% thing was nonsense and dropped the facts behind it. Also on another post i can't remember where and guy ran through all the killers and their counters to MoM which has been the heavy controversy lately and said only 4 killers dont have 1, but they still have stealth, moris, etc etc. Im not a new player. Im not an idiot either. Because you are play more killer than you do survivor you think you can just try and prove you point by saying not accurate, not accurate because i said a generalized statement just giving an example of the situation. Like with your comment saying implying a glitch is a killer buff isn't accurate. I never said it was a killer buff or implied it. Those words came outta your deflecting, alternative facts mouth. Not mine lol. Also me saying rarely killers perks and add ons nerfed. survivors always do. You just saw the always and are like wrong, its impossible to be always cause it would happen every single update. Knowing mf well the always was just a generalization and exaggeration. I have friends that have been ranked 1 many seasons constantly, and play killer somewhat as well so this isn't just a biased opinion from me. They literally see the stuff, watch streamers that deal with the stuff, etc etc. You on the hot nonsense right now cause im talking about your main role and obviously you feeling personally attacked and are taking it some type of way. But whatever though, gg bro. Killers have to be super op cause its 4v1 is the go to staple comment and argument from majority of people that disagree with survivors complaining about anything unfavorable towards them.

  • Member Posts: 4,212
    edited May 2019

    Survivor mains fare worse on the forums the forums aren't killer biased but the majority of people on this forum are killer mains. Although I agree that killers need more buffs and can defend them more than I can defend a survivor main but it gets funny when some people use "must be a survivor main" in an argument. What saddens me the most is the fact that so many main one side why not play both...

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2019

    First things first, learn to space your sentences. People don't like to read a long run on paragraph. You also keep typing in broken English with grammatical and structural errors which makes your points very disjointed and difficult to follow to a native English speaker.

    "on another post i can't remember where and guy ran through all the killers and their counters to MoM"

    This is something I shouldn't have to explain which is why it's annoying. The only counters to MoM are playing a killer that can 1 shot. That is limited to only a few killers and even on those killers you are not reliably going to down someone with that 1 shot every single time. You WILL end up eating that MoM at some point. Now if you play one of the other 3/4 of killers without 1 shots you are just SOL. The perk punishes the killer for doing his job and is ANOTHER chase extender which is extremely unhealthy for the game as we already have an issue with that and it is already why DS got nerfed in the first place.

    I didn't want to have to write all this because you aren't going to agree. You aren't going to agree because you don't play killer and survivor at rank 1 so you haven't experienced why ANOTHER chase extender is even a big issue and why it is extremely unhealthy for the game.

    Even the devs agree with what I am saying here which is why it's currently being reworked for the next patch in the first place.

    "Im not a new player."

    Someone with a lot of experience in the game would not think the things that you do which is why I do not believe you. Want to prove me wrong? Link your profile for us to see.

    "Because you are play more killer than you do survivor"

    What makes you think I play more killer than survivor? This is purely your ASSUMPTION because you disagree with me. I play BOTH sides at rank 1 on every single reset since the game game out.

    "Like with your comment saying implying a glitch is a killer buff isn't accurate. I never said it was a killer buff or implied it."

    This is you being very disingenuous. You did indeed imply that or there was no reason for you to have said it.

    "Those words came outta your deflecting, alternative facts mouth"

    Please list what I have "deflected".

    Also, "alternative facts"? That doesn't even make sense. Facts are facts. You can't have such a thing as alternative facts, that's an oxymoron.

    "You just saw the always and are like wrong,"

    No, that is incorrect. I didn't jump at the word "always". Even "generally" speaking, your statement was still not accurate.

    "generalization and exaggeration"

    As I said, even taken as a generalization your statement is still simply not true.

    "I have friends that have been ranked 1 many seasons constantly, and play killer somewhat as well so this isn't just a biased opinion from me"

    You are basing your opinions on watching some other players...not even your own experience. You must realize the fallacies in that.

    "You on the hot nonsense right now cause im talking about your main role and obviously you feeling personally attacked and are taking it some type of way."

