Why is everyone trying to get DS butchered?



  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @MegMain98 he is easy in comparison to Spirit, I agree.

    Also, yeah if people put the time in, she's an extremely rewarding killer.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I wonder what stun time the devs will set it to, if anything else.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    @MegMain98 I think the thing is that MOST killers in this game are easy to learn.

    Spirit, Nurse, Huntress and Hag have different parts on their kit what take a while to get a hold of, but other than them, the basic M1 killers have a very low skill cap.

    However, every single killer also has the potential to have a high ceiling with mindgaming, moonwalking etc. I firmly believe that no killer is braindead when played at the highest level, because you simply cannot win without outplaying the survivors (that was an honor exclusive to old Legion). But other than the ones I mentioned above, none of them have a very high skill cap either. In fact, I think that by the nature of the chainsaw Billy might even have a higher skill cap than most basic M1 killers.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907
    edited June 2019

    @gantes Spirit, Nurse, and Huntress easily have the highest skill cap. It takes quite a while to learn to properly play those three. I’d say Spirit is the easiest. Nurse and Huntress are quite difficult at times. Hag on the other hand I don’t think is difficult at all. I understood her playstyle in about a day or two. It’s more learning map layouts and trapping places where survivors always go. You can cut off some strong loops AND have good map pressure.

    To be honest, the basic M1 killers don’t have that high of a skill cap. Sure you can moonwalk and mindgame pallets but their powers just aren’t powerful enough to be viable in high ranks.

    Wow...Wraith can ring a bell, impressive. Leatherface is a less athletic version of Billy. Doctor can shock survivors to prevent a vault but all they have to do is keep running the pallet while Doctor flip flops between punishment and treatment mode. Legion? Please. Feral Frenzy is a minor inconvenience at best. Billy has a higher skill cap than somebody like Leatherface but he’s the easiest top tier killer to play for sure. I just don’t think the chainsaw is too hard to control. It doesn’t take long to learn Billy. I’m personally garbage but if I tried I’m pretty sure I can be pretty decent within at least three days. Ya know...if I don’t die from boredom first.

    Some M1 killers CAN be viable like Myers, Plague, and potential Trapper if you can snowball...but a lot of them rely on survivors making mistakes and if the survivors are good then the killer stands no chance. There is a reason you see Nurse, Billy, and Spirit in red ranks all the time.

  • moonlunn
    moonlunn Member Posts: 170

    It’s balanced killers literally will complain about gen rushing but anything that helps survivors prolong a chase is apparently op

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2019

    That's false, they're is also a fair share of people that want the old ds back because the new one is "#########" according to them

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    @Poweas Every killer also doesn't have an instadown so we can't think of that as baseline. If we assume the unhooked farms the player, the killer will need to hit the unhooker, hook them and then chase after the survivor who got unhooked. This already gives the survivor a huge headstart.

    The survivors are a team. If one screws up, it hurts the whole team.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @PolarBear That was an example of how it'd be terrible if they nerfed it that way. I know every killer has no instadown.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714


    I know for sure you like reasonable discussions, and my issue with the perk is not tied to "tunneling" at all. It has more to do with the easily exploitable situations that most people here are not even considering. They just don't get out of their dOn'T tUnNeL mindset.

    Granted those "2 other guys hooked, still got hit by DS" situations have happened to me quite a few times, playing as Billy/Huntress. All of them in matches so close where a single whiff / hit tanked by MoM has an impact in the outcome, because playing vs teams in the red ranks go like that always.

    Guy 1 hooked, guy 2 unhooks and I go after him. Guy 2 downed and hooked, guy 3 comes and unhooks. I go after guy 3, downed abd hooked, and then guy 1 comes for the save. It doesn't matter if healed or not.

    At this point, there are potentially 2 guys with DS active, most likely some or all have MoM and BT too, as well as there are 2 potential deliverance guys.

    In this situation, if you for the unhooker = DS. Unhooked = BT. Prevent the save and chase someone away from the hook = deliverance. Slug = crawl away from sight, different directions, unbreakable. Throw in an instaheal. You get my point.

    The thing is, it's so hard to build any pressure in most maps, and to get it taken away artificially by all those stacked free extra chances just feels cheap, and it's always exploited by teams that know exactly what they're doing. That's the problem I see.

    In your example: sure it feels bad to be the unhooked guy. But it's surv #2 who makes a mistake, he's the crappy player. But don't worry, rewarding game mechanics got your back.

    Anyway, the killer is now forced to play dumb to not get hit by DS. And the worst thing is even letting guy #1 run free without smacking him won't prevent you from getting hit by DS 59 secs later. So now it's 2 hook chances being thrown away by a perk making up for a bad play from surv#2.

    Anyway, whatever. I already know it won't change, it's just another extra chance in a sea of extra chances, and a killer should know that even playing by the made up set of rules, won't be enough.

    So play dirty and get hit, play "nice" and get hit too. Pick your poison.

    But don't equip iri heads, prayer beads, moris or instasaw, because 3 suckers will DC as soon as they find out.

    They'll rework MoM though, which is the worst offender now.

    Have a nice day and see you around

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Exactly, as a killer main its balanced now

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,665

    What am I supposed to see?

    What does posting two additional imaginary rulesets add to the conversation?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,027

    What if they simply make it deactivate if a survivor does something like unhook a teammate, begin cleansing a totem, begin opening a door, or begin working on a gen. That person is clearly NOT being tunneled off the hook.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    I think DS is fine, BUT I think they should revert the stu buff after they nerf Enduring against it. However, even if they didn't, I still wouldn't be bothered by it because it has a condition and a easy counter.