BBQ and Chili

Does anyone else think that BBQ is overpowered in its current form? I have a hard time seeing why anyone wouldn't run it. It gives you blood points, It tells you where the survivors are, and it rewards you for hooking? Idk. seems like an auto win perk in my opinion. Let me know how you people counter it. I've been trying to use the laurie strode perks, but they dont seem to be the right fit.


  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264
    edited May 2019

    BBQ is the biggest crutch in the game. It allows the killers to skip searching for survivors, especially for high mobility killers and start chasing them immediately. It also makes all the tracking and seeking perks useless. APART from that it gives a huge BP boost. AND it has no downsides at all. AND the killer can still camp as much as he wants if he decides to do so, doing so has no downsides.

    Camping shouldn't be fixed with a perk.

    Before someone writes about BBQ counters - they are all way too situational. Distortion only works 3 times. You don't always have a locker or a gen near you. Running back and forth half the map is ridiculous, annoying and wastes too much time.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Git gud.

  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264

    Nice contribution.

    People posting this sh** in a balance feedback forum should just be banned from it.

  • zach3734
    zach3734 Member Posts: 56

    Tbh it’s not as op as everyone says, I use it mainly for the bp (it’s just a better we’re gonna live forever) but the auras are usally very far and by the time you get there the survivors are gone and the hooked survivor is saved good survivors just walk in a different direction for the 4 seconds when a survivors are hooked. Anyone who complains about this are just too lazy to get off of a gen for 4 seconds. Survivors have aura perks too and they get keys and can Use discord servers to relay information, that’s not fair either but they complain anyways about it being a crutch perk while running DS, MoM, adrenaline, and dead hard.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
    edited May 2019

    LOCKERS! OF COURSE! thank you. This is the kind of quality reply I was looking for.

    let me play a few games where I incorporate using lockers and see how effective it is in combination with laurie's perks.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    That's debatable.

    I can still think of some pretty BS mechanics with BBQ. For example - iron maiden negates locker hiding. Infectious fright tells you where nearby survivors are. BBQ tells you where far away survivors are.Territorial Imperative tells you when survivors enter the Basement. Discordance tells you if survivors are doubling up generators. So If you take BBQ, Discordance, Iron Maiden, and Infectious Fright specifically on a fast moving killer or a killer with decent area denial (which is 90% of the roster) you're going to pretty much win. I don't understand how as a survivor you're supposed to counter this?

    Let's take all of the anti-aura abilities - object of obsession + sole survivor + Distortion + lightweight (to hide your marks while running away from the killer during the start of the match)

    in this scenario 2 teammates have to die before you get enough distance on your sole survivor to combo it with object of obsession in order to avoid being seen when in lockers. If the killer doesn't see you he's going to start searching near the hook - so you cant just hide near the hook. BBQ has a range of 40 meters. Sole survivor requires you to be within 24 meters for it to work and it only works if 1 ally is dead. So for the first 3 hooks that BBQ and Chili activate for if you're far away you can use distortion - which has exactly 3 tokens. after that your jeff johanson perk is worthless. but the killer has an opportunity to get 9 hooks not including the 3 that would kill you. so in the best scenario the killer gets 3 hooks and they're all on different survivors who try to escape using their timers and then they lag or whatever and auto die. so now you're the only one left with a maxed out sole survivor, lightweight, and object of obsession. This is still a loss because even if you escape on your own, you would have to have had zero interaction with the killer the entire match since your character doesn't have any escape perks that will allow you to earn boldness points nor do you have any support skills to aid your allies if you were to try and hook rescue, heal, coop gens, etc. which means no altruistic points. objective points will only be available in the form of cleansing dull totems and solo running gens because if you duo gen there's a chance you'll prematurely use up your token - so your points as a survivor are pretty much dead all to counter a single perk. going further now you have 24*3= 72 meters of aura imunity BUT NOT FLARE UP IMMUNITY so doctor's madness, rancor, and infectious fright still activate and will give your position away - unless you run calm spirit on top of the 4 perks you already have and you literally can't do that!

