About the Location of the Leave Match Button

Would it be possible to place it on an second tab after hitting the escape button? There would be match information separate from the dc button. That way, leaving a match early would seem less like a part of the game and more of an emergency measure. There are no other indicators in the game that tell uninformed players that abusing this button is bannable, particularly since for many of these people, DbD is their first online multiplayer game of the genre.
There should be 5 confirmation pop-up messages, and the "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons change locations randomly.
Or a 20 second wait time to actually be DCed.
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Adding content to my original post: Is it possible to have the Leave Match button also close down the game so that if there really is an emergency, there are less buttons to click through before the application closes?
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People will still do this:
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Surprisingly, most people (from my experience) leave by using the in-game dc button. No one's ever going to completely solve salty dc's, but changes like these make it harder and more tedious to dc than wait it out.