    You have no idea what my "main role is", you just assumed it. I also do not feel personally attacked at all. You are assuming my responses are based on emotion from your replies and that isn't the case whatsoever. You have just been advocating for terrible changes that you know nothing of and could potentially ruin the game that I care deeply for.

    "Killers have to be super op cause its 4v1 is the go to staple comment and argument from majority of people that disagree with survivors complaining about anything unfavorable towards them."

    Are you really implying that in an ASSYMETRICAL 4v1 that the singular role should not be more powerful than the individual survivors? That is literally what an asymmetrical game is.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    This comes up a great deal and I understand that looking only at the forum in key moments that it seems like it is killer heavy. The forum itself is actually a decent cross section of killer and survivor "mains" and people who just play both sides at a similar rate. When it comes to the amount of changes to the game that have happened, the actual history of the game skews more towards survivor favor than killer favor. The dev team in general seems to be more aware of the desires of survivors more than killers.

    Killers tend to get more QoL changes spread over a large amount of time, but seem to see more negative balancing in the short term. This is probably because Killers can be looked at in singular passes as every killer is different. Killers also have less actual perks than survivors so doing things to that side can often be possibly faster. Survivors have had the most positive balancing changes in the long term, but the less QoL changes overall. Part of that is that survivors have more influence over core gameplay. Killers don't really interact much at all with the game environment. Survivors doesn't have any thing unique to them that isn't a teachable perk so you can do large passes at the game to help them out on a slower cycle.

    The other thing to consider is that a lot of things that are considered "nerfs" aren't actually meant to be nerfs. Some of this stems from the fact that the time between release of a killer or perk that is overperforming and adjustment to bring it in line with the current state of the game can be months or an entire year. Other games have systems in place to address these issues much sooner. DBD is still sort of functioning as a big budget "Early Access" as certain keynote features are just starting to materialize. With that huge amount of time they get the positive effect of data gathering, but the it comes with the negative effect of players becoming set on a particular killer or perk not changing. That it and things like it are ok for the health of the game.

    MoM was never healthy for the game as a whole. Currently, the counterplay to it is at worst don't hit the person using it and at best stop playing any killer than doesn't have a damaging m2. That's not good counterplay. You mentioned the aura reading, but I would ask you to think about how many times OoB turned into a "free hit". Not many. Currently, they are thinking and prototyping possible changes to MoM which may not materialize for months or even at all. This has little to do with killers when they can see the data that MoM is generating.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2019

    Well said.

    "Some of this stems from the fact that the time between release of a killer or perk that is overperforming and adjustment to bring it in line with the current state of the game can be months or an entire year. Other games have systems in place to address these issues much sooner. DBD is still sort of functioning as a big budget "Early Access" as certain keynote features are just starting to materialize."

    This is extremely true and a heavy point that leads to a lot of peoples frustrations. People are very quick to be upset in the game about something that's "unbalanced" because it takes forever to actually get addressed. Months to notice it, months to test it and then months before actual release. So when people see something like MoM get released their first thought is like, " whelp we're stuck with this now for a year". If hypothetically they were much faster with fixes and updates like most title 1 games I think people would be much less upset on release.

    Also like you mentioned there are a lot of features we are still waiting on that one would normally have expected to be already implemented on the games release, like a 3 year old game without rank rewards as just one example.

    I basically just agreed with you but your points hit home for a lot of the player base and why they are so easily upset.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    I take it you are new to DBD or only recently joined. If you were to look at all the patch notes for DBD from its release you would see that the killers are very often the ones that get the changes AND that killers are often changed faster than survivors. We have only recently seen a shift in these changes with the last few patches, where long awaited survivor fixes are finally being looked at.

    While I can only assume this post seems to be a case of "see what you want to see to justify your beliefs".

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @Blueberry not going to lie, when you said 'First things first' it reminded me of Nightcore Believer.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Then I don't see what the problem is. If most players can't play well there should be no need to nerf.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Yeah, can you imagine, most people actually have full brains!

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    But you do realize, that it's a 4vs1 game, yes?

    That this perk can happen 4 times. That powerful survivor addons would happen 4 times, etc.

    This doesn't sound balanced at all.

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