    but let's assume you could and you have a player on your team that is just god tier at running the killer around in circles. so you end up with all gens rushed, all totems cleansed, all chests looted, the game has been going on for an hour and no one has opened the gate yet just because, all pallets are used up, all hooks have been broken because jake brought the brand new iridescent toolbox that no one asked for that can instantly break hooks (not a real thing) and all that's left to do is power the gates. so you go to one gate and another ally goes to the other gate - in this very niche situation yes you can escape assuming that the killer doesn't choose your gate and doesn't catch the person leading them around in circles and doesn't choose the other gate where the support/objective player is hiding then maybe.

    bottom line is that this should not be a thing. BBQ and chili has too much influence in the game. If as other people have stated that blood points are the main reason why killers use it then fine give them 150% increase in blood points for all I care, but the secondary aspect of aura reading without a way for survivors to counter it is a bit obnoxious. Even with just BBQ and Iron Maiden the killer has expanded his entire area of denial to everywhere except the distance between 40 meters and his terror radius which is literally where killers want their prey to be in order to find them. Tacking on whispers will tell you who's inside of the 32 meter range. if you're moving at 4.6 meters this is a death sentence to anyone not in a locker, in a locker, outside of a locker at 40+ meters, and anyone that doesn't have some form of sprint burst or distortion tokens. Tacking on predator ruins sprint burst, tacking on spies from the shadows limits hiding behind rocks between the 40 meter and 32 meter range because birds. idk man. I'm not seeing a lot of options here for survivors.

    I'd be fine with it if the perk only gave auras for the first time hanging each opponent or if there was a token system for it similar to how jeff has a token system, but the way it is now it's literally a 1 size fits all perk. A killer's swiss army knife. 4 seconds at .6 meters per second is a total of 2.4 meters gained on a survivor after hooking assuming that as a killer they're not running play with your food which grants a potential 15%-5%=10% movement speed bonus

    assuming also that you're more than double the distance required of 40 meters at 80 meters you're only going to have 1 of 2 directions to go in order to avoid the killer and that's left along the wall or right along the wall because the rough average of all maps in a straight line from 1 side to the other is about 105 meters - which is once again assuming that you're on a map that is perfectly square and not distorted and irregular in shape. Literally 4 maps are like this out of 27. The science of kinematics proves that a killer will always catch an opponent so long as he predicts the path due to how linear it is. a Killer can accelerate faster than a survivor and will be on top of the survivors tracks within those 4 seconds of hooking the previous survivor.

    in no scenario is BBQ not a good option.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    When I play survivor I nearly always use lockers to block it. When I'm playing killer it's pretty common to see nobody and still have clear signs later that they didn't come into BBQ range.

    Don't ######### about a perk for being too strong because it has a tonne of counters, including lockers which are ever present on nearly every tile, just because you're choosing to not use the counters provided to you.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Step 1: Get within 40 meters of the hook.


    Step 1: Stay in the locker and wait for the killer to start chasing someone else.


    Step 1: Leave the locker and ghost the killer.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    By entering a match, seeing as almost nobody runs it.

    Even moreso because if you're outside BBQ range then you aren't getting hit in that 15 seconds of exposed.

    Reasonable response? Inane reply.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    There are like 7 ways to counter it. Naming the easiest one is just to hide in locker when killer picks someone up (lockers block aura reading now). Just scout forums a little and you'll find people explaining how to play against it.

    And argument everyone runs it so it's OP and needs nerf isn't a good one. If it was Self care would have gotten hard core nerfed or completely reworked loooong time ago.

  • Schwifty
    Schwifty Member Posts: 70
    edited May 2019

    BBQC is always in my line up when I can get it in the blood web. Even without the aura reading part I'd still take it, the extra BP it brings just makes it far too good to pass up.

