Tweaking doesn't mean reaping apart.

ZVom Member Posts: 199

Ok so basically everybody knows that currently legion is completely unviable. Recent nerfs made his power obsolete and worth to use only in particular cases. Everybody agree, he should've get nerfed. But - nerfing doesnt mean you have to make a character useless - that's what happened to legion. Instead of nerfing some of the aspects, behaviour nerfed EVERYTHING.

Terror radius - nerfed

Bleed timer no longer decays in terror radius - combined with terror radius increase = HUGE NERF

Ability movement speed - nerfed

Stun duration - nerfed

Vaulting speed - nerfed

No possibility to decrease bleed timer by attacking during frenzy - nerf

In exchange his movement speed got increased by a whopping 5%.

Everything would be good, but this bleed timer blocking in terror radius is unacceptable. This is what made him a complete garbage. Everything should remain same but this should be removed. It makes his ability not worth to use since it also doesnt grant that much speed anymore. Vaulting? nah. You still need to hit survivor regularly after using frenzy. Oh but stun increased? You'd better not care about hit survivor cuz he is gone long time ago and you can't track him because of no bloodpools and footmarks.

No bleedtimer in terror radius HAS to be removed in addition to making survivors unable to mend it INSIDE of terror radius. Leave movement speed nerfs untouched. This would make survivors hit by frenzy look for safe place to mend injuries. I haven't seen A SINGLE SURVIVOR DOWNED BY HIS ABILITY. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

And don't tweak plague. She is perfectly fine, fun to play for both sides.

We don't want to have replay of shitiery happening during spring 2018 right? We all love DBD.


  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    His power is underwhelming. You can't deny that. The only worse one is freddy. He actually MUST use his power to be able to do anything. Using frenzy atm doesnt grant benefits besides vaulting ability, but it's diminished by stun duration.

  • Schwifty
    Schwifty Member Posts: 70

    I use Legions power to choose where the loop ends. Like just after a fast vault is a good time to either hit them again or swing and miss on purpose (because they both have the same effect, ending FF chase so you can recover and close the gap for the final standard M1 hit to down them.

    But then again I'm a total potato so what would I know. lol

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    Chasing down with frenzy to finish lost it purpose with speed and stun nerf

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Never swing and miss on purpose. You're putting yourself at a huge disadvantage as miss drops your entire power bar. That is 20s of power recharge at unnecessary times. Also be careful of short loops as that is what can hurt Legion more than longer loops.

  • Kaalaxi
    Kaalaxi Member Posts: 177

    You forgot that when you miss in feral frenzy you lose all of it and it ends haha

    Legion isn't as bad as you say, I've reached red ranks with Legion almost exclusively. I also play Clown and I think he's worse. While its true that a lot of Legion's kit was nerfed they are much better than they were before, 5% speed makes a lot of difference.

  • Kaalaxi
    Kaalaxi Member Posts: 177

    Actually there are some situations where missing an attack is good, you can use it for extra distance at the end of frenzy and reach a window to block it before a survivor gets there.

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    Honestly i feel like using his power is waste of time most of the time. His power is worth when at least 3 survivors aren't hit. It's disgusting.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    A daily reminder on the fact that 4king with a killer against braindead survivors doesn't make that killer strong or "not as weak as everybody is saying".

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,067

    A daily reminder on the fact that not constantly getting 4Ks does not mean that a Killer is weak.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    You incur a base 4s stun or 3.76s stun with max cooldown for that which allows survivors enough time to just go the other way with minimal risk. Proper good survivors aren't considered with a stunned legion window block.

  • Kaalaxi
    Kaalaxi Member Posts: 177

    Yes but certain windows where it is the only option to escape through can mess up a survivor. A lot still try to phase through you and jump it. You still gain extra distance with an attack at the end of Frenzy which can be used while traversing the map.

  • ZVom
    ZVom Member Posts: 199

    The absolutely ridiculous part of his ability is hitting deep wounded survivors actually only HELP THEM by giving short sprint.