Swf is so busted, as if everyone didn't already know.

Rant Warning

I can't even, its so unbelievably unfair. The fact that Devs have literally balanced this game for potatoes players, no offense to any new players, I still have some stupid moments, and cant even give 2 [BAD WORD] about the people that have been playing the crap out of this game forever now to do something, the people that threw them money since Day 1 to help get them here today so they can put out a bunch of weak killers that all have the same issues, to deal with broke SWF teams. Whats more is the more and more i realize how broke everything is in regards to endgame and higher rank balance the more I want to just move on and its very disheartening because I love this game.

Possible solution IMO: Match 3-4 Stack SWF with higher ranked Killers

I.E. Rank 6 SWF be matched with Rank 4-2 Killers

Simple fix, not removing SWF, not making them unranked just do that and I believe that would alleviate a-lot of the bs. Somethings gotta give somewhere.

Please and Thank you.


  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 127

    This wouldn't fix the core issue of "the power of voice comms." Being able to coordinate changes the game entirely, and gives the survivors a massive advantage. To speak about a different game, think back to old DeathGarden days. Coordinated Runners could keep Hunters from even getting an execute on the Blood Post through pinging when they were going in for the save, ect.

    Jumping back to DBD, the problem is gens are too easy and too quick, with not enough tools given to killers to combat this without perks. And to combat their perks, they gave survivors perks that enable Gen rush. Without coordination, it's fine, since skill can carry you a long way. However, the fact that flashlight and pallet saves are a thing, comms give an extreme advantage, allowing survivors to literally control the flow of the game rather than killers, when SWF is involved.