    Make of that what you will but it's the truth. BBQC is one of the best Killer perks out there. Should best mean nerf? I don't know about that, if that was the case all the perks in the game would be nerfed to Left Behind status.

    I say buff all other perks (both Survivor and Killer) up to BBQC status so there are genuine hard choices to be made.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145


    40 meters - spirit moves at 7.04 m/s for 5 seconds while in her ethereal form. let's do some math.

    7.04m/s x 4 seconds - 28.16 meters.

    okay cool. add the green item dirty uwabaki and you're moving at 191% movement speed.

    that's 7.64 m/s x 5 seconds = 38.2 meters. any additional movement speed buffs

    (15 seconds - 5 seconds) * .4m/s = 4 meters.

    4 meters + 38.2 meters = 42.2 meters. it's possible with spirit. this isn't even including other movement speed buffs that are possible.

    assuming you use her mother daughter ring you're getting 176+40 = 216% movement speed buff. so 4*2.16 = 8.64

    8.64*15 = 129.6 meters.

    the average length of an arena in a perfect square is about 105m. im sorry, but you're wrong.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So what you're saying is that the Spirit needs to stack three add-ons, do I have that right?

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    no. im not saying that. I'm saying that if a spirit uses a single add on - the mother daughter ring and an item that increases her duration of the phase walk to be that of the 15 seconds - so an additional 8-10 seconds she can traverse the entire map.

    the mother daughter ring gives you 40% movement speed.

    if you were to combine it with let's say katsumori talisman which gives a considerable increase to the duration of yamaoka's haunting duration then you could in theory travel the entire distance of the map in the ethereal plane.

    that aside the statement was that you can't hit a survivor exiting a locker 40 meters away in 15 seconds. which is proven wrong by my example.

    however, assuming that you dont want to use the mother daughter ring you could still hit a survivor approximately 40-45 meters away before the exposed status effect expired even if the survivor is trying to run away.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So because one killer, who'd need to dedicate all their add-on slots and half their perk slots just for this one mechanic, might possibly get a bigger advantage than other killers, you want to gut the perk?

    You do understand what synergy is, right? Some killers have more synergy with some perks than others. That's what builds are, after all, a combination of things that work well together.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428


    Ok, where to start...?

    First off, for the Killer to combo Iron Maiden and BBQ, they are giving up two perk slots. There are only two Killers who can make proper use of Iron Maiden, and even then, the benefits they get are minimal. Iron Maiden is a perk no one ever runs, making this combo as rare as someone pulling off Hangman's Trick being useful. Not to mention, Iron Maiden's notification is purely based on sounds if the Killer happens to not be looking in that direction. On top of all, you are seriously overestimating locations as opposed to aura reading. Locations are a pin, aura reading tells the Killer where you are heading. There are so many ways to play around avoiding the notification from Iron Maiden.

    Infectious Fright should only be triggering once per match. If you are not playing accordingly, then the problem is somewhere else. And what does Infectious Fright have to do with BBQ? BBQ happens when you hook someone, IF when you down someone. They have no similarities (other than being tracking perks) or even complementing effects. And, even if IF tells you where Survivors are around you, do you just assume Survivors cant walk while carrying someone to a hook or what?

    Discordance, like IF, has nothing to do with BBQ. Its arguably one of those perks that actually hinder the Killer further if other players figure out they have it (and its pretty easy to tell). If Survivors start working on different generators, your gen pressure flies off like a crow.

    Whispers. It is indeed powerful. But, so what? Its a tool that works amazingly, but difficult to use properly. I would like to remind you that Whispers triggers even with hooked Survivors. So using it to track in the vicinity of the hook is impossible. I am not going to reply about Spies from the Shadows and Predator... I will just say, Killers also have a limit of 4 perk slots, just as Survivors do.

