gen rushing

Every game I play there’s always a minimum of one gen done by the time I get one hook, all survivors say “it’s the objective, you don’t want isn’t to do the objective?” But get angry if the killer camps or tunnels saying “it’s not fun for anyone if you just camp or tunnel” it’s not fun ignore there’s only one gen left by the time you get everyone hooked once but survivors don’t care they want killers to play by their rules while they rush through gens letting nobody get points for hooks unhooks or healing, I say this from a survivor’s POV too because I can never rank up if all the gems get done before I can get any points for boldness or altruism. And swf makes it even harder to get any points because they can coordinate which gens to do or where the killer is, and no matter what even if you play by their rules they either roast you for ######### for not getting any kills or for not playing exactly how they want you to play and it’s always 4 people hanging up on one person the only way to avoid it is to turn off the chat. Something finally needs to Be done about Thisbe and I’m not talking about another crappy perk that makes it slightly harder to do gens, the gameplays needs actual reworks. Now let’s see all the survivor mains who just comment to say “just git gud bruh”


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183


    As a myers main i have to say... git gut and:

    -Bring a green mori

    -Bring perks for protecting gens

    -Bring noed to punish survivors for doing only gens

    -Bring good addons to help you out.

    Also, ive just checked your build that you posted here

    And well... its terrible, also considering you have 2 Freddie's perk... i quess you are playing him, Freddy is amazing as long as you are playing against the potatoes, otherwise he is just a trash and the only way of winning as him is to slug like crazy, for which you will need ruin.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Maybe some killers want play for fun?

    But yeah withouth protecting gen perks the games are finished after 5 min.

    And with gen protecting perk the games vs good survivors finished after 5 min.

    Just use some math + DbD.

    Thats just pure horror.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    So it's okay to ruin the game for one survivor, but it's not okay for survivors to do their job simply because you were too lazy to protect the generators?

  • zach3734
    zach3734 Member Posts: 56

    I was just using Freddy for a daily ritual I don’t have any teachables on him except barbecue and chille

  • zach3734
    zach3734 Member Posts: 56

    I don’t camp, it’s toxic af the point I was trying to make Is that why do killers have to waste their perk slots and play by the rules survivors make just to have a game that lasts More than 5min, And it’s not the survivors only job to get gens done that’s why boldness and altruism exist. Nobody should be getting less than 10k bp per game just because survivors want quick easy games where they can be as toxic as they want and tell the killer to end the their life for being bad at the game in the chat. And it’s hard to protect gens when the second you find a survivor you just get pallet looped while their friends immediately get back on it the second you leave.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    you can't protect the generators there is 1 of a killer there are 4 survivors you will be chasing 1 3 survivors can do gens each gen is 80 sec a decent survivor will loop you for 30-60 secs maybe more + carry time + time to find survivor so in about 1 1/2 minutes technically you can have 3 gens done if the survivors are decent.

  • Skelly
    Skelly Member Posts: 10

    Gen rushing is a misconstrued concept that killer mains/deluded survivors have created. It's just survivors doing the objective, that's all it is. Call on BHVR to add secondary objectives for survivors to complete instead of claiming they're "gen rushing". I'm not going to waste my time walking around feeling bad that the killer isn't applying enough map pressure. That's the devs job, don't blame the player base for something they have no control over.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266
    edited May 2019

    The devs should not balance the game with "perks" but base, the problem comes from base "natural" not with perks or shits. And that is why there is the "rush gens" when only the survivors have already studied the locations of the gens, repair one, and go directly to another.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited May 2019

    Heres the thing gen rush dosent exist if you get gen rush it means that you didint patrol the gens and probably tunneling a survivor while the other are doing gens now devs could make a change for it? Yes by making objectives finding parts and put in on gens so that killer have little bit more time to find and catch the survivor but theres 2 problems that can destroy the game for survivor and those are nurse and billy we all know that nurse can destroy the game style for survivor and thank god that they are reworking on her billy this guy have 2 problems 1 going close to the survivor and insta chainsaw directly and the other 1 its the insta chainsaw addon those makes this killer way to ez thats why ill be always rank 10 or 11 cuz i dont like tho face nurse and billy every damm match