The Community has Spoken about SWF



  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    They also count disconnects in their stats, likely to skew it in their favor that "kILleRs aRe jUsT fInE"

    Not to mention plenty of survivors get themselves killed making risks they shouldn't make, such as going for a save against a facecamper. That doesnt mean Killers are strong, it means Survivors are stupid. That statistic means absolutely nothing when Survivors quit, and it means nothing when they don't care about their own lives. All that matters is the Pip, not surviving.

    Also, I would like to add that people apparently saying that they are threatening the devs with leaving the game, aren't the SWF players doing the same exact thing? "This will kill the game." "I won't play anymore."

    You're literally acting the same. If it doesn't work, the changes can always be reverted.

    Why not at least TRY?

    Post edited by weirdkid5 on
  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    More like the 50k had no intention of buying the game so they just enjoyed their free weekend and went back to their normal gaming pleasure.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    A DC is a loss. Same for killer or survivor. Loss is loss.

    Not everyone plays "the optimal way" that you believe is the only way to play. Survivors take risks because that's how they play the game. If the game were nothing but a killer face camping one survivor and all gens getting done that would get boring fast for everyone.

    There are many changes that need to be done to the game. Removing SWF, is neither a smart one nor a good one. Nerfing pallets and looping, giving all survivors more baseline info (like making Bond, Empathy and Kindred baseline), making things like Ruin and NoEd baseline, bringing back old dark and gloomy lighting, and adjusting gen speed times to make them shorter then introducing a second objective that requires you to run around the map, these are all changes I would recommend to fix the game.

    Not removing SWF, which is ass backwards. As BHVR themselves said, SWF is here to stay, even if it goes against the original vision. Killers need to accept that and stop stroking that tired old line that "The game was not meant to have SWF!" It's here to stay. Deal with it.

    I'm glad you're not in charge of design for this game.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    And 50k people found the game unworthy of purchasing. Sad isnt it?

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Actually, from what I can see, this pallet thing will buff killer. With shorter loops, the killer can easily force the survivor on the loop then smack them.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Actually, from what I can see, this pallet thing will buff killer. With shorter loops, the killer can easily force the survivor on the loop then smack

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    A DC is not a loss. Legitimate connections issues exist in this game because it is P2P. Besides, a more accurate representation would be the pip up rate.

    You can Rank up without surviving. This means gauging Survivors as "losing" via dying is absolutely pointless and does not even come close to representing the true state of the game. If we were to gauge the Pip rate of Survivors based on whether they die or not would give a better idea.

    Some people suicide on the hook for their friend to get the hatch. They might do this because they know they already have a pip and can take a death. Do you seriously consider that a loss? Ranking up but still dying? That's a win dude. No way to twist that.

    Also this "not everyone plays this way" is an extremely terrible argument. Any game that cares about its balance will balance the game around the top players. Even Super Smash Bros, a game Sakurai INSISTS is meant to be a casual game, is STILL balanced around top competitive players that are the 1%, simply because of the potential of what can happen. There is 0 reason for DbD to do the same.

    Also, you chastising that I shouldn't be on a dev team without even reading my post just goes to show that you have no idea what you're talking about. At no point did I EVER suggest they remove SWF. Not once. Not in my entire Petiton did I ever consider removing it.

    Get real and read before you start talking nonsense please.

    Also for the record, I literally say in my post that I do NOT want people who use VOIP to be banned. I simply point out Rule 5 to highlight the contradiction in the developers Rules.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    The guy who came up with this idea (me) isn't a Killer player breh

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited June 2019

    First off, many games balance around the majority of the player base and not the top end. Overwatch is one such example.

    Second, the ranking system in this game is broken and useless. Emblem system is dumb as bricks. It all needs a rework. Most people don't even care about rank anymore, and in fact ranking up is even seen as a punishment by some. To the point that there are killers who derank by leaving the game on and turbo attacking just to lose. The things that actually matter for most people are "winning" by killing or surviving. Huge improvements need to be made here.

    Third, my bad you didn't want to remove SWF. I'm sorry, I don't know you, are you supposed to be someone important? Your air of self-importance leads me to believe you're some kind of big shot. But your solution is no good. Making a ranked and casual mode is problematic, not because it splits the playerbase, but because of the way it splits the playerbase.

    Basically you have an SWF mode and a non-SWF mode. Guess what? All the killers will be in non-SWF mode, while all survivors will be playing in SWF mode. Result: dead game. It doesn't matter how big the player base is. As long as the fundamental problem with the game design balance is there, it will never work.

    The solution is to balance around voice comms, they are part of Online Gaming itself and not just the game. Nomally balancing is automatic but in an asymmetric game like this they actually made a terrible design choice when they conceptualized it. The game should be treated like every survivor group has voice comms, and every survivor group should have the ability to get a mild form of knowledge as if they had voice comms -- that means all survivors have Bond, Empathy and Kindred baseline. Then killer mechanics all need to be rebalanced with that in mind.

    Finally, if you have no intention to ban or disallow VOIP why bring it up, it adds nothing to the argument.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    To be honest, as a killer main, just increase my BP for suffering through SWF and that will be good enough for me. I understand there will be a massive drop in survivor numbers if they remove it, or nerf it, so just give killers a reason to play it.