    The build you suggested is a tracking build. And a bad one for the reason I posted above. Half of it has nothing to do with BBQ. And the other half is just slightly more effective than just using BBQ. How builds generally work, you focus on something while neglecting other chances. For instance, if you are running that, where is Ruin? Where is Enduring + Spirit Fury? Where is Nurse's Calling? Where is PGTW? Where is Surveillance? All perks that focus on different aspects which are overall better than that build you listed.

    Now, on to the Survivor perks section... "2 teammates have to die before you get enough distance on your sole survivor to combo it with object of obsession in order to avoid being seen when in lockers". You do realise OoO is aura reading, and when inside lockers your aura is hidden? Ok. As for Sole Survivor, its a ######### perk. Just because a ######### perk is ######### doesnt mean a Killer perk should be nerfed.

    Have you ever even used OoO? I dont think you have. The Survivor is the one who dictates when their aura is read and when it isnt by simply moving their camera around. If the Killer doesnt see your aura, then that means he will either assume you are on the other side of the map hiding (looking away, out of range or inside a locker) or in close proximity (OoO deactivates while inside of their TR). So, basically, the Killer can safely assume you are somewhere on the map!

    Now, Distortion, really? You just seem to not be able to make proper use of a perk. Distortion isnt a brainless perk like BT. The perk exists to inform you the Killer is running something like BBQ. Then you react accordingly, like concealing your aura. That way, you can save your stacks to use them for when you actually need them, rather than just standing in the middle of the map with a finger up your tushie.

    As for the build you recommended, once again, its a bad build. Bad build = Bad results (generally). OoO is basically a "get in a chase with me", not a "Im gonna stealth this one". If you trust your abilities during a chase, then dont use any chase perks. But if you use OoO, suck as chases and choose no exhaustion perks, you might as well be deranking. Also, combining Distortion and OoO together is just as effective as using No Mither and Self Care. They dont work together, so obviously dont expect them to work. And about altruism and objective, as someone who has used OoO, I can safely say unhooking someone or working on generators (in other words, actually doing something) wont be your demise if you have it.

    By the way, totems give points in Boldness, not Objective. Unless you mean the Lightbringer emblem, and that only applies to hex totems.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    the statement "buff all the others to match this 1" is a bit silly. if the end goal is to create "tough decisions between perks" then buffing the perks to all be overloaded doesn't solve that. It instead makes it so there's no wrong answer. if you're wanting the perks to be tough choices then you have to individualize them around specific game mechanics that actually matter. for example - you mentioned a desire to farm blood points as your primary reason for taking BBQ right? The problem with that rationale is that if that was all you're using it for then you'd just remove it for a better perk and run offerings like survivor pudding and such because "the aura doesn't matter" But we all know that the aura is what's giving you those blood points because without knowing where the survivors are and without actively succeeding at being a killer you're not going to get very many blood points regardless. you have to interact with the survivors to get blood points - whether that be by slowing generator progression, entering and winning chases, successfully hitting your opponent, destroying pallets, and using your ability : if you're not involved with the survivors you're not getting blood points.

    The combination of blood points + aura reading that's outside of the terror radius + having an opponent hooked already creates a lose lose scenario for survivors and combining it with just iron maiden limits the counter-play substantially.

    would you still take BBQ if it didn't provide aura reading at all?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    No, having perks that are worthless is what takes away any tough choices. If your choices are between Unrelenting 3 at release (9% increase in recovery speed) or NOED 3 at release (lasts indefinitely and isn't a Hex perk), that's no choice at all. On the other hand, if all perks are equally good at the one thing they're supposed to do, then you have to choose how you want your build to work.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,066

    From all the Meta-Perks, BBQ is probably the one with the least impact. The Aura Read is not even really useful on many Killers. If you see a Leatherface, Trapper or maybe even Hag with BBQ, they only use it for the BPs. Aura Read only really benefits the fast Killers like Nurse, Spirit or Billy.

    For a Standard M1-Killer, Perks which would help in a Chase would be more useful, like Bamboozle or Brutal Strength. And using Bamboozle on the Shack Window to force the Pallet thrown earlier than usual will have a bigger impact than Aura Reading of Survivors, who will not be there anymore when a 115% MS-Killer reachs them.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    More often than not, I see no auras with BBQ. I do take it anyway, for the Bloodpoints.

    BBQ is something survivors should want to work, though. There is a helpless survivor on the hook, someone who can do nothing but hang there and wait. They can't do anything to make the killer leave the hook. If the killer doesn't leave the hook, no one can make the save, and that's a lot of altruism points. If the killer sees an aura with BBQ, they're encouraged to leave the hook, giving someone a chance to make that save. The person on the hook can't go anywhere, but the person whose aura was just seen with BBQ is fully mobile. They could juke the killer before they're ever even found, or they could lose the killer after they're found or at least keep the killer busy for a while.

    I know some survivors think, "That person got hooked, they deserve to be on the hook; I don't deserve to be found because of it." But no one's perfect, most survivors will get hooked at some point. And don't forget, a survivor being left on the hook will hurt the entire team's emblem scores.

    Is Iron Maiden suddenly meta or something? I almost never see anyone running Iron Maiden when I play survivor. I haven't even bothered to unlock the teachable, because I don't want it junking up my Bloodwebs.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145


    you say giving up, but you still have 2 perks. knowing where the survivors are and where they aren't is a powerful tool. All killers excluding the nurse move faster than the survivors. All killers at or above 4.4 movement speed can and will catch a survivor assuming they maintain chase properly due to the way bloodlust and exhausted work.

    survivors get a maximum of 6 m/s movement speed when using abilities or getting hit. all of which last for 2-5 seconds max.

    if your reasoning is that losing 2 perks will prevent you from getting your initial hook then I argue that you dont need 4 perks to get a merciless victory. In fact there are "adept" challenges that prove this.

    it takes 20 seconds to repair a generator with 4 players and everyone using toolboxes and prove thyself - assuming no failed skill checks and it's a 4 man generator.

    if the killer has bitter murmur or discordance (which i mentioned earlier) this build strategy is pretty much derailed from the beginning and the killer can typically tell just by looking at who's in their lobby what is about to happen.

    i understand the various uses of distortion. they're kind of obvious.

    object of obsession + sole survivor does not counter itself. straight from the wiki :

    Can be used with Object of Obsession so that you can see the Killer, but they potentially can't see you. It is possible to fully conceal yourself if both Perks are at Tier III.

    self heal and no mither actually counter each other 100%. are you sure YOU'VE ever used object of obession and sole survivor? The line of sight mechanic makes it so you don't even have to reveal your location while on the map you just look away when the killer isn't near you. Perks like spine chill and Dark Sense make it so you never have to worry about where the killer is and if an ally is using kindred you're going to know where he is based on that perk also. once the first teammate dies you're safe 20 meters away and it counters pig, wraith, etc. who would be using their zero range terror radius. at 2 deaths youre safe up to 48 meters which is practically 1/3 of the map and you're never going to be in a terror radius that isn't extended with the aid of distressing or other similar perks. I've used it countless times to counter players that weren't running bbq and chili and it makes hatch escapes or end game collapse escapes that much more likely.

    Idk man.. the more you post the more i have to question your knowledge of the game. sure I got the cleansing information wrong - i put objective instead of bold, but you literally just provided about 9 examples that are entirely opinion based without any information to back it up and what's worse is that you've listed perks that are considered on their own better or backed by popular opinion, but you're neglecting the benefits of BBQ when combined with other perks or you're just considering typical generic builds which is a sign of inexperience and a lack of flexibility. And most importantly - you're not providing any numbers. If we neglect the numbers then anything can be balanced or broken.

    I've asked for someone to explain how to counter bbq and chili and so far i've had "lockers", "distortion", and "play smart" which are all great answers in a vacuum.

    lockers? = bbq+iron maiden.

    distortion? = bbq has 9 potential charges. combine that with any other aura reading perk and your 3 charges are likely to be gone before 2nd generator.

    play smart? = okay dad. might as well say "git gud" like the guy on the 3rd comment. this means nothing to anyone because playing smart is not a valid tactic nor is it reliable. Playing smart is almost the equivalent of blind luck in a video game because a strategy that wins 100% of the time is broken and if there's a counter to something it will be used. when there aren't counters then you're relying on prediction and prediction is a fancy word for guess. might as well flip a coin.

    i mean no disrespect in any way and I appreciate the replies, but I'm looking for something concrete. opinions are fine, but i already have an opinion. I need facts. A lot of these replies are primarily just reposts of the same things constantly being spewed with little or no thought put into them and substantially lacking evidence.

  • Schwifty
    Schwifty Member Posts: 70
    edited May 2019

    Everybody uses Self Care because it works and has great, effective utility = OP - Nerfed

    Everybody used DS because it worked and had great, effective utility = OP - Nerfed

    Everybody uses MoM because it works and has great, effective utility = OP - Nerf inc

    Everybody uses BBQC because it works and has great, effective utility = Not OP (and anyone who suggests it needs to be balanced is melted with rage-tears of napalm fury)

    Hmmm. I'm seeing some inconsistencies here.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Because you're speaking in half-truths. The problem with MoM and DS was the lack of counterplay. BBQ was also already nerfed (remember how lockers didn't use to hide your aura?).

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428


    Did you actually read my post? I said Distortion and OoO was a dumb combo (like No Mither and SC). Sole Survivor has nothing to do woth that statement.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    you bring up an interesting point by saying that survivors should want BBQ to work. That being said, however, I think it's also important to note that the killer also wants the perk to work because of how sacrifices iridescent emblem works. without hooking survivors 9 times (interestingly enough the exact number of times you need to hook in order to have a single solo survivor remaining) you'll only get gold. this means the killer wants the match to go on for as long as possible - though the other emblems contradict this. so you're not gaining anything as a survivor by saving your ally and the killer could potentially be baiting you into entering their terror radius/the hooking zone. The killer also gets extra points if you're unable to heal the survivor for a long time and if there are 2 people wounded (because one of you might have a borrowed time perk or something similar) the killer is still benefiting more than you are. The points that are awarded for the save aren't worth the risk of having your gold/silver unbroken medal turned to bronze. you can get plenty of altruism points without saving other players from the hooks since iridescent medals in altruism don't require very much with benevolent only requiring 100 points. you start with 35. if all 3 other survivors die their first time on the hook that's only 30 points you've lost. if you unhook a survivor and they go down in 10 seconds you lose 30 points. decisive strike will guarantee you 30 points. if you were to escape the killers grasp, heal a survivor to max hp, and body block 1 time you're guaranteed gold. beyond that you get a ton of altruism points if that's your goal from just running around since your scratch marks can cover up other survivors marks during a chase.

    I would argue that there are several perks in the game that are highly underrated because of how many players refuse to play outside of the chase. Iron Maiden is not suddenly meta. The meta hasn't changed as far as i'm aware. it's still noed, ruin, bbq, plus perk 4 and the 4 survivor combos of 2 perk combo class + self care + perk 4.

    I think the bloodpoints for bbq and chili should be the focus for the perk. that seems to be everyone's go to argument for why they use it. 150% bloodpoints and an aura flare per 1st time hooks seems reasonable.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    i did, but you kept making baseless statements and i'm half asleep. my eyes must have wavered. the added "oh boys" and such were cluttering your main argument and wordy so it was easy to get lost between paragraphs. I tend to do that myself where I write with extra fluff, but it's a bad habit and prevents readers from understanding the main point.

    a couple of examples :

    now where to start...? (unneeded fluff that is meant to relay emotion.)

    only 2 killers can use this effectively (which 2?)

    iron maiden is a perk no one ever runs (seems illogical that "no one" would use it)

    as rare as (you just used an analogy as a pillar for your argument)

    you are seriously overestimating (based on what scale?)

    and this is all just within the first point. i could do this more on your other points, but like i said - i do it too sometimes and it's a hard habit to break. sometimes you just want to write and type the way you talk inside of your head.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    I understand what synergy is.

    I also understand that spirit isn't the only killer that can use this combination. she was just the easiest example to prove the statement wrong with raw numbers.

    it's hard to prove something when you're not using raw numbers and a lot of scenarios where the killer could hit the survivor exiting the locker is based on interactions that are extremely unreliable. for example legion could do it assuming he has a movement speed buff and is using his frenzy, but the exposed status would have to hit after he has recovered from his exhaustion. if the survivor makes the mistake of walking towards the killer after exiting the locker then most killers could hit the survivor, but those examples are too unreliable to consider a definite thing that could and would happen.

    Spirit on the other hand is easy to replicate and can happen consistently.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So it's unreliable in every other killer, which sounds to me like a problem that solves itself. It also probably explains why nobody actually uses that perk combination.

    Yes, the Spirit can get some use out of it in a consistent way (though only once; afterward, everyone will already know that the Spirit has those perks). That's synergy. That's the whole logic behind builds, that they work consistently.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    To those saying iron maiden counters locker hiding i want to remind you the killer lost a perk slot to do this. Now as survivour having a strong base kit is the norm but for killer losing a perk slot is massive.

    Espicially since 90% of killers need ruin or noed vs your average high rank survivour so effectively having bbq guarranteed means nothing. Hell even if they bbq you just hug obnoxious loops crotus prenn myers house etc and the killer will back off. Count to 4 seconds moving forward a direction after someones hooked then immediately turn around.

    If infectious fright is your problem they arent going to be hooking they are going to be slugging. Infectious fright is a slugging perk.

    Even then calm spirit counters infectious fright so if your really stealth centered just run all of the stealth perks if killer detection perks frustrate you so much.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    it's a bit inaccurate to say that we're going to live forever is a direct equal to bbq chili. because bbq grants blood points AND an aura for hooking a survivor. In order to use wglf you have to have someone on your team become injured.

    if wglf was on par with bbq then wglf would be a combination of borrowed time and wglf all in one perk. it rewards you for doing your job and then gives you a temporary buff with no downside.

    that's what bbq is.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    it's not unreliable in practice, but in data it's unreliable. as far as using it to prove a point it would seem shaky and could be argued against.

    you have to consider how many generators repaired, where those generators are, how close you are to the edge of the maps, where lockers are located, what other 2 perks are you running, what killer you're playing, how many survivors are left, is the trap door spawned or opened, etc.

    trying to say that nobody does something based on your own personal experiences and on streamer preferences is a bit flawed. according to the video at the top of the screen apparently 100s of thousands of people are interacting with this game in some way, shape or form. even if only 1/5th of those players are private players that keep to themselves, you're still looking at 20000 people that could be playing uniquely without anyone else involved assuming that 100,000 people are playing the game regularly. And what's more not all of those players are going to be on your server nor are they going to be able to have you join because of how network protocols work.

    if you're a high tier killer that loves winning and have a top secret build then you're probably not going to share that with the survivors.

    tachanka is a great example of something that is popular just because internet memes. The mass appeal of something doens't have to be a direct correlation to that things worth or inherent value.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Iron maiden i used it and its good you cannot say that nobody its using cuz you didint see most killers have i play both and as a killer i use iron maiden and as a survivor i saw some killer using it aswell xd

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    If bbq is a problem for you then hide in lockers. If Iron Maiden is a problem then start using Calm Spirit.